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Dr. Ni Putu Siadi Purniti, Sp.

Children : Growth and development

of interaction with

Limitation of communication

Clinicians : difficulty in
communicating information at
the appropriate developmental
Dual Patient

Patient Clinicians
Multi Patient


Grand mother/father
Babysiter, etc Children
Facilitating the dialogue
Using common courtesy
Talking with the child
Dealing with acute illnesses
Redirecting the interview
Counseling and reassurance
Active listening

Letting the parent know that you

are listening

Check your body language

Eye contact

Responding to nonverbal
The parents story should be facilitated
by empathetic responses.

Avoid : interruptions, subject changes,

judgmental comments, and not make
prematurely diagnostic.
a. Elicit the reasons for the parents for the
visit (main complain)
b. Elicit the parents expectations for the visit

c. Guide but do not dominate the discourse

Fundamental four dan Sacred

Introduction your self
Set agenda jointly
Early in the visit an appropriate
approach must be
made to the child

To porpuse :
Building of good relations
Indirect to help make diagnostic
During a acute illness, the interview
must be focused
High fever, seizure
Ask : How did you handle that?
After the episode is over and the parents
less likely to anxieties more
complete and forceful information can be

Explaned of the therapy: benefits, advers

even, cost and etc
Keep control of the interview

When the discussion gets off tract

the clinician needs to redirect the

There are some other information I need

right now so we can decide about the
treatment for this illness
The parents : need explain about illness
of the child, diagnose, cause and how to

Advice giving and counseling can be

giving continuing process :
the first mention, during the physical
examination and at the end of the visit
Cost ?

Availability ?
Summarize the relevant points
Invite questions
Jointly setting the agenda visits
Talking with
The primary goal of open
communication is the establishment
of therapeutic alliance with children
and parent.
1. In hospitalized children : Reduce
surgical morbidity and improve
physiologic and behavioral
2. Health educations programs
3. Improved coping with disease,
fewer days of school missed, and
better functional health status
should be
concern of growth and
Exp: malnutrition, look
anemia, weakness , child
not eye contact, hyperactive

Support diagnose
Children go to Hospital stress

defence mechanism


Def : as emotional, cognitive, or

behavioral efforts to alleviate
Coping :
1. Direct efforts to modify the sources of
Exp: running away or hiding

2. Internal strategies
Exp: The childs belief that he is not very
1. Under age 5 years
Use direct behavioral coping
(running away)

2. Age 5-9 years

Use more sophisticated direct strategies
e.g . the doctor that the medicine tastes bad
3. Over age 9 years
Use more internal coping strategies, such
as distraction and reframing a problem

e.g. An adolescent with

diabetes that her illness
has advantages because it
helps her to stay thin

One useful strategy for developing a

therapeutic alliance with children and their
parents is to use the TEACHER method
of communication
Table 2. TEACHER : A method for enhancing
communication with pediatric patients and their parents
T Trust Build trust and rapport with the child by asking
non threatening questions not related illness
E Elicit Elicit information from both parent and child regarding
parental fears and concerns and the childs understanding
of the reason for the visit
A Agenda Set an agenda early in the visit to help ensure that the
parents concerns are addressed
C Control Help the child feel control over the visit (e.g. knowing what
will and will not happen), to help decrease fear and
increase cooperation
H Health plan Establish a health plan with child and parent to meet the
childs needs and limitations
E Explain Explain the health plan to the child in a way she or he can
R Rehearse Have the child rehearse the health plan as a way of
assessing understanding; reinforce the childs jobs
related to health care; explore any potential problems in
the plan with the child and parent
1. Sensorimotor stages
Learning occurs
through sensory
They want to hold and
examine instrument
A soft tone of voice and
gentle handling

Careful examination and frequent

comments about the childs condition will
be reassuring to the parent
2. 2-6 Years old (preoperational stages)

Children confuse cause and effect

They focus on the perceptual salience, not
the logical content
Perceive illness and medical procedures
as punishments for being bed
Information for children should be
concrete and reassuring
Establishing trust with preschoolers involves
using direct verbal praise and allowing the child
to have some control over the visit
e.g. by listening with the stethoscope to clinicians
3. 7-10 years old
(concrete operational stage)

Children appear able to tolerate medical

visit better
They are very much focused on the
concrete aspects of situation
It is useful at this stages to begin
to give them more control over
their health and to anticipate
their concerns
Make sure that both parent and
child are involved
Make gathering in setting the agenda

and establishing a health plan

Explained to child : examination will
be done
Children begin to be
able to reflect on their
own thought processes
and to understand how
the body works

independence and
ability to make
Trust :

The clinician should solicit the adolescents

opinion , needs, and limitations before
recommending a course of action

Make sure that the adolescent understands the

health plan and feels comfortable trying it out

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