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Impact of parental education

on child
Research demonstrates that parents
education significantly contributes to
improved student outcomes.
Every students benefits from family
What are the Benefits?
More positive attitudes toward school;
Higher achievement, better
attendance, and more homework
completed consistently;
Higher graduation rates and
enrollment rates in post-secondary
Better schools to attend.
Benefits for Parents
Greater knowledge of education
programs and how schools work;
Knowledge of how to be more
supportive of children;
Greater confidence about ways to help
children learn;
More positive view of teachers; and,
Greater empowerment.
Benefits for School Staff
Greater teaching effectiveness;
Higher expectations of students;
Increased ability to understand family
views and cultures;
Greater appreciation of parent
volunteers; and,
Improved morale.
Benefits for Communities:
Greater strength;
Greater impact of services through
comprehensive, integrated approach;
Increased access to services for
Research on Involvement
Effective parent/family involvement
improves student outcomes
throughout the school years.
While parent/family involvement
improves student outcomes, variations
in culture, ethnicity, and/ or
socioeconomic background affect how
families are involved.
Parent/family involvement at home has
more impact on children than
parent/family involvement in school
The nature of effective parent/family
involvement changes as children
reach adolescence.
Parent/family involvement in early
childhood programs help children
succeed in their transition to
kindergarten and elementary school.
Parent/families may need guidance
and assistance in how to effectively
help their children with homework.
Parent/family involvement will differ for
ethnic and cultural groups. These
differences should be considered
when planning parent/ family
involvement programs.
Improved student outcomes have
been documented in math and reading
when families are involved.
The most promising opportunity for
student achievement occurs when
families, schools, and community
organizations work together.
To be effective, school programs must
be individualized to fit the needs of the
students, parents, and community.
Effective programs assist parents in
creating a home environment that
fosters learning and provides support
and encouragement for their childrens
Teachers must be trained to promote
effective parent/family involvement.
Outdated Thinking
on Parent Involvement
Parents should come to school only
when invited;
Stay-at-home mothers serve as
homeroom mothers;
Parents visit school mainly for
childrens performances and open
Parents help raise money for school.
Schools that have been the most
successful in involving families look
beyond traditional definitions to a
broader view that considers
parents/families as full partners in the
education of their children.
These schools view childrens learning
as a shared responsibility among
everyone involved in the childs
What is a Family?
A Personal Definition
For the purpose of todays
conversation, Parent or Family
refers to anyone actively involved in
raising and educating a child.
Factors in Involvement
Parents are a childs first teachers.
The American family has changed
dramatically over the last 50 years.
Schools arent always knowledgeable
in how to encourage involvement.
Parents dont always recognize the
importance of becoming involved or
know where to begin.
Ten Truths of
Parent Involvement
All parents have hopes and goals for
their children. They differ in how they
support their childrens efforts to
achieve those goals.
The home is one of several areas that
simultaneously influence a child. The
school must work with people in the
other areas for the childs benefit.
The parent is the central contributor to
a childs education. Schools can
either ignore this fact or recognize the
potential of the parent.
Parent involvement must be a
legitimate element of education. It
deserves equal emphasis with
elements such as program
improvement and evaluation.
Parent involvement is a process, not a
program of activities. It requires
ongoing energy and effort.
Parent involvement requires a vision,
policy, and framework. A consensus of
understanding is important.
Parents interaction with their own
children is the cornerstone of parent
involvement. A program must
recognize the value, diversity, and
difficulty of this role.
Most barriers to parent involvement
are found within school practices.
They are not found with parents.
Any parent can be hard to reach. Parents
must be identified and approached
individually; they are not defined by gender,
ethnicity, family situation, education, or
Successful parent involvement nurtures
relationships and partnerships. It
strengthens bonds between home and
school, parent and teacher, parent and
school, school and community.
Barriers to Involvement
Lack of a school environment that supports
parent/family involvement;
School practices that do not accommodate
the diversity of family needs;
Child care constraints;
Families past negative experiences with
schools and/or feelings of uncertainty about
treading on school territory.
Cultural differences (language
barriers, attitudes toward
professionals, lack of knowledge of the
American education system);
Primacy of basic needs (food, clothing,
and shelter take precedence over
educational needs);
Feelings of inadequacy associated
with difference in income or education;
Safety, especially in inner-city school
Uncertainty about what to do; and,
Lack of time.
100 Ways
The brochure, 100 Ways for Parents
to be Involved in Their Childs
Education is available from the
National PTA;
Based on the National Standards for
Parent/Family Involvement Programs.
Remember These 10
Guiding Principles
Family members are equal partners in
a childs education.
The home environment is the primary
educational environment.
Schools must respect the diversity o
families and their varied needs.
All families care about their children.
Family involvement is important through
all years of a childs education.
Family involvement takes many forms
and may not require a familys presence
at school.
Families, schools, and communities are
closely interconnected and must
collaborate in educating children.
School leaders and staff need support
and training in how to encourage
family involvement.
One size does not fit all when
developing school-family partnerships.
Change takes time and building
successful partnerships requires much
effort over time.
Become involved in your local school.
Contact a Parent-Educator Resource
Center near you for information on
upcoming parent training
Thank You!

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