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Juan Jos Cancelado B.

Academic group.
The god Are created Fura and Tena,
fathers of humanity. Are they stood
on the banks of the sacred Carare
River and formed a handful of
earths: Fura, a woman and Tena, a
man, whom he threw into the
stream, where, purified by the
foam, they took breath and life;
Were the first beings of the human
lineage. Are pointed out the limits
of their domains, the secrets of
agriculture, pottery and military
strategies, and also gave them
health and living standards, and
instilled in them freedom without
any limit.
Zarbi, a man with blue eyes and a fair beard, appeared
in the west, in search of a privileged and miraculous
flower, whose perfume relieved all the pain and its
essences healed all diseases; He crossed the
mountains, crossed the rivers, climbed the trees and
waited for the dawn in the highest peaks, to search in
vain everywhere for the plant that had so coveted
flower. After wandering for many days, convinced of
the futility of his endeavor, he went to Fura in the hope
of obtaining his support to discover the flower. Fura,
beautiful and seductive, accompanied him to the
mountain. Soon the feeling of Fura was transformed
into love and infidelity. Informed Tena, the mocked
husband, committed suicide and together with Fura
they became two boulders, separated by the river Zarbi
or miner. The tears of Fura, the unfaithful wife, turned
into emeralds, hiding in the mountain ranges, and
beautiful butterflies. Itoco, the son of Fura and Tena,
also became an emerald rock, the richest of all.
The Cerro Mayor (Fura) measures 625 meters on the
river, of which 100 are a perpendicular line, being
determined from this limit to the cusp a slight
inclination backwards without more vegetation than
some bushes. The Cerro Menor (Tena) measures 380
meters of opening in the high and 30 in the low, where
the miner collapsed and noisy. Straight and almost
leaden layers of clay and slate are one or another rock,
washed by the heavy downpours, exposing the sharp
points and edges that give them the strange
appearance that makes them so noble. At the foot of
these giants the figure of the man disappears in its
smallness, and only the majestic serrania of which they
are appendages and that rises to 3,253 meters, without
transition of valleys nor slopes could diminish the
greatness of the effect that would not be for this
reason Furatena with its important aspect and the
stripping of its rocks contrasting with the thick and
vigorous forest of the neighboring hills.

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