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Plagiat adalah merujuk kepada

perbuatan mengambil sesuatu idea

penulisan atau ciptaan orang lain dan
mendakwa dengan bangganya yang
itu adalah ciptaannya sendiri.
Calculating Grade Point Average
Express the meaning of (the
writer or speaker or something
Paraphrasing written or spoken) using
different words, especially to
achieve greater clarity.

Provide (a book an article)

Referencing with litations of authorities.
Place words by using synonyms (reword)
Active to passive, passive to active
Make sure the meaning is same as
original topic (recheck)
One of the most important ways to avoid
plagiarism is referencing.
Include a REFERENCE PAGE or page of works cited at
the end of your paper.
Check the guidelines for citing sources properly and
make sure that the page meets the document
formatting guidelines used by UiTM.
Look for the APA 6th formatting style
Be sure to edit your research paper carefully and
check for plagiarism before submitting it.
Refer to your instructor/lecturer for the turnitin
account to assess your paraphrasing and other anti-
plagiarism skills.
Text citation
Jones (1998) found students often had
dificulty using APA style.
Research by Wegenar and Petty (1994)
When testing the usability of a website, it is
necessary to gather demografic informations
about the users (Lazar, 2006)
Lazar (2006) notes that a fundamental part
of the usability testing is understanding the
demografics of the users.
Therefore, our REFERENCE LIST should be
like this
Jones T.J (1998). Friendship qualityand social
development. Current Directions in
Psychological Science, 11, 7-10.
Wegener, D.T., & Petty, R.E. (1994). Mood
managemant across affective states : The
hedonic contigency hypothesis. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 1034-1048.
Lazar, S.M. (2006). Friendss influence on
adolscents adjustment to school. Child
Development, 66. 1312-1329

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