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Endless conflict between

Palestine and Syria

Early in the twentieth century, after
World War II and after the
Holocaust, it increased the pressure
to establish a Jewish state. The
original plan called for the partition
controlled by European power
between Jews and Palestinian
After the founding of Israel on May 14,
1948, the tension went from being a local
issue to a regional issue. The next day,
Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq invaded the
territory. It was the first Arab-Israeli war,
also known by the Jews as war of
independence or liberation.
The OLP (Organization for the Liberation of
Palestine) and Israel would sign in 1993 the
Oslo accord, where the Palestinian
organization quitted to "violence and
terrorism" and recognized the "right" of Israel
"to exist in peace and security ", a recognition
that the Palestinian Islamic organization Hamas
never accepted.
On June 12th three Israeli youths were
kidnapped in the West Bank and days later
they were killed. Israel blamed Hamas
(Islamic Resistance Movement) and
arrested hundreds of members.
After the arrests, Hamas
fired rockets into Israeli
territory and Israel
launched air strikes on

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