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Adnan Nawaz
i. Introduction
ii. Target Audience
iii. What is Sustainability
iv. Practices that we will follow
v. Our Message
vi. Methods of communication
vii. Indulge target audience and receive
Introduction of the Company
Our Caffevile Caf located in Melbourne Austalia in the heart of the city.
One of the busiest caf with opening hours from 6.00 am to 6.00pm
Employees: 25
Target Audience
Coffee Drinking Customers all over the city
Family who go outing in the weekend
Nearby residences who want to celebrate birthdays, get-together, or kitty parties
The definition of sustainability is the study of how natural systems
function, remain diverse and produce everything it needs for the ecology
to remain in balance. It also acknowledges that human civilisation takes
resources to sustain our modern way of life
There are countless examples throughout human history where a
civilisation has damaged its own environment and seriously affected its
own survival chances
Practices that will follow to help maintain our environmental balance
Sustainability practices; policy and procedures to control usage of usage and
Responsibility in using resources
Message to everyone from us on:

The greatest THREAT to our planet is the belief that someone

else will save it
Methods of communicating this message:
Google reviews/ Menu log reviews
Facebook and Instagram updates/ adds
Use additional resources such as Videos, Handouts
Indulge Audience via below methods
Story telling:
We can use the Depleting Reef story which is one major cause of a 25 million old
reef declared dead in 2016. The reason to this is wastage of resources.
Another Story Happy feet where we could have a movie evening at our caf and
showcase ourselves turning towards sustainability.
1. How can a coffee shop participate in sustainability?
2. Do you think your employees agree to the 2 suggestions you have finalised?
3. Do you think you can make your customers more inclines towards sustainability
by promoting it in your caf?
Thank You

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