EDU 735 - #8.5 10 Benefits of Blogs

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10 Benefits of Blogs…..

That Are Most Beneficial

To Learners
by mrodrigues
1. Provides Sharing of Ideas and
is Engaging
 Interactive Communication
 Spontaneous Information
 Instantaneous Information
 Appeals to Most Learners
 Provides Multi-modal Presentation of
 Exposes Users to a More Diverse Audience
2. Blogs/Digital Information
 Relatively Easy To Produce
 Relatively Easy To Distribute
 Relatively Easy To Access
3. Blogs Are Globally
 Communication that can reach every
corner of the world
 Exposes students to learners from every
culture on the planet
 Broadens depth and scope of
4. Cost of Blogs/Digital
Information is…..
 Inexpensive to produce
 Inexpensive to distribute
 Inexpensive to access
5. Our World is Becoming
 Our Encyclopedias have been replaced
 Our Children Communicate Interactively
via Texting, Gaming, Social Networking
 Educators Need to Engage Children
With Interactive Learning - Passive
Communication is a Thing of the Past!!
6. Blogs/Digital Information
Promotes Universal Literacy
 The More a Child Reads and Writes, the
More Proficient They Will Become
 Access to Text is Often Limited and
Quickly Becomes Outdated
 Digital Information is Current and Ever-
changing and for the most part Free!!
7. Blogs Are User-Friendly
 They are easy to use
 Require minimum technical savvy - 
 Easy to create and maintain
 Can be easily changed
 They are convenient – available
24/7 with internet
8. Blogs can Improve
Classroom Management by ….
 Posting class requirements/agenda
 Posting handouts, notices, and
homework assignments
 Posting question and answer board for
students to respond to
9. Blogs Encourage Collaboration
and Discussion
 Teachers can help students develop
literacy/writing skills
 Students can practice their skills and benefit
from peer comments/reviews
 Students are not bound by the classroom walls
and can share ideas or suggestions with other
 Allows students opportunity to network with
knowledgeable individuals about relevant issues
10. Blogs May Be Used As Part of
a Digital Portfolio
 Information can be organized and
provide record of improved skills etc.
 May motivate students to produce best
work knowing their information will be
Blogs Can Be Used In ALL
Content Areas Requiring…..

 Discussion
 Collaboration
 Sharing of ideas/information
 Communication
Things To Remember…..
 Blogs Represent Individual Ideas
 Blogs Represent Individual
 Blogs Represent Learning in 21st
Century Style!!

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