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Barnat Popullore

Presentation description and name

Barnat me origjin nga bimt
mjeksore kan kosto m t lir.
Mund t blihen pa recet t
Gjenden n cdo dyqan q prmban
produkte q lidhen me shndetin.
Nuk prmbajn kimikate.

Presentation description and name

Shum njerz mendojn se nga barnat
mjeksore jan m t sigurt pasi ato
jan natyrale. N disa raste kjo sht e
vrtet. Mjekimet bimore mund t jen
nj alternativ e sigurt dhe jo e
kushtueshme pr ne. Por n disa raste
ata dmtojn shndetin ton.

Presentation description and name

Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name
Presentation description and name

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