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Data Management &

Data lifecycle

Survey Conception
Data System Architecture
Data collection management
Data Analysis & Dissemination
Type of info per usage

Global Project Outreach Indicators

reports report material (Focus)

Registration X X X X
IDP profiling X X X X
Protection Incident
monitoring X X X X
Protection situation
monitoring X X X X
Population movement
monitoring X X X X
Sectoral assessment X X
Partners activities
monitoring X X
Absorbtion capacity
evaluation X X X
Data Management & Data Lifecycle
From Data.. to Information
Operation Data Manager should be involved in all
the steps of a Data Lifecycle.
Any break of this cycle ends with the
failure of the system :
A data collection form that is ill-
designed either because it does not
satisfy operational information
requirements or is flawed from a
technical standpoint
Data Analysis Data A well designed survey with a poorly
& System designed and therefore poorly
Dissemination maintained database
A structurally well designed database
with no data, as data collection cycles
Collection have not been integrated/respected
management A well populated database without
implemented reports and queries and
therefore no output
Data Management & Data Lifecycle
Survey Conception
Before the Form

Avoid reinventing the wheel check what has

been designed and piloted before
Consultation with all stakeholders avoid
duplication of efforts and assessment fatigue of
Layers of data collection
Collect Simple base reference data first
Embark on detailed info based on samples defined from
the base reference
Data collection frequency should vary according to how
frequently the phenomena being tracked or measured

Data Management & Data Lifecycle

Survey Conception
Good practices for Data Collection Forms

1. Questionnaires used in survey research

should be clear and well presented.
2. Think about the form of the questions,
3. Keep the survey as short as possible.
4. Make definitions of data elements
consistent with standard definitions and
analytic conventions
5. Plan clearly how answers will be
6. Test the survey for understandability and
respondent effort through focus groups
Data Management & Data Lifecycle
Data System Architecture
Data model

Data models are the key for

interoperability (i.e easy data
exchange with partners)
Beneficiary Site / community

registration Assessment

Implementing partners Demographics Multi sectoral

should not have to draft and Bio Data -Health
Vulnerability -Education
decide on a core data model; Needs -Water
it should be the same Site Infrastructure
Base Organization Inventory
everywhere and just adapted indicators
Delivered Whos doing
locally where necessary; Assistance what where?
support (guidelines) need to
be there Project activities description
Performance Indicators

Activity monitoring

Importance of a common

Data Management & Data Lifecycle

Data System Architecture
System architecture

Building an Interface for data collection:

Offline desktop
Web/Server based
OCR* ready form (can be scanned)
Integration of external data source (ETL**)
Offering analysis capacity (OLAP*** and Stats)
* Mechanical or electronic translation of scanned images of handwritten, typewritten or printed
text into machine-encoded text
** Extract, transform, and load (ETL) is a process in database usage that involves Extracting
data from outside sources, Transforming it to fit operational needs (which can include quality
levels), Loading it into the end target (database or data warehouse)
*** An OLAP (Online analytical processing) cube is a data structure that allows fast analysis of
Data Management & Data Lifecycle
Data System Architecture
Reports are part of the data system

Queries and tools to extract data from the

databases need to be designed along with
the database

Must give abilities for reporting officers to

- Set up queries and reports without high
level IT knowledge
- To be clear on the standard indicators
these queries should be based on

Data Management & Data Lifecycle

Data collection management
Data collection strategies

Direct coordination with partners

ex : Somali protection cluster

Establishment of a data collection project

ex : UNOPS Goma

Specific Contract with a dedicated partner

Ex: CartONG in Uganda

Data Management & Data Lifecycle

Data collection management
Implementation matrix

UNHCR Implementing Dedicated

Direct Government partner Project partner

Registration X X
IDP profiling X X X
Protection Incident
monitoring X X
Protection situation
monitoring X X
Population movement
monitoring X X X
Sectoral assessment X X
Partners activities
monitoring X
Absorbtion capacity
evaluation X X X
Avoid conflict of interest
Data Management & Data Lifecycle
Data Dissemination
PDF reports and maps

Targets mostly local

partners and decision
Can be disseminated
mailing list (cf
Somali protection)
Google group (cf
Goma Update)
Website (cf
Data Management & Data Lifecycle
Data Dissemination
GeoPortal and Open Data API

is a tool to ensure institutional memory and
Master Data management
Can be a tool for desk officers to visualize a
situation and use map extracts in their reporting

Data API:
Can be used for global dissemination: cf
Worldbank Data API or Google public data
Offers material for data journalism (e.g. computer
assisted reporting on data through journalists)
Data Management & Data Lifecycle
Data Dissemination
Data, Law & License

For all data sets that do not

fall under the Guidelines
for the Regulation of
Computerized Personal
Data Files (for instance
protection data) .

. The Open database

license (ODBL) can give
a legal frame to all our
data collection activities

Data Management & Data Lifecycle

Providing support for the 4 phases of the
4 specific types of expertise that are difficult to combine in one profile:
Statistician/Analyst: Creating a questionnaire and compiling
analyzing the resulting statistics
IS Architect: Building the information system
Manager: Managing the stakeholder consultation process during
the design phase, the collection in the field and dissemination of
Data journalist: Developing sound and sexy reports

Need to find where are the gap among the Operation Data
Management officers network
Need to define the training & support need for each of those specific

Data Management & Data Lifecycle

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