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recovery plan
Disaster recovery plan
Purpose and Scope
Recovery Team
Preparing for disaster
Emergency procedures
Restoration procedures
Disaster Plan
It involves creating, implementing and testing of recovery
plan. These plans include procedures to address redundancy and
fault tolerance as well as backup. The most common features are
as follows.
Purpose and Scope
The reasons for the plans and what it completes is clearly
written the topics should be as following
i) introduction
ii) Incident details and insurance details
Recovery Team
The team which is responsible for the disaster recovery is
clearly defined. It is important that each member knows his role
in the plan and properly trained. The following points should be
i) Recovery team details
ii) Recovery team headquarters
iii) Recovery team leaders
Preparing for Disaster
To reduce the risk of disaster a list is prepared of the entities
that could impact an organization. That list is as following

i) Physical risk
ii) Environmental risk
iii) Internal and external risk
iv) Safeguard
Emergency Procedures
The emergency procedure unit answers the questions what
should happen when a disaster occurs? And this is achieved by
the following steps

i) Disaster recovery team formation

ii) Vendor contact list
iii) Use of alternate sites
iv) Offsite storage
Restoration Procedures
This unit addresses how to fully recover from the disaster
and return to normal business. It includes the following.

i) Central facilities recovery plan

ii) Network communications
iii) Systems and operations
iv) Limited operations at central site

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