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Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO)

Lockout Tag out

Why is LOTO important?
The Lock Out/Tag
Out procedure
prevents the
unexpected start up
or release of stored
energy that could
cause injury to
employees by placing
a lock and/or warning
tag on an energy
isolation device.
LOTO Program Enforcement
Any employee not using LOTO program
Employees tempering the LOTO lock and
Removing the LOTO program

Must be brought to the notice of Plant

Manager, EHS Manager and HR
Hazardous Energy Sources
Energy Description
Mechanical Relating to springs, rotating parts etc, produced
by machine
Radiation Energy released from unstable nuclei, nuclear
reaction or charged particle acceleration

Magnetic Energy stored in magnetic fields, found in

capacitors & superconducting magnetic storage

Gravity Found in machine/equipment parts that might

descend, slide or fall if left unblocked
Electrical Present in transmission lines, transformers,
circuit breakers or motors- AC or DC
Hydraulic Involving fluid under pressure, in cylinders, pipes
& tanks
Pneumatic Involving compressed air or gas, in cylinders,
lines or pipes
Thermal Hot or Cold, Heat generated from machine or
cooling system (<5C & >60C)
Chemical Produced as a result of chemical reaction
Steam Water vapour kept under pressure
What is LOTO?

LOTO is a technique to prevent the release of hazardous energy

during servicing or maintenance

LOTO is performed by physically putting lock & tag at the energy

isolation points

LOTO DOES NOT apply to single plug & cord equipment when the
equipment is unplugged under the exclusive control of the person
performing the work
Category of Employees under LOTO Program

1) LOTO Authorized Employees

Whose job responsibility include servicing and maintenance on
the machine
Example: Fitter, Electrician, Technician, plumber etc..

2) Affected employees
Employees whose does not require servicing and maintenance
on machine.
Example: Passers by, office employees, supervisors , employee
sitting in the area etc..

To prevent bodily harm caused by uncontrolled hazardous

To prevent accidental equipment startup
To guarantee that equipment stays shutdown

Why some people ignore LOTO Safety

Personal Barriers- Lack of knowledge, overconfidence, pride,

other priorities
Organizational Barriers- Production pressure, poor
enforcement, lack of LOTO procedures/equipments
Environmental Barriers- Machine design, poor housekeeping

Remember: there are no good reasons for not performing LOTO

Energy Control Methods
Grounding Rod Blank or Blind


Double block & Bleed

Spool Piece Removal

Types of LOTO Locks & Tags
Red Tag-

AD employee or Contractor employee is

actively working on the equipment/machine
Red Tag with Blue Stripes-

Group of persons are actively working on

Red Lock & Red Tag Blue Lock & Red Tag equipment/machine
(Individual LOTO lock,
(Individual LOTO lock,
AD Contract Person) Yellow Tag with Blue Stripes
AD Employee)

Nobody is actively working on the system but

the equipment is unsafe to operate (Transition

Individual LOTO
locks have only one
Black Lock & Red Tag Yellow Lock & Yellow Tag
with Blue Stripes key
with Black Stripes
(Group LOTO lock) (Transition LOTO lock)
EID and Lockout Devices
Energy isolation devices (EID) is a device which prevents the
transmission of energy e.g. MCB, MCCB, ball valve etc.
The devices which help to lock out and prevent the energization of
a machine, equipment or process are called LOTO devices

Plug Box-large Hood locking MCB locking

Plug Box-small
Component Component

Valve Locking HT Panel Locking Valve Locking Component Chain

Component Component

Cylinder locking
Hood locking Component (Large)
Group LOTO Hasp
Component (small)
Affected and Authorized Persons & Training Requirements

Who is Authorized Person(s) ?

A person who is having appropriate technical background, has successfully completed this
training and given the successful demonstration of practical skills is authorized to perform LOTO

Who is Affected Person(s) ?

An individual who operates equipment on which maintenance or servicing is being performed
under LOTO, or an individual who works in the area where such maintenance or servicing is
being performed. This individual is not authorized to perform LOTO.

What are the LOTO Training Requirements?

Training Requirements & Frequency

Affected Individual Authorized Individual
Initial training Required Required
(must be observed and verified by
Initial demonstration Not applicable
another authorized employee, i.e.
"hands on")
Annual refresher trainingRecommended Required
Annual demonstration Not applicable (must be observed and verified by
another authorized employee)
Time/Duration of LOTO Lock

LOTO lock can be used for duration of

work or end of shift whichever is shorter.
Equipment Specific LOTO procedure

Labeling of Energy Isolating Points


A- Department
B- Room or sub area
C- Equipment ID
D- Energy source
E- LOTO Point ID o

P1/GF, B2 lab/ HAO-1/E/LPS-

Applying LOTO- Six Step Process

Plan & Prepare for shutdown

Shutdown the Equipment
Isolate the Equipment
Apply lockout/tagout devices
Control stored energy
Verify isolation: Zero Energy
Step-1 Prepare for shutdown
Understand the problem
What need to be fixed?
What are the types of hazards involved?
Equipment specific LOTO procedure
Consider downstream effects
Will another piece of equipment be also affected?
Are proper tools available?
Are proper technical persons available?
Have all affected employees been informed?
Is the area clear & warning posted?
Is the person performing LOTO ready physically and mentally?
Have all hazardous energy sources and disconnect points been
Step-2 Shutdown the Equipment

Use established procedure

Involve the worker who normally shuts down the
If the work is being performed at customers site,
customer should shutdown the equipment
Step-3 Isolate the Equipment

Have a qualified person disconnect the equipment

Wear appropriate PPE

Use common isolation techniques closing valves,

opening electrical disconnects

While opening electrical disconnect, stand to one

side in the event an electric arc occurs
Step-4 Apply Lockout Tagout Devices

Use only approved locks and tags

Never lend or borrow locks or keys
Never use LOTO locks & tags for any other purpose
Clearly mention the required details on tag
Step-5 Control stored or Residual Energy

Mechanical Motion- Stop any motion

Gravity Use blocks & pins
Thermal Energy- Allow for heat up or
cool down
Stored Mechanical Energy- block, tag
& lock springs
Stored Electrical Energy- Drain power
from capacitors, release or neutralize
potential energy
Pressure- Bleed pressure carefully
and slowly
Step-6 Verify isolation: zero energy

Verify that your testing equipments are working

Try to turn the equipment on
Test for voltage
Check gauges
Check double block and bleed
Check temperature with an independent device
Return to switched OFF after verifying zero energy
Notify affected person in the area that the work is to
Release of Lockout Tagout

Communicate to all affected employee

Verify the safety of the area
Ensure that the safety devices & guards in
Return system functions
Remove your lock & tag
Communicate the system energization
Reenergize and test the equipment
LOTO Check-List
NOTE- For each servicing & maintenance, use this check list for Lock out & Tag Out. All the questions in column A(3) must have answer -Yes before start working on
equipment. Similarly, all questions in column B(3) must have answer Yes except point no. 4 & 5
Machine/Equipment: Date:

NOTE- Write against each check point 'Y' for Yes and 'NA' for Not Applicable.
Cloumn A Column B
Sl Sl
Shut Down Procedure Check list YES Release from Lockout /Tagout Checklist YES
No No
1 2 3 1 2 3
1 Do the equipment has LOTO procedure? 1 Is the visual verification & personnel count performed
to verify that personnel are clear from
equipment/system and any material/tools are
removed ?
2 Has the authorized person read the LOTO procedure, 2 Are all the operational control such as guards /
understood isolation points location and LOTO interlocks made operational before release of
verification (Try Out) procedure ? equipment ?
3 Has the affected personnel been informed that the 3 Are the LOTO devices removed from each isolation
LOTO will be applied to equipment which belongs to point ?
them or located in their vicinity ?.
4 Has the equipment/system requiring 4 Have the following sequence of activities followed, Y/NA
servicing/maintenance released by the owner of where the equipment require test ?
5 Has the equipment been shut down using shut down 4(a) Clear tools and materials from equipments.
procedure ?
6 Are LOTO devices applied to the all energy isolation 4(b) Clear and notify affected personnel
points? (Refer the note overleaf for type of lock and
tag required) 4(c )
Remove the LOTO devices
7 Has the equipment /system examined carefully to 4(d)
detect & release, disconnect any stored energy? Proceed with the test
8 TRY OUT - Is the equipment attempted to operate by 4(e)
pressing the start button. W here switches are not
provided, other means of verification as per LOTO De-energize all systems & relock & retag the controls
procedure used for try out.
4(f) Re-verify de-energization by try out
Proceed with the work
9 Is the operating control returned to neutral (OFF) In case of supervisory approach, outside service Y/NA
position after try out. contractor has been explained all the steps and LOTO
5 is applied on First On Last Off basis
Remarks: Name & Signature of the Authorized person
LOTO Program
Office of Design & Construction
Notify contractors to
bring their LOTO
program to
meeting; and
Include LOTO as an
agenda item & allow
contractors & EHS
dept. to discuss
LOTO Program
Supervisors Responsibilities
Complete equipment specific LOTO procedures;
Conduct annual & periodic inspections;
Keep a list of authorized employees;
Issue LOTO devices to employees;
Ensure all affected employees are properly
trained on LOTO procedures;
Enforce compliance with ADs LOTO program;
Provide employees with copies of the LOTO
Program upon request.
LOTO Program
Authorized Employee Responsibilities
Attend EHSs required training;
Follow all LOTO procedures;
Assist supervisors in completing
equipment specific LOTO procedures;
Consult supervisors when questions or
concerns arise; and
Notify all affected employees of LOTO
LOTO Program
Contractor & on-site
employer must
exchange LOTO info
AD employee must
place his lock first the
contractor employee
and remove his lock
after contractor
employee remove his
lock under
supervisory approach
LOTO Program
Must be singularly
Must be the ONLY
devices for
controlling energy;
Must NOT be used
for any other
LOTO Program

LO devices must be durable & withstand the

environment to which they are exposed. TO devices
must be constructed & printed so they do not deteriorate
or become illegible;
LO/TO devices must be standardized by color, shape or
LO/TO devices must be substantial enough to prevent
early or accidental removal and removal without
excessive force.
LOTO Program
Lock out will be
using a lock and
key. Chains, or
other hardware,
may be used in
conjunction with
the lock to isolate
the energy source.
LOTO Program
One key will be issued
to the authorized
employee applying the
Additional keys will
should be destroyed
LOTO Program
Required TO Device Information
Name of authorized employee who locked
out equipment;
Authorized employees radio or phone
number, including contractors;
Date and time of lockout; and
Brief description of work being performed.
LOTO Program
An approved
warning tag will
accompany all
lockouts. The
warning tag will be
attached directly to
the lockout device
by a nylon tie.
LOTO Program
Energy Isolation
LO & TO energy isolating sources with assigned
locks and tags. Usually requires locking out
electrical disconnect.
Be sure to isolate ALL energy sources
(secondary as well as primary).
LOTO Program
Application of Devices
Use valve covers,
plug locks, etc. if the
lock cant be placed
directly on the energy
When LO is used,
every employee in the
work crew must
attach their personal
LOTO Program
Application of Devices
A TO system alone is not acceptable at any
time unless the equipment is not capable of
being locked out.
The tag must be placed at the same location
that the lockout device would have been
attached, and additional measures must be
taken to ensure the level of safety is
equivalent to that obtained by using a lock.
This includes: blocking of a controlling switch,
removal of an isolating circuit element,
opening of an extra disconnect device, or
removal of a valve handle ONLY.
LOTO Program
Release of Stored Energy
Inspect the system to
make sure all parts have
stopped moving.
Disperse stored energy
(springs, hydraulic
systems, air, gas, water
pressure, or steam).
If stored energy can build
up again, monitor it to
make certain it stays
below hazardous levels.
LOTO Program
Verifying Equipment Isolation
Make certain all
dangerous areas are
clear of personnel.
Verify that the equipment
cannot be turned to the
on position. Press all
start buttons and
activating controls on the
Return all controls to the
off position after certain
that LO is effective.
LOTO Program
Removing LOTO Devices/Restoring
Safeguard all employees by making
certain everyone is clear of the equipment.
Also notify affected employees of
impending re-energization.
Verify that all tools have been removed
and all guards reinstalled.
Remove LOTO devices. Each device must
be removed by the person who put it on.
Energize equipment.
LOTO Program
Remove all tools & personnel from the
Notify affected employees of impending
Authorized employees remove the LO
device but MUST leave tag in place.
Energize equipment.
When finished, de-energize & reapply LO
LOTO Program- Shift Changes
If servicing lasts more than one shift, LOTO
protection CANNOT be interrupted.
The original authorized employee will remove
their lock & the incoming employee will place
theirs on the isolating device. If the first
employee leaves prior to the replacements
arrival, first employee must place transition lock
to ensure safety and handover transition key to
The incoming authorized employee must place
his own personal lock and MUST VERIFY that
ALL energy sources are locked out prior to
beginning work.
LOTO Program
Abandoned Lock Procedure
Verify authorized employee has left the worksite
& notify them that their lock is being removed.
LOTO devices may ONLY be removed if
supervisor is present and committee is formed
which authorizes removal.
After all communication attempts are complete &
the equipment has been inspected, energy can
be restored.
An abandoned lock procedure form must be
filled out & filed in the Lock Shop.
LOTO Program
Equipment Specific Procedures
Procedures must be updated when:
New equipment is installed; or
New energy sources are added to a facility
or individual equipment; or
Magnitude of an energy source changes;
Designated isolation points change.
LOTO Program
Alternate Procedure
When LOTO can not be applied under
certain situation like calibration, trouble
shooting etc where power has to be kept
on, an alternate method should be adopted:
Develop list of all activities where LOTO
can not be applied.
Conduct risk assessment and develop a
Train employees who will work on machine

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