Boltonanalysisandmixeddentitionanalysis 150326092456 Conversion Gate01

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Dr Bushra Naeem
Bolton analysis
According to Bolton there exist a ratio between the
mesiodistal width of maxillary and mandibular teeth
Bolton analysis helps in determining tooth size discrepancy
Determining overall ratio
Mesiodistal width of all the teeth which are mesial to the
permanent 2nd molar is measured

Overall ratio= Sum of mandibular 12 x 100

Sum of maxillary 12
If the ratio is less than 91.3% it indicates maxillary tooth
material excess
Amount of excess can be calculated by

Sum of maxillary 12- sum of mandibular 12 100

If the ratio is greater than 91.3% it indicates mandibular
tooth material excess
Amount of excess can be calculated by

sum of mandibular 12- sum of maxillary 12 91.3

Anterior Ratio
Mesidistal width of all anterior 6 maxillary and mandibular
anterior teeth is measured

Anterior ratio= sum of mandibular 6 100

sum of maxillary 6
If the ratio is less than 77.2% it indicates maxillary anterior
excess material .
Amount of excess material can be calculated by
Sum of maxillary 6- sum of mandibular 6 100
If the ratio is greater than 77.2% it indicates mandibular
anterior excess material
Amount of excess can be calculated by

sum of mandibular 6 sum of maxillary 6 77.2

The purpose of mixed dentition analysis is to evaluate the
amount of space available in the arch for eruption permanent
canine and premolars
This can be achieved by predicting the mesiodistal width of
unerupted premolars and canine
Radiographic method
Moyers prediction table
Tanaka and johnston equation
Staley kerber method
Radiographic method
Also known as Hukabas analysis
With any type of radiograph, it is necessary to compensate
for the radiographic enlargement, this can be achieved by
measuring the object which is available on both radiograph
and the cast.
A proportional relationship is set up

true width of primary molar=

apparent width of primary molar
true width of unerupted premolar
apparent width of unerupted premolar
This technique can be used on maxillary and mandibular
arches for all ethnic groups
Its accuracy depends on the quality of the radiograph
Moyers prediction table
Moyers predicted the combined mesiodistal width of canine
and premolars based on the sum of lower 4 incisors
Based on this calculation, the expected width of canine and
premolars is predicted by referring the Moyers prediction
Moyers prediction values

Total mandibular incisors 19.5 20.0 20.5 21.0 21.5 22.0 22.5 23.0
Predicted values of maxilla 20.6 20.9 21.2 21.3 21.8 22.0 22.3 22.6
canine and premolar
mandible 20.1 20.4 20.7 21.0 21.3 21.6 21.9 22.2
Accuracy of this method is fairly good for European white
children on whom data was tabulated
No radiograph required
Tanaka and johnston
Tanaka and johnston developed another way of using the
width of lower 4 incisors to predict the size of canine and
Mesiodistal width of lower 4 incisors is obtained and an
equation is applied.
Estimated width of lower canine and premolar of one quadrant=
of the mesiodistal width of 4 incisors+10.5mm

Estimated width of upper canine and premolar of one quadrant=

of the mesiodistal width of 4 incisors+11mm
Staley kerber graph
Combination of radiographic and prediction table method
Mesiodistal width of central and lateral lower incisors is
measured from the cast. Determine the width of premolars
from the periapical radiograph. Sum up the mesiodistal width
of central and lateral incisors and premolars of that particular
Staley and kerber graph allows canine width to be read
directly from the sum of incisors and premolars width
This method can only be used on mandibular arch
Quite accurate for European ancestry
Which method to be used?

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