Profit & Loss Account

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Profit & Loss Account

Reporting the value of assets, liabilities and owners equity
at a particular point in time and the net change in owners
equity brought about by the operations between the two
consecutive reporting periods is the intended purpose of
Balance Sheet. It does not tell anything about the details of
operations of business such as-
Was it a good year or a bad year?
What was the volume of operations?
What was the margin available on sales?
How was the sales rupee distributed among different
expenses and profit?
All these questions could be answered with the help of
another financial statement addressed exclusively to
summarize the revenue and expenses of a particular period.
This statement is known as Profit & Loss Account.
Profit & Loss Account
(Rs. in millions)
.Sales (Schedule 1) 275
Other Income (Schedule 2) 5
Cost of Goods Sold (Schedule 3) 150
Gross Profit 130
Operating Expenses
Personnel (Schedule 4) 49
Depreciation (Schedule 5) 11
Other Expenses (Schedule 6) 28 88
Operating Profit 42
Less: Interest (Schedule 7) 12
Net Profit before Income Tax 30
Less: Provision for Tax 12
Net Profit 18
Earning Before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) is calculated on the basis of Operating
Profit. Earning per share is calculated on the basis of Net Profit
Schedule 1 : Sales
(Rs. In millions)
Gross Sales 260
Less: Sales Returns & Allowances 1.75
Sales Discount 3.25 5
Net Sales (Inland)
Machine Tools Group 83
Watch Group 87
Tractor Group 60
Lamp Group 13
Dairy Machinery Group 2 245
Machine Tools Group 6
Watch Group 2
Others 2 10
Total Net Sales 255
Schedule 2 : Other Incomes

(Rs. in millions)

Interest - Banks 0.50

Interest Staff & Offices 1.20
Exports Incentives 1.80
Sales Agency Commission 0.50
Profit on Sale of Assets 0.30
Dividend on Trade 0.20
Other Miscellaneous 0.50
Total 5.00
Schedule 3 : Cost of Goods Sold
(Rs. in millions)
Inventory as on 1st Day of Accounting Year 81
Add: Purchases 110
Freight in 10
Other Direct material Costs 15
Total Goods Available 216
Less: Raw Materials and Semi-finished 71
Inventory on the Last Day of Accounting
Goods Available for Sale 145
Less: Finished Goods Inventory on the Last 15
day of the Accounting Year
Cost of Goods Sold 130
Schedule 4 : Personnel Expenses
(Rs. in millions)

Salary Wages and Bonus 37.81

House Rent Allowances 2.19
Gratuity 0.75
Contribution to Provident Fund 2.75
Contribution to Employees State 0.50
Insurance (ESI)
Workmen and Staff Welfare 5.00
Total 49.00
Schedule 5 : Depreciation

(Rs. in millions)

Fixed Assets 9.84

Tools & Instrument 0.02
Patterns Jigs & Fixtures 1.14
Total 11.00
Schedule 6 : Other Expenses
(Rs. in millions)
Power & Fuel 3.10
Rent 0.50
Taxes 0.40
Insurance 0.50
Water & Electricity 0.60
Repairs to Buildings 0.20
Repairs to Machinery 0.80
Printing & Stationery 0.90
Advertising & Publicity 2.40
Training 0.10
Provision for Bad Debt & Advances 0.20
Loss on Assets Sold or Discarded 1.30
Sole Selling and Other Agents Commission 4.70
Directors Fees 2.00
Miscellaneous Expenses Royalties, Audit etc. 10.30
Total 28.00
Schedule 7 : Interest
(Rs. in millions)

Debentures 0.58
Fixed Deposits 1.50
Loans from Government 5.00
Term Loans from Banks/Financial 0.42
Others 4.50
Total 12.00
Linkage Between Balance Sheet and
Profit & Loss Account
From the balance sheet equation
Assets = Liabilities + Owners Equity.(1)
Owners Equity at any point in time is represented by-
Owners Equity = Assets Liabilities(2)
This implies that except in case of first balance sheet, the
owners equity need not to be equal to the contributed capital
because the amount of sales revenue increases the owners
equity and the amount of goods parted with decreases the
owners equity. The resultant increase in owners equity is
equal to the net increase in the assets and that is equal to the
profit. As per the balance sheet equation,
Owners Equity = Contributed Capital + Retained Earning
Assuming no withdrawals the retained earning the difference
revenues and expenses. This relationship could be written as under-

Retained Earning = Revenue Expenses.(3)

Substituting the right hand side of this equality in the balance sheet
equation (1)

Assets = Liabilities + Contributed Capital + (Revenue -

Expenses) (4)

It is the last two terms of the equality (4) above which called the
profit & Loss Account or income summery. The Profit & Loss
Account is therefore, an integral part of the balance sheet

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