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The Friend @ Midnight The Rich Fool The Watchful Servants The Faithful & The Unfaithful Servant

The Faithful & The Unfaithful Servant The Barren Fig Tree
(Luke 11:5-8) (Luke 12:16-21) (Luke 12:35-38) (Luke 12:42-48) (Luke 13:6-9)
Luke 11-13
One day Jesus was praying in a A man in the crowd asked JC to Then Jesus said to his disciples, Peter asked Jesus if the Parable of The Some people had told Jesus about
certain place. tell his bro to divide with him the And so I tell you NOT TO WORRY Watchful Servants applied to them (his the Galileans whom Pilate had
When he had finished, his disciples property their father had left both about the food you need to stay disciples) or to everybody in general. killed while they were offerring
asked him to teach them how to pray of them. alive or about the clothes you sacrifices to God.
just like how John had taught his Jesus replied that he had no need for your body for God Jesus asked them if they had
Jesus then proceeded to identify who
disciples. authority to judge or to divide the will provide the faithful and wise servant was. considered those who died as
Jesus then taught them to pray like property betwn the 2 of them. INSTEAD to be concerned with having been worse sinners than
this : Jesus went on to warn them the Kingdom that God wants to all other Galileans.
What led to Father, against every kind of greed. give to them .. He asked the same of the 18
Parable And to therefore seek and save people who perished when
May your holy name be honoured; Jesus said that a persons true life
is not made up of things he owns, for their riches in heaven where tower fell on them at Siloam; if
may your Kingdom come.
no matter how rich he may be. no thief could get to them and they were deemed worse than all
Give us day by day the food we need. where no moth could destroy other Jews.
Forgive us our sins, for we forgive them. Jesus told them not to think that
everyone who does us wrong. because ANYone who does not
And do not bring us to hard testing. turn from their sins would meet
the same fate!

Jesus. Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus

Who was
His disciples. His disciples His disciples His disciples The general crowd
Thousands of other people The general crowd The general crowd
Suppose: Be ready for whatever comes, The faithful servant is the one who the There was once a man with a fig
You go to friends house @ midnight Rich man has land of good crops dressed for action & with your master will put in charge - tree growing in his vineyard. For 3
to borrow 3 loaves of bread. & need a place to store them. lamps lit. to run the household years, he waited for figs, but NO
Your friend tells you not to bother (How?) Like servants waiting for their to give the other servants their share of figs.
him his door is already locked, he & He plans to tear down his barns masters to come back after food at proper times Gave gardener instructtions to
his children already in bed. and build BIGGER ones so that he wedding feast. AND WHO WILL BE SEEN DOING ALL CUT IT DOWN! Why should it go
What then? can store his grains AND goods. When he comes and knocks, they THESE when his master returns. on using up the soil?
Jesus told them that even if his friend He is pleased, feels LUCKY MAN will open the door for him AT The master will be so pleased that he Gardener pleads for 1 more year
to have all the good things for the ONCE. grace. He will till the soil and add
would not get up and give him the will put this servant in charge of ALL his
bread just for friendship sake, he future. How happy are those servants property. fertilsers.
The parable
would give him everything he needed He can now take life easy, eat, whose master finds them AWAKE BUT If tree bears figs, then OK!
because he was not ashamed to keep drink & be merry. & READY when he returns IF NOT, CUT IT DOWN!!
EVEN IF he should come at IF servant thinks master is taking too
asking. NOT IN GODS EYES!!
midnight or even later! long to return, then beats other
God calls him A FOOL! servants, male & female, eats, drinks,
THAT VERY NIGHT, he is to die. gets drunk, then when tmaster returns
WHO will get all the things he has unannounced, he will be cut in pcs &
punished , according to his given
kept for himself??

Although the man would not help A persons true life is not made We are to BE READY and waiting Be good stewards in your Masters (JC) The importance of repentance
based on his friendship, he did in the up of the things he owns, no for Jesus, the Son of Mans return absence. from sin.
end because of his boldness and mater how rich he may be because He will come at an hour Much is required fr the person to Christian living should bear fruits .
shameless persistence. BECAUSE when we are not expecting Him. whom much is given; much MORE is God gives us ample time to bear
Meaning So too should be the way we pray . required fr the person to whom much
He who piles up riches for repent and bear fruit before
We should show persistence and himself is not considered rich in MORE is given. judging unrepentance.
boldness. Gods sight.

Response Ask Seek Knock

The Mustard Seed & Yeast The Wedding Feast The Great Feast The Man Building A Tower(Luke The King Going To War
Parables Luke (Luke 13:18-21) (Luke 14:8-11) (Luke 14:16-24) 14:28-30) (Luke 14:31-32)

Jesus asked, What is the One Sabbath, Jesus went to eat a When one of the men (at the home Once when large crowds od people Once when large crowds od people
Kingdsom of God like? What shall I meal at the home of a leading of a leading Pharisee) who had were going along with Jesus, he were going along with Jesus, he
compare it with?.... Pharisee. heard Jesus relate the parable of turned and said to them that no turned and said to them that no
He then relates to the parables of Jesus noticed how some guests the Wedding Feast said to Jesus, one can be his disciple UNLESS he one can be his disciple UNLESS he
What led to How happy are those who sit
Parable the mustard seed AND the yeast. were choosing the best places. 1.Loves Him > parents, wife, childn, 1.Loves Him > parents, wife, childn,
down at the feast in the Kingdom of siblings & SELF siblings & SELF
2.Carries his own cross & go after 2.Carries his own cross & go after
Him Him

Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus

Who was Presumably, the general public. Teachers of Law & Pharisees Teachers of Law & Pharisees Large crowds of people Large crowds of people
there (Prev to this, he was at the Guests & Other people Guests & Other people

A man takes a mustard seed, When someone invites you to a There was a man was giving a great Anyone planning to build a tower If a king goes to war with 10K men
plants it. wedding feast feast , many ppl invited. must first to fight against a king with 20K
The plant grows, becomes a tree & DO NOT sit in the best place. You When time of feast came, his 1.Sit down & fig out the cost men, he must first
the birds make their nests on its wld be embarassed if your host has servant was sent to tell his guests, 2.See if he has enough $$ to finish 1.Sit down & decide if his army is
branches. to request you to move in favour of Come, everything is ready! the job. strong enough to win.
A woman takes some yeast, mixes a more imp guest and sit a the BUT excuses with apologies 3. Not enough $$ - cannot finish 2.If he feels his army is not strong
it with a bushel of flour . The lowest place! -Bought a field, must look at it more than just laying the enough, then he should negotiate
dough rises. INSTEAD -Bought 5 pairs oxen, on way to try foundation. for peace .
Sit in the lowest place so that your them out 4. People will laugh at him and say
host will invite you to a better seat -Just got married, cant come that he couldnt finsh the job!
of honour.
Servant reported rsvps.
The parable Master FURIOUS!
Tells servant to bring back from the
streets & alleys the poor, crippled,
blind & lame.
Still room for more guests, so
servants go out further to MAKE
PEOPLE COME IN so that house can
be full.
NONE of the original invitees wld
get re-invited.

Jesus is giving a picture of corrupt Everyone who makes himself great Warning to the Jews that their Disciples of Jesus must put JC 1st in No one can be JCs discip[le unless
worship, the danger of false will be humbled and everyone who refusal to accept Gods invitation their lives, above everyone and he gives up everything he has.
religion, as was evident in the humbles himself will be made would result in their rejection and everything.
Meaning synagogue duing his time. great. the inclusion of the Gentiles Must think carefully what JC
instead. expects of his followers b4 make a

Parables Luke The Lost Sheep The Lost Coin The Prodigal Son The Prodigal Son The Prodigal Son
15 (Luke 15:3-7) (Luke 15:8-10) (Luke 15:11-32) (Luke 15:11-32) (Luke 15:11-32)

One day when many tax collectors One day when many tax collectors One day when many tax collectors
came to listen to JC, the Pharisees came to listen to JC, the Pharisees came to listen to JC, the Pharisees
and Teachers of Laws started and Teachers of Laws started and Teachers of Laws started
What led to grumbling, This man welcomes grumbling, This man welcomes grumbling, This man welcomes
Parable outcasts and even eats with outcasts and even eats with them! outcasts and even eats with them!
them! (Same occasion as The Lost Sheep (Same occasion as The Lost Sheep
(Same occasion as The Lost Coin Parable) and Lost Coin Parables)

Jesus Jesus Jesus

Who was Pharisees & Teachers of Law Pharisees & Teachers of Law Pharisees & Teachers of Law
there Many tax collectors & outcasts Many tax collectors & outcasts Many tax collectors & outcasts

Suppose you have 100 sheep and Suppose a woman has 10 silver There was once a man who had 2 His father spotted him from a from the field. Heard the music &
one of them is lost. coins and loses one of them. sons, the younger son wanted his distance, his heart filled with pity. dancing.
WHAT DO YOU DO? WHAT DOES SHE DO? share of property. He ran , hugged and kissed him. Found out hat had happened and
You would leave the 99 sheep in She The father divided the property The son repented and confessed to got angry and wld not enter hse.
the pasture and go looking for the 1.Lights a lamp betwn his 2 sons. his unworthiness to be his child. Father came out to beg him to go
lost one. UNTIL YOU FIND IT. A few days later, the younger son The father then beckons his in.
2.Sweeps her house
When you find it, you will be so sold off his share and left home servants to - He claimed that he has worked like
2.Looks EVERYwhere until she finds with the money.
happy, you will carry it home and it. clothe his son with the best robes a slave and never disobeyed all the
celebrate with your friends and He went to a faraway ctry, wasted put a ring on his finger & shoes on past yrs. Yet he had never been gvn
neighbours. When she finds it she will be so his money on reckless living . any goat for a feast. But now his
his feet
happy that she will celebrate with Famine came and he has nothing bro who had wasted all his
The parable her friends and neighbours. Slaughter the prized calf .
left. inheritance and returned , he got
The father wanted to celebrate the prized calf for a feast!
He went to work, took car of pigs
with a feast the return of his son
and wished he could feed on the who was His father replied that he had
pigs food as he had nothing to eat. always been with him & that
-given up for dead , but now alive everything he had was his (the
He came to his senses and returned
home; even his fathers hired help -lost but now found sons) but the happy celebration
have more than they can eat! MEANTIME.. was because his brother who was
He planned to go home, seek Older son on his way home dead. Now alive, was lost, now had
been found.
forgivness from his father and ask
to be treated as a hired help.

There will be more joy in heaven The angels of God will rejoice over The angels of God will rejoice over
over even just ONE sinner who even just ONE sinner who repents. even just ONE sinner who repents.
repents than over 99 respectable
people who do not need to
Meaning repent.
(This was a dig at the self-
righteous Pharisees who saw no
need to repent.)

Parables Luke The Shrewd Manager The Rich Man & Lazarus The Rich Man & Lazarus The Widow & The Judge
16 - 18 The Pharisee & The Tax Collector
(Luke 16:1-8) (Luke 16:19-31) (Luke 16:19-31) (Luke 18:2-5)
(Luke 18:10-14)
Jesus had just referred to the Law Jesus told his disciples this parable Jesus told this parable to people
of Moses and the writings of the to teach them that they should who were sure of their own
What led to prophets which he stated would all always pray and never become goodness and despised everybody
Parable be fulfilled right down to the discouraged. else.
minutest detail.

Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus

His disciples His disciples His disciples His disciples
Who was
there Pharisees Pharisees Presumably Pharisees as this
parable is about them
And general public (see v15)
There was once a rich man who Rich man, expensv clothes, lived in Rich man then begged Abe to send In a certain town, there was A Pharisee & a tax collector went up
had a servant who managed his luxury daily. Laza to his fathers house to warn a judge who neither feared God nor to the Temple to pray.
property. Poor man, Lazarus, covered in his 5 bros so they can avoid going to respected man. Pharisee stood apart by himself &
The rich man heard the manager sores, always at the rich mans door his place of pain. a widow who kept coming too the prayed .
was wasting his $$ and called him hoping for bits of food off the rich -Abe replied that his bros had judge to plead for her rights Help Pharisees prayer
in. mans table. Moses & the prophets to warn me against my opponent! TQ God Im not greedy, dishonest
Asked him to submit a complete Poor man died, was brought by them & that his bro shld listen. Judge refused to act for a long time. or an adulteror like everyone else
report of his accts as he would no angels to sit beside Abraham at the Rich man said that would not be AT LAST , he did. AND NOT LIKE THE TAX COLLECTOR
longer be manager. feast in heaven. enough; but that if someone were OVER THERE!
to rise fr death & go to them then WHY?
Knowing his coming dismissal, Rich man died and is buried. He I fast 2 days and gv a 10th of all my
and his inability at hard labour and went to Hades, was in great pain. they would turn fr their sins. His thoughts - Even though I dont
fear God or respect man, yet income.
begging for a living, he drew up a Looked up and saw Abraham, far Abe replied that if they wld not
The parable because of all the trouble this Tax collector stood at a distance,
plan to secure friends for the away, with Laza. listen to Moses & prophets, they wld not even raise his face to
future. wld not believe even if someone widow is giving me, I will see to it
Called out Father Abraham! Asked that she gets her rights. If I dont , heaven, beat breast.
HIS PLAN to be taken pity off and requested were to rise from death.
she will keep on coming and finally Tax collectors prayer
Call all his masters debtors- that Laza dip his fingr in cool water wear me out!
to cool off his tongue. God have pity on me, a sinner!
1st debtr fr100 barrels of olive oil
Abe reminded rich man of his JC said that the tax collector and
to 50 barrels not the Pharisee was in the right
2nd debtr fr 1000 bushels wheat lifetime of gd things and Lazas hard
life and the reversal of fortunes with God.
to 800
Master praised his shrewdness.
Deep pit separates Rich man and
Laza. No crososvrs.

Gods people shld be wise to make There is the implication that the We should always be persistent and Everyone who makes himself great
use of what God has given them to rich mans sufferg was not due to not lose heart in prayer. will be humbled and everyone who
help those in need. These friends riches but to his neglect of Scripture If the unjust judge could answer a humbles himself with be made
would in the future show their & its teaching. If a persons mind persistent request, how much more great.
gratitude when they welcome was closed to the Scriptures, then our just God will judge in favour of
Meaning those who helped them into no evidence, not even a us who persist in prayer.
heaven. In this way wordly wealth resurrection of someone from the
may be used wisely to gain eternal dead, wld change him.

Parables Luke The Gold Coins The Gold Coins The Gold Coins The Wicked Tenant
19 - 20 (Luke 19:12-27) (Luke 19:12-27) (Luke 19:12-27) (Luke 20:9-16)

Jesus had just received Zaccheaus into The Chief Priests and Teachers of Law
salvation and stated his (JC) purpose together with the elders had questioned
What led to was to seek and save the lost. Jesus authority to cleanse the Temple by
Parable Now almost at Jerusalem, the people driving out the merchants as he did in Luke
were expecting the Kingdom of God to 19:45-46.

Jesus Jesus
Jews Chief Priest, Teachers of Law & Elders
Who was there
General public General Public

Man of high rank was going to a 2nd one earned 5 coins, rewarded with Those who were there remarked that A man planted a vineyard, rented it out
faraway ctry to be made a king, after 5 cities under his charge. the servant already had 10 coins. to tenants and left home for a long time.
which he planned to come home. Another one returned his one coin The king replied that to everyone who At harvest time, he sent a slave to the
Before he left he gave a gold coin to which he had kept hidden in a has somehting, MORE will be given; but tenants receive his share of the grape
each of his10 servants and instructed handkerchief. Told King he was afraid of the person who has nothing, even the harvest.
them to see what they cld earn with him because king was a hard man who little that he has will be taken away fr The tenants beat the slave & sent him
the coins while he was away. took what was not his and reaped what him. home emptyhanded.
His ctrymen hated him and didnt he did not plant. And as for those enemies who did not Slave #2 got beaten, treated shamefully
want him to be their king. King was furious, called him a bad want him to be king, he ordered them to and sent home emptyhanded.
The man was made king, returrned and servant and told him that if he had be brought before him and killed in his Slave #3 got wounded & thrown out.
The parable called for his 10 servants to see how thought so harshly of him (the king) presence.
then why did he not at least out the Owner then sent his own dear son
much they had earned fr each of their
money in the bank so that he would thinking tenants would respect him.
have received it back with interest. But tenants saw the son and conspired
1st one earned 10 coins, got praised , to kill son so that the property wld then
put in charge of 10 cities as reward for The king ordered that the gold coin be
taken away fr him and given to the be theirs.
servant who had 10 coins. Tenants killed the son.
What wld happen to the tenants?
Owner of vineyard wld then kill the
tenants and turn the vineyard over to
other tenants.

We are to remain faithful and use our God- J C knew that He would be killed soon, to
given gifts for Gods purposes until JC fulfill Scripture.
Meaning returns. People may reject or oppose JC but it is
Judgement comes for those who reject JC. they who would suffer in the end, when
judgement comes.


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