Blood (A) Sickle Cell: Its Color Are Purple and Fuchsia in The Red Cells

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slid Shape of Colors of cells Number of cells

Human It is concave It is red circles About
usual red circles without any other thousands or
blood colors millions cell

blood It produces a
sickle or banana Its color are It was 5 cells
under the
(a) shaped blood cell
some times it
purple and microscope
sickle appears flattened fuchsia in the that infected
by anemia
cell red cells
Blood It appears as an
irregular purple It is blue in Under the
microscope it was
(b) spot containing
dark dots when a red circle
2 cells infected by
malaria but it was
malaria sample is stained thousands of red
Human usual blood
sickle cell
Mahmoud maher yahia
Islam ead
Ahmed abelhakiem
Mohamed metwaly

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