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Penunjang Radiodiagnostik

pada Opthalmology
dr. Sri Mulyati Noer, Sp. Rad
Penunjang Radiodiagnostik
Foto Rheeze position >> sudah ditinggalkan
Hanya mendeteksi dinding orbita, fissura
orbitalis superior, fissura orbitalis inferior
Mendeteksi lensa, corpus vitreous, retina, optic
Normalnya : Lensa terlihat capsula ant-post,
corpus vitreous echo luscent, dinding retina
terlihat, jika ada lekukan kedalam : makula lutea.
CT Scan
Terjadi kekeruhan pada lensa mata
Gambaran : high density echo level pada
lensa (USG), sering ada kalsifikasi
It is a common congenital malignant
tumour arising from the neurosensory
retina in one or both eyes.
Origin : It arises as malignant proliferation
of the immature retinal neural cells called,
retinoblasts, which have lost both
antioncogenic genes.
Macam Retinoblastoma
Endophytic retinoblastoma
It grows inwards from the retina into the vitreous cavity.
Calcification (+)
Exophytic retinoblastoma
It grows outwards and separates the retina
from the choroid.
Opacity associated with retinal detachment.
Calcification (+).
Progressive enlargement, of tumour bursts the sclera,
usually near the limbus or near the optic disc. It is
followed by rapid fungation and involvement of
extraocular tissues resulting in marked proptosis

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