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Origin of the

For many years, philosophers and
scientists have tried to answer
this one specific question:

How did the Universe


Gabriel Danielle Luiz Garcia-Eslava San Beda College- Manila

Ancient Astronomers have observed
That stars remained FIXED relative to one another but the whole
star field slowly revolved around a fixed point.
Planets moved relative to the stars and to each other (came from
the Greek word planes, meaning wanderer.
The Earth is a flat disk, with land toward the center and water
around the margins.
The Sun is a burning bowl of oil; ball of red hot iron.
Geocentric Model
Earth is a motionless astral body in the center of the universe while the other bodies make a
Most philosophers assumed that orbits had circular shapes because it is considered as
Perfect shape.
__________- Completed the calculations that seemed to predict the wandering of the planet.
The church considered it as a DOGMA because it certified that the earth occupied the most
important place on earth and implies that humans were the universes most important
creatures. Those who disagreed were considered as heretic.
The Prominent Names in the Study of the
Nicolaus Copernicus- _______________________________
Reintroduced and justified the heliocentric model in his book Concerning the Revolutions.

Johannes Kepler- _________________________________

Showed that planets follow an elliptical, not circular orbits and thus demonstrating that Ptolemys calculations were wrong.

Galileo Galilee-______________________________________
Observed that Venus has phases like our own moon, a characteristic that could only be possible if Venus orbited the Sun and that Jupiter has its own

Isaac Newton- _______________________________________

Derived the mathematical laws governing gravity and basic mechanics thus provided the tools for explaining how physical processes operate in nature.
Edwin Hubble
Because of the observations done regarding red shift, Edwin Hubble inferred that distant
galaxies move away from earth at immense velocity.
All distance galaxies exhibit red shift, therefore,
All distant galaxies are moving rapidly away from us.
Universe as an expanding bubble; galaxies race away from each other at INCREASING SPEEDS.
Everything you see is just a small part of the universe- from
the dust in your room to the stars that you see with
your naked eye or with a telescope. These are all part of

Complex and Mysterious Universe .

Gabriel Danielle Luiz Garcia-Eslava San Beda College- Manila

One of the mysteries of the universe is its origin.

Man did not witness the actual beginning of the



Man can only reconstruct the events based on the

evidence available.
Gabriel Danielle Luiz Garcia-Eslava San Beda College- Manila
Big Bang
Misconception Alert!
Though named big bang, it was not an
explosion rather it was an expansion of

Gabriel Danielle Luiz Garcia-Eslava San Beda College- Manila

The Big Bang is the event that
happened about 13.7 billion years
ago when time, space, matter and
energy came into existence.

Gabriel Danielle Luiz Garcia-Eslava San Beda College- Manila

Big Bang Theory
As a response to Edwin Hubbles discovery,
GEORGES LEMAITRE, had the idea that the
universe grew from a HOT, DENSE fireball of
matter and radiation.
As the fireball expanded and cooled down, stars
and galaxies condensed out of primeval
It has undergone
State inflation
*a short but rapid
expansion to become the
universe that we know

Gabriel Danielle Luiz Garcia-Eslava San Beda College- Manila

Evidences of the Big Bang Theory
Cosmic Microwave Background:
Discovered in 1965
Radiation that fills the universe and can be detected in every direction.
Red Shift
Gravitational Waves
Higgs Boson
If a light source MOVES AWAY from you, the light you see becomes redder as the
light shifts to an area of lower frequency.
If a light source MOVES TOWARD YOU, it becomes bluer, as light shifts to an area
of higher frequency.
These phenomenon are called RED SHIFT and BLUE SHIFT, respectively.
This results from the fact that the light of a distant galaxies displayed red shifts
relative to absorption lines in the light spectra of nearby stars.
Steady state theory
In the 1940s Sir Fred Hoyle and
others developed an alternative
mathematical model of the Universe
that did not start in a massive
They said that matter is continuously
created at a rate that keeps the
average density of the Universe the
same as it expands.
1940s to 1960s standard hot big bang model
Universe did not from an explosive The observable universe originated from a
beginning, because it did not have a very tiny, extremely hot and dense energy
beginning that expanded, and started to cool off
Universe keeps on creating new This event led to formation of galaxies, stars,
matter as it expands in order to planets and other astronomical objects and
maintain its average density bodies
Universe is the same at any time Hot big bang model focus on what
and in any place happened exactly at big bangs time zero,
rather than after big bang

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