Laporan Pagi OK IGD 4feb2017 TF Rev1

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Morning Report Emergency OR

Saturday, February 4th, 2017

dr. Zeta Manda Uyun Defit

ICU : dr. Sisca
HCU : dr. Neil
TMRC : dr. Ronald
IMET : dr. Hendra
ICU IGD : dr. Roy
Resus : dr. Chrysa
APS : dr. Mange - Kadek
PJT : dr. Shendy
Total Patients : 5 patients
1. M, 53 yo

Diagnosis Diabetic gangrene of the right foot

Procedure Below knee amputation

Physical status ASA 3

- Septic (HR 120X/min, Temperature 37 C, leukocyte 32800, RR 20-22x/min,
SpO2 99% on O2 3 litre/min, PCT 0,24, lactate 1,6. Nasal canule on sitting
position, urine output 0,5 cc/kg/hour, on meropenem 3x1 gr E2
- DM type 2 (RBG 148 mg/dl on insulin drip 1U/hour)
- Community acquired pneumonia dd/ lung TB (without cough, RR 22-
24x/min, rales on both lung fields, on meropenem 3x1gr E2. CXR: infiltrate
on both lung fields ,suspected pneumonia)
- AKI dd acute on CKD (ureum 63 g/dl and creatinine 1,4 g/dl, UO
- Anemia Hb 8,56 g/dl
- Diabetic gangrene of the right foot on heparin 20.000 IU/24h
- Hipoalbuminemia 3,06 g/dl
- Thrombocytosis 726000
- Without airway difficulty


Post Op ICU
2. F, 3 yo

Diagnosis Corneal rupture of the right eye

Procedure Rupture repair

Physical status ASA 2

- Third day of acute respiratory infection without cough/rales
- Leukocytosis 12900/mm3

Plan GA

Post Op Ward
3. M, 16 yo

Diagnosis Bilateral vulnus scissum, left pneumothorax

Physical status ASA 3
- Left pneumothorax ( weakened vesicular sound in the left lung.
Subcutis emphysema, CXR: Left pneumothorax )
- Leukocytosis 15600
- Hypernatremia 156 mEq/L
- Without airway difficulty

Plan MAC

Post Op Ward
4. M, 33 yo

Diagnosis Closed fracture of bilateral humerus, closed fracture of distal ulna, left
hand crush injury
Procedure Open reduction internal fixation, K-wire, debridement

Physical status ASA 2

- Leukocytosis 15600
- Elevated SGOT 124 g/dl, SGPT 89 g/dl
- Without airway difficulty

Plan GA

Post Op Ward
5. F, 28 yo
Diagnosis Left eye endopthalmitis

Procedure Evisceration, dermal fat graft

Physical status ASA 2

- Hypertension, BP 1498/79 mmHg, without therapy, EKG: inverted T
on I, aVL, V5-V6
- Elevated SGOT 34 g/dl/SGPT 79 g/dl
- Leukocytosis 25000
- Without airway difficulty

Plan GA

Post Op Ward

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