1 Example of Opening Speech

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Assalamualaikum wb wb!

Good afternoon all friends that I proud of. Before we

get into my speech this afternoon, let me introduce
myself first; because there is a quote that said if we
do not know each other. It is not a love. So, my
name is . hasyim. , I was called .hasyim., I was born
in .balikpapan., east kalimantan on .25 march
1985. I was the . first son of . three. children. I am
currently active as a student in STIKES IST BUTON.
(Langsung dihubungkan dengan isi pidato/laporan).
Expression using in opening speech:

Good morning ladies and gentlemen!

Hi, everybody!
Hi, everyone!
Good morning guys!
The honorable . . . . .
On behalf of . . . . .
I would like to report my job training . . .
Let me report my . . . . .
Assalamualaykum wr.wb
Greet the audience
Say gratitude
Ladies and gentlemen, before I explain the topics of this
speech about how to overcome the dangers of dengue
mosquitoes, I would give an illustration as the sample: In a
large house, there is a child who is bitten by mosquitos, and he
suffered dengue fever. Then the mosquitos go to the
neighbors house right beside that childs house and bite
them. Then they were also infected to dengue fever. Can you
imagine if those mosquitos spread and bite all of people in
that village? What will happen to them? Of course it will be a
nightmare. Mosquitoes are so dangerous especially dengue
mosquito that.. (Langsung dihubungkan dengan isi
First of all let us convey our gratitude and praise to
God, because he has gave a lot of pleasure to us,
such as health, opportunity, and happiness that
we feel today. Without mercy, it can be impossible
for us to enjoy our life and come to this forum
today. Secondly, let us greet and pray to our
beloved prophet who brings us to the path of light
and leave the darkness in this life. Please allow me
to stand in this forum to give a speech as
representative of my friends to say a few words in
this forum. (Langsung dihubungky an dengan
isi pidato).
Before we are talking about our topic today, I have a
story about my fat neighbor who sells meat and eggs
at once. One day I asked him, Youre so fat. You must
have a lot of money, right? No thats not true, I am
fat because I eat eggs and meat every day hhhaa.?
He replied. In the story above I know that he has a lot
of money, but he refused to tell the truth but he
cannot cheat on me. We can see in this real life. Most
of businessmen are fat. That is true because by
trading, they can earn a lot of money and enjoy their
life. Becoming a businessman is (Langsung
dihubungkan dengan isi pidato).
Greets to the audience
Today, we are here to commemorate the
historic day in our nation named Youths oath
Day. The day when the entire Indonesian youth
united and fought on behalf of the Indonesian
nation to expel the invaders from our beloved
country Republic of Indonesia. Therefore
(Langsung dihubungkan dengan isi pidato)

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen
Respectable the lecturer and all friends I proud
of. My name is Alwan.
I want to report my work training in the form of
a speech about cleaning. Cleaning is a part of
Iman therefore we are avoided from a variety of
diseases. And then we are near to Allah SWT

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