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Do the students and teachers of

AMES find standardized testing

By Dylan Winger and Joseph Michaels
Joseph: Dylan came up with the question, and I thought that would be a interesting
topic to explore further. I also heard how everybody always talked horribly about the
SAGE, I wanted to see if that was actual opinion

Dylan: I was personally only interested in teacher opinion, the student thing came
about because we needed something to compare it to.
Data Collection.
We made two surveys and gave them to the councillors, from there they sent it to the
staff and students of A.M.E.S. In total we got 43 responses in total, 17 teachers, and 26
What are we comparing?
Teacher and students. Because they are the two groups directly
affected by standardised testing.
The Data (Students).
84.62% of the students surveyed believe that the SAGE isnt adequate for testing
student ability. (15.38% said it was)

50% said the the ACT wasnt effective, while 26.92% said is was, and 23.08% havent
taken it yet.

When we asked How does your opinion of standardized testing effect the amount
of effort you put into standardized tests? these were out responses
The Data (Teachers).
When we asked do you believe standardized testing is an effective use of time
52.94% of teachers responded with no, 26.92% responded with yes, and 23.08%
responded with unsure.

We asked Do you believe that standardized testing is an effective tool for testing
student ability?
The Data (Teachers).
We asked teachers for whether or not the scores they got on their finals and
standardized tests matched up, the SAGE is the top one the ACT is the bottom
We believe that the data shows that:

Too much time is spent on standardized testing.

The ACT is much more popular than the SAGE.

And teachers are much more mixed on this than students.

What we would do different
We would change the wording of the questions to make them more clear.

I (Dylan) would also try to get the survey out faster.

Survey Monkey

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