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There is a direct mode of address from the

photoshoot which acts as a code of involving the The colour scheme here is evidently an in-house
This film magazine front cover is theme that brings out the strong red of the main
audience, making the character in shown to
largely conventional, with its image, emphasising the connotations of passion,
appear bolder and more striking.
inclusion of a bold, central main war, danger and power that are reflected by it.
image, a masthead in the top third This also helps to challenge the usual secondary
of the page and an adaptation to nature of women in film (and references to the
colour scheme that allows elements First Girl Theory), with the female main character
to be eye catching. being depicted in a more patriarchal role and
This is backed up by the well contrasted cover line
The composition of the page is
that reads Women In Film anchoring the
well thought out, with more
context of the main image with the text.
secondary articles and elements
mentioned in smaller font and in
less attention drawing positions. The representation of women in this front
Despite this, the use of simply cover is unconventional when compared to
the name of actors or the titles most depictions of action films, applying Steve
of films helps to draw interest Neales repetition and differences theory to the
from target audiences by just representation of the action genre. The red
referencing content that they armour and display of weapons in this cover act
may be interested in. The lack of as a repetition and potential intertextual
further information here, leads reference to other action films with similar
the reader to want to find out themes. Whereas the use of a woman in the
more. lead role stands as the difference making the
photoshoot even more effective as the
character is given extra significance to the film.
There are many conventional and necessary An adaptation towards the text of Women In Film
inclusions of this front cover which will also seems to show dirt and a griminess that connotes the
be needed for my own, including barcodes, narrative of the action film that is being advertised
website addresses, puffs and issue dates. acting as a Proairetic code for what happens in the

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