Writing Your Literature Review For Your Undergraduate Dissertation

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Writing your literature review for

your undergraduate dissertation

Aims of the session
Explore what a literature review is and the purpose of it
Critical reading (to ensure critical writing)
Writing the review:
Critical approaches to writing
Activity 1: Discuss on your tables
1. What is a literature review?

2. What is the purpose of the literature review in your

dissertation/final year project?
What is the literature review?
A literature review summarises, critically analyses and
evaluates previous research available on the subject,
presenting this in an organised way. It should address a
clearly articulated question or series of questions
It is NOT:
A descriptive list or summaries of books/articles etc
An exhaustive bibliography on everything ever written on the topic-
you need to make a decision about what to include
Your arguments and ideas (like an essay)
Why do we write a literature review?
Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of your topic area including key
concepts, terminology, theories and definitions
Identify who the major thinkers are
Identify what research has been done in that area
Find gaps in the research or current areas of interest to help you
formulate your own research question
Identify the main research methodologies in your subject area
Identify main areas of agreement or controversy
convince the reader that your research questions are significant,
important and interesting
convince the reader that your thesis will make an original contribution to
the area being investigated.
Steps to complete the literature review
1. Find relevant literature on your topic and follow trails of

2. Identify themes/ideas/theories/approaches to the topic that have

emerged from reading

3. Introduce ideas by themes/theory/approach/chronologically or

any other appropriate structure but do not just list different
authors viewpoints

4. Introduce and explain each theme (or theory/approach), present

evidence from readings (agreements/ disagreements), critically
commentate and relate to your own research
Critical reading
Activity 2: The importance of critical reading

In your groups come up with at least 5 questions that you

would ask yourself when critically analysing a text for your
Critical questioning when reading
1. Who is the author?
2. What is the authors central point or main argument?
3. What findings and conclusions are made?
4. What evidence is used to support the conclusions?
5. Is the evidence relevant? What methodology has the
author used? What are the strengths and limitations?
6. Does the author make any assumptions?
7. What is not being said?
8. Is there any explicit or hidden bias?
9. How is the text relevant to YOUR project or assignment?
10. How does this link with other texts that you have read?
Synthesising the information (adapted from Aysha Divan, 2009)
Author(s), Aim of paper Type of Key findings and Strengths,
date study/information conclusions weaknesses, links
to other sources

Hardy (2007) Assess the Questionnaires were Librarians Study limited to just
future roles of used to collect data about undertaking a wide 3 subject areas and
subject the roles, relationships range of activities, non respondants
librarians in and competencies of 32 with academic may have skewed
the context of subject/liaison librarians liaison and the results.
technological supporting three information literacy
changes and disciplines in UK teaching as central Conroy and Boden
financial universities. tasks, Teaching (2007) does support
pressure. skills are needed to the evidence found
compliment more here.
librarianship skills
They are still
fulfilling a useful
Synthesising the information
Adapt headings to your discipline/project:
Sciences/Experimental focus

Author Year Type of Sample Design Data Key

study collection findings

Humanities/Theoretical focus

Author Year Type of Strengths Weaknesses Relevance to own

work study

Taken from The University of Adelaide Writing a literature review

What is the big picture?

photo by oddsock on Flickr

What is the big picture?
You might read first during which time you start to develop
ideas for themes.
Ask yourself:
What ideas seem to come up in several articles?
Are the same ideas presented from the same or different
Are there any major debates that need addressing
Does there seem to be a change in thought over time?
What ideas/themes are relevant to answer my question(s)
Are there different methodology being applied? (a review might
evaluate different methods)
What is the big picture?
You might already have a big picture idea. Your reading
may then either:
Confirm and support the structure of your initial plan
Lead you to change your plan due to new ideas youve
developed in your reading
What is the big picture?
Categorise the evidence into themes: topic/theory/methodology/chronolgically

Themes: topic/theory/methodology etc Relevant references

Teaching role of the subject librarian:
Fielden report (1993), Morgan (1996),
Important role Bahr (2000), Pinfield (2001), Conroy and
Boden (2007), Hardy (2007)

Not core role Asher (2003)

Pedagogy, teaching skills and librarians Morgan (1996), Fry (1999), Hepworth
(2000) Allan (2000) Peacock (2001), Levy
(2005),Brophy (2007), Sinikara (2008),

Teaching skills in the LIS curriculum Cronin (1982), Elkin (1994), Mitchell
(2001), Bell (2004), Foster (2006), CILIP
Writing the review:
The structure
Structuring your literature review
Introduction (scope and
Background, more to
Distantly related to structure)
do with your topic
your work area than your
research question

Closer to what youre Narrow categories

doing but not match you may deal with
directly sources in more

Research that is
Categories close to
particularly pertinent
your research and
to your work
you may find you are
Your study/current research issues looking at a few key
papers in detail
Topic (broad to narrow)
Second Homes: Investigating Local Perceptions and Impacts on
Communities in Cornwall
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Growth of Second Homes
2.3 The Emergence of British Second Homes in Literature
2.4 Defining Second Homes
2.5 The Impacts of Second-Home Ownership
2.5.1 Housing Demand and Local Housing Markets
2.5.2 Local Services, Employment and Economic Demand
2.5.3 Community Interactions
2.6 Conclusion and Gaps for Further Study
Structuring your literature review: Factors affecting
cardiovascular health

A literature review on theories of mental illness might
present how the understanding of mental illness has
changed through the centuries, by giving a series of
examples of key developments and ending with current
theories and the direction your research will take.

Taken from http://www.smu.ca/administration/library/litrev.html

Writing the
literature review
Activity 4: The introduction

Compare the two introductions on your handout and answer

the questions underneath the extracts
Writing the literature review: the introduction
Could include:
Why the topic is important- is it an area of current interest?
The scope of the review- the aspects of the topic that will be
How the review is organised
Has the topic been widely researched? Or not?
Significant gaps in the research into your topic
Is there debate and controversy about the topic or a
Main body: General writing advice
Provide the reader with strong "umbrella" sentences at
beginnings of paragraphs, "signposts" throughout, and brief
"so what" summary sentences at intermediate points in the
review to aid in understanding comparisons and analyses.

Use language to show confidence/caution:

e.g. There is clearly a link.../This suggests a possible link...
Use you own voice to comment on the literature
Critical writing in a literature review can include
1. Comparing and contrasting different theories, concepts etc and
indicating the position you are taking for your own work
2. Showing how limitations in others work creates a research gap
for you.
3. Strategic and selective referencing to support the underpinning
arguments which form the basis of your research
4. Synthesising and reformulating arguments from various
sources to create new/more developed point of view
5. Agreeing with/defending a point of view or finding
6. Accepting current viewpoints have some strengths but
qualifying your position by highlighting weaknesses
7. Rejecting a point of view with reasons (e.g. Lack of evidence)
8. Making connections between sources
Adapted from RIDLEY, D 2008. The literature review: a step-by- step guide for students. London:
Can you identify these features in the literature
review extracts?
Underline: Where the student has commented on the
literature they are reviewing

Circle- Where the writer has used language to avoid a

black and white, right/wrong type of judgement (showing

Using the list on the Critical writing in a literature review

slide decide how the writer has shown criticality by
assigning a number 1-8 (can assign more than one
Academic writing tips:
Manchester academic phrasebank:
examples of some of the phraseological "nuts and bolts" of
Referring to the literature
Being critical
Describing methods
And more...
Conclude your literature review with a statement which
summarises your review and links this to your own
research/current issues:
In conclusion, extensive research has shown space to be an important
concept that vastly affects society. Definitions of public and private
spaces are changing noticeably over time, in particular in Western cities
such as the UK. An increasing withdrawal from public life can be
observed as technology and other factors largely impact the way we live
and experience otherness. These changes in public, private and
electronic spaces do and will continue to greatly impact fundraising
activities and giving behaviour. This research therefore fills an evident
gap in charity and geographical research, bringing these two concepts
together in an important investigation of space and charity.
Dont forget about the referencing!
Keep a record of all the sources that you use!
Use the referencing style recommended by your School
Skills@Library referencing pages
Reviewing your review

1. ~~~~~~~
2. ~~~~~~~~ 3
3. ~~~~~~~~
4. ~~~~~~~~
5. ~~~~~~~~
6. ~~~~~~~~~
Grammar, spelling and punctuation
University of Bradford:
Further help
The Final Chapter: http://library.leeds.ac.uk/tutorials/thefinalchapter/
Skills@Library writing pages: http://library.leeds.ac.uk/skills-writing
Academic Phrasebank: http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/
RIDLEY, D. 2008. The literature review: a step-by-step guide for
students. London:SAGE.
DIVAN, A. 2009. Communication skills for the biosciences: a graduate
guide. Oxford:Oxford University Press.
Aveyard, H. 2010. Doing a literature review in health and social care : a
practical guide. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill

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