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The Power of Positive Thinking

What is positive thinking?

Positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits

into the mind thoughts, words and images that
are conductive to growth, expansion and
success. It is a mental attitude that expects good
and favorable results.
Keep your thoughts positive because your
thoughts become your words,
Keep your words positive because your words
become your behavior,
Keep your behavior positive because your
behavior becomes your habits,
Keep your habits positive because your habits
becomes your values,
Keep your values positive because your values
becomes your destiny.
Mahatma Gandhi
Tips for boosting positive attitude
Lighten up

Find the most appropriate beneficial humor in

situation. Humor reduces stress. A good sense
of humor needs to be developed and practiced
because humor is learned response.
Laugh, a lot

Laughter consumes energy and relieves

stress and develops positive attitude.
Expect opportunity

We all get opportunity everyday. It comes

in the strangest pathway. Opportunity is
the pathway to success. We have to
identify the opportunity.
Listen to intuition

Intuition is a gut feeling. People report that

their intuition is right. That’s because it is
based on experience. Listen to your
intuition. You may be surprised at how
much you know.
Expect the best

When we expect the best, we try our best,

because we are looking for the best.
Do your best

You will not get the best if you put out less than
your best. When we do our best, it makes sense
of positive thinking.

This is a problem for many people. We often live

hectic life and don’t have time for ourselves.
Often, when we silence the noise around us, we
hear the voice of inspiration.
Significances of positive

A positive mental attitude is critical for optimal

health. so taking charge of our mind becomes a
vital factor in keeping our body healthy.
Self affirmations

It is a powerful tool for transforming our inner self

into an amazing health generating, self healing
Feel young, live longer

Age is an attitude of the mind. When we think

youthful, we feel youthful. Energy can also be
enhanced by being active, alert and awake most
of the time.

When we are in positive mood, people like us

better, and friendship, love, and coalition are
most likely to cement.
Ideas and experience

A person with positive attitude is always open to

new ideas and new experience.

There is no longer joy than a healthy, positive life.

We feel exhilarated, energetic, happy and top of
the world. A sense of total well being permeates
our mind. The future looks bright. We feel good
to be live.
Thank you

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