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The history of space transportation

By Kieran Hoare
1903: Russian Konstantin Tsiolkovsky 1957, October: USSR launchers Sputnik 1958: America launchers its first
releases paper that mathematically 1, the first artificial satellite into orbit, satalite.
demonstrates liftoff using liquid fuel. and transmits signals from space to
Also proposes the need for multi- Earth.
staged rockets. 1958: Von Braun, recently relocated to
Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, America,
and his team is successful in creating
1915: Robert Goddard establishes that and detonating the first ballistic missile,
it is possible to travel to the moon by 1942: Von Brauns team is successful in the Redstone Rocket, containing a
experimenting with reaction the launch of the first V2 rocket, nuclear warhead.
propulsion in a vacuum. reaching the edge of space.

1959: Luna 3 flies past the moon and

1932-34: Wernher von Brauns 1945: Von Braun and his team defect to takes photos of the far side of the
research team successfully launched the United States and begin working for moon.
two rockets, reaching altitudes of their army.
2.2km and 3.5km.
1960: USSR is successful in returning
1946: First U.S. designed rocket, the animals and plants alive from orbit.
1955: Soviet Academy of Sciences is WAC Corporal, to reach the edge of
commissioned to beat the United space.
States into orbit, resulting in the 1961, January: USSR sends first
Great Space Race hominidae (a chimpanzee) into space.
1947: First animals in space, fruit flies
launched by the U.S.
1957, August: USSR launchers the 1961, April: USSR launches Yuri
worlds first intercontinental ballistic Gargarin into orbit to become first
missile (ICBM). 1957 November: USSR launches the human in space.
first mammal into space, a dog named
1961, May: USSR performs the
first ever flyby of another planet

1962: John Glenn becomes the

first American to circle the Earth

1963: NASA launchers the first of

a series of communication

1963, July: USA successfully tests

the worlds first reusable space-
1966, February: USSR performs 1967: WRESAT, Australias first
first ever soft landing on the satellite is launched using a
moon. modified, 2 stage Redstone
1966, March: America is
successful in first ever orbital 1967, January: Apollo 1s cabin,
docking between two spacecraft filled with pure oxygen, catches
on fire due to an electrical fault
during a take off rehearsal,
killing all three crew members.

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