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A. Focus on the SECOND speakers

B. Find the SYNONYMS

C. Avoid SIMILAR sounds

(man): Mark said some really nice things
to me
(woman): Hes very grateful for what you

What does the man say about Mark?

A. He did a great job
B. He bought a crate full of fruit
C. He made a great fool of himself
D. He thanks Mark
A. Shes quite thirsty

B. Shell be ready in a half hour

C. She needs to leave now

D. She was ready thirty minutes ago

Why dont you _________

Lets ________________

I think you should _______

Isnt better if we ________

(man): I havent talked with my mom
in a while
(woman): Why dont you call her now?

What does the woman suggest?

A. Calling off his visit
B. Talking about his mother
C. Calling his mother in a while
D. Phoning his mother
A. Going to work

B. Getting some exercises

C. Relaxing for a while

D. Visiting her friend Jim

Me, too
Ill say
You san say that again
Neither, either, too, so

(woman) : A trip to the park might be nice
(man) : You can say that again

What does the man mean?

A. The woman should repeat what she said
B. Its nice in the park at night
C. The woman should tell him about part of
the trip
D. He agrees about the trip to the park
A. She needs to check into the


B. She thinks the man should visit


C. She doesnt want to go to the



Positif sentence negative fact

Negative sentence positive
Untrue Condition (Wish, If)
(woman) :Its too bad that you have to stay
here and work during the school break.
(man) : I really wish I could go with you and the
others to Palm Springs.

What does the man mean?

A. Maybe he will go with the others on the trip.
B. He is unable to go on the trip.
C. Hes happy to be going on the trip.
D. Hes going on the trip, but not with the others.
A. The woman told him about the ticket.

B. He wanted the woman to get a ticket.

C. He was happy to find out about the


D. The woman did not tell him about the

A: ________
B : ________ Q1
A : ________
B : ________ Q2
A : ________
B : ________ Q3
A : ________
B : ________ Q4
A. Find work on campus A. Every morning
B. Work in the employment
office B. Afternoons and
C. Help students find jobs weekends
D. Ask the woman questions C. When hes in class
D. Weekdays
a. In the library
b. In a classroom
c. In a campus office a. Fill out a form
d. In an apartment b. Give her some
A. No more than ten
B. At least twenty
C. Not more than twenty c. Tell her some news
D. Up to ten d. Phone her
A: ________
__________ Q1
__________ Q2
__________ Q3
__________ Q4
A. During a biology laboratory A. Room assignment
B. In a biology study groups
B. Exam topics
C. On the first day of class C. Reading assignments
D. Just before the final exam D. The first lecture

a. Once a week
b. Two times a week
a. Exams and lab work
c. Three times a week b. Reading and writing
d. For fifteen hours assignments
c. Class participation
A. To do the first laboratory and grades on
B. To take the first exam
C. To study the laboratory d. Lecture and
manual laboratory
D. To read one chapter of the attendance

Setiap kalimat hanya

1 subyek (kt benda)
1 predikat. (kata kerja)
Subject harus Kata Benda (Noun).
Nouns : Joni studies at UNDIP
Pronouns : He studies at UNDIP
Gerunds : Studying is good
Studying at UNDIP is good
Infinitive : To study is good
To study at UNDIP is good
Hati-hati dengan Preposisi dan Appositif

Preposisi mengubah fungsi


Joni likes pizza very much. ( )

For Joni likes pizza very much. (X)

Appositif tidak berfungsi apapun, hanya
menjelaskan kata benda yang didekatnya

The best university in Semarang, UNDIP

has many faculties,

UNDIP, the best university in Semarang,

has many faculties,

I study at UNDIP, the best university in

Predicate must be Verbs.
My friends are smart
My sister studies
My sister studied
My sister will study
My sister has studied
My sister is studying
My sister was studying
Am, is, are, was, were + Ving / V3

Will/would, shall/should, can/could,

may/might, must/ had to + V1

Has/have/had + V 3
Present participle (V ing) berfungsi sebagai

Predikat hanya jika ada TO BE sebelumnya. Jika

tidak, maka Ving tersebut bukan Predikat.

My sister is cooking in the kitchen ( )

My sister cooking in the kitchen (X)

My sister cooking in the kitchen is beautiful ( )

Past Participle (V3) berfungsi sebagai Predikat hanya
jika ada has/have/had atau to be sebelumnya.

The teacher has given us homework ( )

The teacher given us homework (X)

The book was written by my sister ( )

The book written by my sister (X)

The book was written by my sister is good ( )

V ing (active)
V 3 (passive)

Has /have/had
To be
1. Typical of the grassland
dwellers of the continent
__________, or pronghorn.
(A) it is the American antelope
(B) the American antelope is
(C) is the American antelope
(D) the American antelope
2. For my father _________ always
surprises him
A. really
B. the news
C. funny
D. when
3. The beautiful girl
_________ cooking in the
kitchen alone looks happy
A. now
B. is
C. he
D. now he
4. The research _________ in the dangerous
area will give a surprising result
A. done
B. it is done
C. is done
Jika subyek dan
predikat lebih dari
satu maka
She goes and she studies
S P con S P

She goes and she studies but she is

S1 P1 con1 S2 P2 con2 S3 P3

She doesnt go because she is sick

S P con S P
Be careful!!

She goes to school and studies

(and does not function as connector
because and doesnt connect S and
I like the girl whom my sister hates
S P con S P

I like my computer which my father

S P con S
Be Careful!!

I like the girl who drives a car

S1 P1 con+S P2

(because who as a connector comes before

Predicate, who also functions as S)
Con + S -- only connector
Con + P -- con + S
(con + S : who, which, that, what)
1. __________that fear, happiness, sadness,
and surprise are universally refected in
facial expressions.
(A) Anthropologists have discovered
(B) Anthropologists discovering
(C) The discovery by anthropologists
(D) Discovered by anthropologists
2. _____ which can run fast will
not make me surprised
A.My car, it
B.For my car
C.My car
D.Because my car
3. An almanac _____ contains
much information including
details about the yearly
movements of the sun and
B.which is which a book which
1. Position

Adj. comes
Before N: A beautiful girl
After To Be : She is beautiful

Adv comes everywhere but NOT between

Predicate and Object
Today I study English (v)
I study today English (x)
2. Form

Descriptive: white, big, many

He is a killing man (Ving / active)

He is a killed man (V 3 / passive)

Adv. : Adj + ly
Modern art is on display at the
Guggenheim Museum, a
building with an unusually
Americans are destroying rapidly

wetlands, faster than an acre

every two minutes

Everybody seems to have a big

problem with the confused test

Subject Verb Agreement
Jika ada subject panjang dengn preposisi
diantaranya, maka:
a. Jika sebelum preposisi : SOME maka
subject muncul seteleh preposisi
Some of my books are good
Some of my money is missing
b. Jika sebelum preposisi bukan SOME maka
subject muncul persis sebelum preposisi
The regulations in my school are good
The regulation about new schools is good
The ability to retain a
mental record of earlier
experiences are referred
to as memory
Kata sebelum dan sesudah AND, BUT, OR
harus mempunyai kelas yang sama
I am studying and dancing
She is beautiful but poor
You can study or work
(You can study or you can work)
___ both ___ and ____
___ either ___or ____
___ neither ___ nor ___
___ not only ___ but also ___
Plastics which are used to

make textiles can be drawn

into fine threads or make

into fabrics.
Studies of either vision and

physical optics began almost

as early as civilization itself.

To be + Adverb + V 3
Jika setelah to be ada V3 maka
diantaranya adalah adverb

We are warmly welcomed

to be Adv V3
She was brutally killed
to be Adv V3
Telegraph service across the
Atlantic was successful
established in 1966
1. My sister is poor but my brother is blabla

2. She runs so blublu that we call her cheetah

3. I need a bleble: something for me to cut an


4. I dont like blibli food like ozhenk-ozhenk or

zhamble ghorenks

5. I was so hungry that when I got home I

quickly ran to the bloblo
The griffy snolls cloppered raucingly along the
unchoofed trake. They were klaklakry so they higled
on spearetemely. Ah, chiwar kervay, they squpped
rechoply. Mi psar Quaj! Quaj! sniled one and filted
even jucklier.

1. Where did the snolls clopper?

2. How did they higgle on?

3. Why did they higgle spearetemely?

4. What was the name of the place they were going to?
Main idea
The largest diamond ever found is the Cullinan Diamond. This
diamond weighed 3,106 carats in its uncut state when it was
discovered in South Africa on January 25, 1905.
The Cullinan Diamond was cut into nine major stones and ninety
six smaller ones. The largest of the cut stones, and still the largest
cut diamond in the world, is the pear-shaped Cullinan I at 530
carats. This diamond which is also known as the Great Star of
Africa is more than 2 inches (5.4cm) and 1.75 inches (4.4 cm)
wide. It became part of the British crown jewels in 1907

What is the topic?

A. diamond cutting
B. the worlds biggest diamond, uncut and cut
C. measuring diamonds in carats
D.the British crown jewels
Blood pressure measurement has two components: systolic and
diastolic. Systolic pressure is taken when the heart is contracting to
pump blood; diastolic is taken when the heart is resting between
beats. In the usual blood pressure reading, the systolic
measurement is given first and it is the higher of two.
Normal blood pressure is a systolic measurement of 140, and when
the systolic pressure is 160 or higher, the hypertensions happens.
Systolic pressure between 140 and 160 indicates borderline

1. Which of the following is not true about systolic blood pressure?

A. It is taken during the contraction of the heart
B. It is usually given first in a blood pressure reading
C. A normal systolic measurement is 140
D.Hypertension exists when the systolic pressure is below 140
Faced with serious threats to its future, the
company is taking steps to improve its outlook.
The company has brought in a new crop of
trainees to staff some of its empty positions. In
addition, the company has created a new
committee to research various proposals and has
appointed a key member of its management team
to chair the committee.

2. The word steps in line 2 could best be replaced

A. stairs
B. walks
C. actions
D. footprints
Line focus
Beavers generally live in family clusters consisting of six to ten
members. One cluster would probably consist of two adults, one male
and one female, and four to eight young beavers, or kits. A female
beaver gives birth each spring to two to four babies at a time. These
baby beavers live with their parents until they are two years old. In
the springtime of their second year they are forced out of the family
group to make room for the new babies. These two-year-old beavers
then proceed to start new family clusters of their own.

Where in the passage does the author give the name of a baby
A. Line 1
B. Line 2
C. Line 3
D. Lines 4-5
The Hawaiian language is a melodious language in
which all words are derived from an alphabet of only
twelve letters, the five vowels a, e, i, o, u and the
seven consonants h, k, l, m, n, p, w. each syllable in
the language ends in a vowel, and two consonants
never appear together,

Which of the following is probably NOT a Hawaiian

A. mahalo
B. mahimahi
C. meklea
D. moana
Another myth of the ocean concerns Davy Jones,
who in folklore is a mean-spirited sovereign of the
ocean's depths. The name Jones is thought by
some etymologists to have been derived from the
name Jonah, the Hebrew prophet who spent three
days in a whale's belly.

The paragraph preceding this passage most

probably discusses
A. the youth of Davy Jones
B. Davy Joness career as a sailor
C. a different traditional story from the sea
D. preparing to travel on the ocean
If parental permission is given, then a couple can marry at sixteen
in some states, and a few states even allow marriage before the
age of sixteen, though a judge's permission, in addition to the
permission of the parents, is sometimes required in this situation.
Some states which allow couples to marry at such a young age
are now considering doing away with such early marriage because
of the numerous negative effects of these young marriages.

The topic of the paragraph following the passage is most likely to

A. disadvantages of youthful marriages
B. reasons why young people decide to marry
C. the age when parental consent for marriage is required
D. a discussion of why some states allow marriages before the age of

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