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Daiza: Musical Short Film

This word helped us base our musical short film on depression.

In the project, we will talk about ethnic discrimination. This is

one of the most important risk factors in the psychological well-
being of young people. It leads them, among other things, to
fall into the deep state of depression. And depression, in turn,
leads to suicide.

Aware of this problem, we decided to approach the subject

through a film that will narrate the history of Daiza, a young
woman who has hardly moved to the city and feels alone.

General Objective
Motivate people with depression to seek help and society to help them.

Specific Objectives
Know the behavior that characterizes people with depression in order to help
them on time.
Transport the viewer to the sensations and perceptions that the depressed person
experiences to move him to show empathy.
Make aware the viewer of the serious consequences of turning their backs on those
who are depressed and minimizing the severity illness.
How will we do this?

To work in order, we have divided the process into 5


FIRST STAGE: Create the story and write the script.

SECOND STAGE: Compose the lyrics and the music of

the songs that we are going to interpret.

THIRD STAGE: Recording of the musical themes.

FOURTH STAGE: Get the locker room.

FIFTH STAGE: Recording of short film in the facilities of

Uartes, as well as outside the same and in a dwelling.
In this stage we will have the help of Jose Pinargote.

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