Hyper Links Lecture

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Group 1
What is a Hyperlink?
Hyperlink is a reference link that allows you to navigate to another page of
the same document or to another document.

Types of Hyperlinks
Type Description
Absolute URL Links to the page in a different Web Server
Relative URL Links to a page in the same Web Server
Named Anchor Links to different location or the same Web Page
Creating a Link from One Page to
In this part, you will learn how to create anchors (term used to define a
hyperlink) that allows viewers to go to another Web page or file. Anchors can also
be made to make email hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are clicked in order for viewers to
jump to a page specified in it. Anchors can be made thru the container tag <a></a>
and setting the value of the attribute href as the target destination page.
Example: <a href=www.yahoo.com>Yahoo!</a>
Attribute Table for <a></a>
Definition Values

Filename (path could be

Indicates the target of
Href included), URL, mail to
the anchor

Indicates the behavior the

Target Web browser will carry Blank,_self, _parent, _top
Assigns name to the
anchor defining an
Name Any Text
internal book mark of the
Target Attribute
As seen on the table of attributes for<a></a>, there exists the target
attribute. It indicates what the web browser will do when the hyperlink is clicked.
The following describes what each values does:
Blank - the value of href attribute or target URL will be opened in the new
_Self the value of the href attribute or target URL will be opened within the
same frame. Frames will be discussed on the later chapters.
_Parent the value of the href attribute or target URL will be opened on the
parent frameset.
_Top the value of the href attribute or target URL will be opened in the full
body of the window.
Creating E-mail Link
Email Links allows the user to send email and communicate
with you easily. An e-mail hyperlink opens the Create New Email
Message of the MS Outlook Express(or default mail client) and
sets the message to be sent to the specified e-mail address. You
can make your own e-mail hyperlink by setting the value of the
attribute href as mailto: followed by the email address.

Example: <a href=mailto: ootdf6@gmail.com> Email us

Linking to a Page on a Different
Web Site Using Graph as Links
To link a page on a different web You can use graphics or images to
site you have to find first the take you to another page in your
destination path and copy it to your website or to another website.
code to create the link.
<a href= http://address_of_page.com
<img src=
align=left border=0></a>
Linking Audio or Video Files Embedding a Video File

You can link Youtube You embed a Youtube video file by

using the <embed> tag to your
video files to your web HTML document. An embedded
video will paly directly on your page.
page so that when a visitor You can control the width and height
click the button, the video of the window in which the video file
file will play.
1. Go to Youtube and open the video
you would like to add to your page.
2. At the bottom of the video, click
Embed link
3. The HTML code used to embed the
video will be displayed below.
4. Copy the code and paste it to your
HTML document.

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