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Most Influential Leaders of

the World
00 AD to 1100 AD
00 AD to 200 AD

Augustus was the his name is well- Plato called the

founder of the Roman Shared his maintained in "philosopher king.
Principate and
considered the first vision with antiquity
Roman emperor, Stoic philosophy, which
controlling the Roman followers. Stoicism, his focused on accepting
Empire from 27 BC until philosophical things out of one's
his death in AD 14 ideals and
Social reform. writings were all control and maintaining
Augustus to develop the mastery over one's
framework within which compiled and
a formally republican Enabled the preserved in a emotions.
state could be led under dairy for over ten
his sole rule years, which is Realize that many
group together
known to the mistakes, even
to achieve a world today as egregious ones, are the
Meditations result of ignorance.
common goal
200 AD to 400 AD

how people 434 and 453 A.D Despite his legendary

Chandra Gupta, lust for gold, Attila
was the founder treat you is himself lived modestly
and humbly.
their karma; Once Attila rose to
of the Maurya power, the first thing
how you react
Empire he did was negotiate Chieftains must
is yours a (short-lived) peace understand that the
built one of the Your beliefs with the Romans. spirit of the law is
largest empires create your greater than its letter..
He invaded Gaul to
ever in the Indian reality win himself a wife
subcontinent It takes less courage to
In life, you Attila suffered his criticize the decisions of
then renounced it dont attract first and only defeat others than to stand by
all, and became a what you want, at the Battle of the your own.
monk in the you attract Catalaunian Plains
Jainism tradition. what you are
400 AD to 700 AD

400 AD to 700 AD

After the death of

Prophet (SM)
FAROOQ (RA) Bitter Enemy of
Hazrat Abu Bakr "To proceed, if anyone Islam
Siddiq (R.A) The amongst you used to
worship Muhammad,
If there were to
Best Companion of then Muhammad has be a prophet after he was rather
Prophet (PBUH) passed away, but if me, indeed he
(anyone of) you used to
worship Allah, then would be Umar, more feared
closest companion of Allah is Alive and shall son of than loved.
never die.
Rasulullah (PBUH) Khattab. (Tirmidh
from his youth, and 'Umar said, "By Allah, i) Appointment of
remained till the
when I heard Abu Bakr Governors
reciting it, my legs
could not support me at an
and I fell down at the unprecedented All are Equal
very moment of rate, ruling the
hearing him reciting it, before Law
declaring that Sasanian Empire
Muhammad had passed and more than
two-thirds of the Bait-ul-Maal or

Byzantine Empire Treasury

700 AD to 1100 AD

Charlemagne was William the attempt to

Conqueror integrate his
born on April 2, Established
742 CE and his schools for ( 1028 separate domains
name in Latin is education for 9 September 1087) into one unified
children realm with one
Carolus Magnus, William the set of lawshe was
Charles the Great reform focused on Conqueror and rather more
in English and strengthening the sometimes William feared than
Carlo Magno in church's power the Bastard loved.
Spanish. improving clergy's As part of his efforts
skill and moral to secure England, He made England
46 years of reign 50 quality, practices, William ordered speak Franglais.
military campaign. improvements on many castles, keeps,
the basic tenets of and mottes built Hes responsible
the faith and the among them the for scores of
rooting out of central keep of the
paganism Tower of London, British Wills.
the White Tower.
Constantine I
He was the son of Constantius Chlorus and St. Helena
At the court of Roman Emperor Diocletian

Constantine was sent to the court of Diocletian, where he received a formal education
learning Latin literature, Greek, and philosophy. Here he witnessed Diocletians Great
Persecution, the most severe persecution of Christians in Roman history.
Constantine became emperor after the death of his father on
July 25, 306 AD
defeated Maxentius in the famous Battle of the Milvian

On 29 October 312, Constantine entered Rome amid popular jubilation. Maxentius body
was fished out and decapitated. His head was paraded through the streets. Victory over
Maxentius gave Constantine undisputed control over the western half of the Roman
Empire with the eastern half ruled by Licinius
Constantine became the sole Emperor of the Roman Empire
in 324 AD

The relations between Constantine and Licinius began to deteriorate after an

assassination attempt on Constantine by a man Licinius wanted to be Caesar and over
Licinius restarting to oppress Christians. This led to the great civil war of 324. Constantine
won a series of victories and finally forced Licinius to surrender
He founded the city of Constantinople in 324 AD

Constantines victory over Licinius marked the rise of Christian and Latin
speaking Rome and the decline of Pagan and Greek speaking population.
Constantine decided to give the east its own capital.
He had his son Crispus and his second wife Fausta executed
Allah and His angels send blessings on the
Prophet. O ye who believe! you also should
invoke blessings on him and salute him with
the salutation of peace.
Chapter 33:57
Arabia Before Islam & Muhammad
Hostile attitude between East and West.
Used to take pride in invasion and
Low moral.
Idol worshippers.
Practiced usury with high interest.
Muhammad- Birth & childhood
oMuhammad was born in Makkah on
12th Rabi Ul Awwal in 570 A.D. in the
tribe of Quraysh, one of the most
noble and influential tribes in
Makkah at that time.
oGot the name Muhammad
meaning the praised one.
oHe became orphan at the age of 6.
oGuardianship passed to grandfather
Abdul Muttalib and uncle Abu Talib.
oRecognized by a Christian monk by
the name of Bah rah
Muhammad- Adulthood, Marriage and Divine
Al- Amin (trustworthy).
Married to a rich 40-year old widow,
Khadijah bent Khuwaylid of the
Quraysh tribe at the age of 25. She
was the first convert to Islam.
The revelations part of Muhammads
life is referred to the Quran in this
Did He not find you wandering and
guide you? (93:7).
Finally after spending six long months
in the cave, At the age of 40, on
February 12, 610 A.D., God turned in
mercy to His Prophet, to guide him to
the path of truth.
Muhammads Night Journey(Miraj)
The angel Gabriel came to take the
Prophet on the miraculous journey to
the heavens known as Miraj in the
tenth year of prophethood.
The Prophet received Gods
commandments including the prayer
to be said five times daily.
Two views about this heavenly
And those who believed and emigrated
and did jihad in the cause of Allah as
well as who gave them asylum and aid,
these are the followers in truth. For
them is forgiveness and a generous
provision An-Anfaal, 8:74
Hijrah means the flight of Muhammad
from Mecca to Medina to escape
persecution a.d. 622: regarded as the
beginning of the Muslim Era.
Miscellaneous Allegations Against Prophet
Fled During the Battle of Uhud
The Double Personality of Muhammad
Death of the Prophet
A few months after the farewell pilgrimage, Muhammad fell ill and suffered
for several days with fever, head pain, and weakness. He died on Monday, 8
June 632, in Medina, at the age of 62 or 63, in the house of his wife Aisha,
saying- O Allah, to Ar-Rafiq Al-A'la (exalted friend, highest abode or the
uppermost, highest company in heaven).
Hadiaths from the Prophet
Those who are nearest to God are they
who are first to give a salutation (Salaam).
A man follows the religion of his close
friend, so each of you should be very
careful about whom he takes as a close
friend. (Abu Dawud)
The strong man is not the good wrestler;
the strong man is only the one who
controls himself when he is angry.
The best sadqa is that a muslim man
learns knowledge (of the Deen) and then
teaches it to his Muslim brothers. (Ibn-e-
When a man dies no further reward is
recorded for his actions, with three
exceptions: Sadqa which continues to be
supplied, or knowledge from which benefit
continues to be reaped, or the prayers of a
good son to his dead father. (Muslim)
Anyone who shows the way to something
good has the same reward as the person
who does it. (Muslim) The man who is most
hateful to God is the one who quarrels and
disputes most. (Bukhari)
If there were to be a prophet after
me, indeed he would be Umar, son
of Khattab. (Tirmidhi)

ID: EV16013006
Brief Historical Background
Born: 579 AD, Mecca Saudi Arabia
Full name: Umar ibn Al-Khattb
Born in Mecca to the Banu Adi clan
Father: Khattab ibn Nufayl & Mother: Hantama bint
He was a senior companion of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad (SM) (PBUH)
He succeeded Abu Bakr (632634) as the second
caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate on 23 August 634.
Death: Assassinated on November 3, 644
AD, Medina, Saudi Arabia
Umar before Islam
Umar was a Bitter Enemy of Islam
When Muhammad, peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him, declared that Allah had
appointed him as His Messenger to the whole of
mankind, Umar, like many other Makkans,
opposed him. He used to persecute Muslims.
The Migration of Muslims
When persecution at the hands of
Makkans reached its extreme, muslims
migrated to Abyssinia (now called Ethiopia)
Conversion to Islam
Umar converted to Islam in 616, one year after the Migration
to Abyssinia.

Migration to Medina

In 622 CE, due to the safety offered by Yathrib (later

renamed Mednat an-Nab, or simply Medina), Muhammad
(SM) (PBUH) ordered his followers to migrate to Medina.
Appointment as a Caliph

Initial Challenges
Political and Civil Administration
Officers at the provincial level were:
1. Katib, the Chief Secretary.
2. Katib-ud-Diwan, the Military Secretary.
3. Sahib-ul-Kharaj, the Revenue Collector.
4. Sahib-ul-Ahdath, the Police chief.
5. Sahib-Bait-ul-Mal, the Treasury Officer.
6. Qadi, the Chief Judge
Under Umar the empire was divided into the following
1. Arabia was divided into two provinces, Mecca and
2. Iraq was divided into two provinces, Basra and
3. In the upper reaches of the Tigris and the
Euphrates, Jazira was a province;
4. Syria was a province;
5. Umar divided Palestine into two provinces Iliy,
and Ramlah;
6. Egypt was divided into two provinces, Upper
Egypt and Lower Egypt;
7. Persia was divided into three provinces, Khorasan;
Azarbaijan and Fars.
Map of the Areas Conquered by Umar (RA)
Reasons of being one of the most
Influential Leaders
(Golden Deeds of Hadhrat Umar(RA))
Appointment of Governors
Courts of Justice
All are Equal before Law
The Unique System of Hadhrat Umars Government
Bait-ul-Maal or Treasury
System of State Allowances
Child Allowance
Development of Agriculture
New Cities Founded
Military Organization
Introduction of the Hijri Calendar
The names of the months in a Muslim Calendar are as
1. Muharram 7. Rajab.
2. Safar 8. Sha`baan
3. Rabi-ul-Awwal 9. Ramadhaan
4. Rabi-ul-Saani 10. Shawwaal
5. Jamaadi-ul-Awwal 11. Dhul Quadah
6. Jamaadi-us-Saani 12. Dhul Hijjah
Salient Features of Hadhrat Umars Life
(What Inspired People to Follow Him as a
Hadhrat Umar Loved Allah the Most and Fear Him the
Hadhrat Umars Love for the Holy Quran
Hadhrat Umars Love for the Holy Prophet
Hadhrat Umar Cared for the Well Being of his People
Hadhrat Umars Love for Children
Hadhrat Umars Character, his Nobility and Humbleness
Treatment of Non-Muslims in a Muslim State, Non-
Muslims Enjoyed the Same Right as Muslims
Harun al-Rashid
In Arabic:

, Harun Ar-Rasid; in
English: Aaron the Just, 17 March 763 or
February 766 24 March 809 (148-193
Hijri) was the fifth Abbasid Caliph. Al-
Rashid ruled from 786 to 809, during the
peak of the Islamic Golden Age.
As Caliph and his reign
Harun became caliph in 786 when he was in
his early twenties.
Under Haruns reign it became the most
magnificent and advanced city in the Islamic
Bait ul Hikmah
Harun established a School of translation Bait ul
Hikmah (house of wisdom) and surrounded
himself with men of learning.
In the beginning that academy was focusing on
gathering all available manuscripts and books
from all different languages and translating them
in to Arabic, the official language of the Islamic
Harun and Mamun the age of reason
It was the intellectual explosion created at the time of
Harun and Mamun that propelled science into the
forefront of knowledge and made Islamic civilization the
beacon of learning.
The True Caliph of the Arabian nights
Harun is the Caliph who explores the
streets of his capital by night in disguise
and joins in the lives and adventures. As a
person he could be generous, and the
legends of his night-time adventures in
Baghdad may reflect a real sense of
Pope Urban II (1035-1099)
Pope Urban II, born Odo of Chtillon
or Otho de Lagery, was Pope from
12 March 1088 to his death in 1099.

Pope Gregory VII named him

cardinal-bishop of Ostia c.1080. He
was one of the most prominent and
active supporters of the Gregorian
As pope, Urban II found active support for his policies and reforms among several
the nobility, whose mentality and interests he knew;
the monks; the canons regular, for whom he became patron and legislator; and
also, increasingly,
the bishops

Urban felt that his most urgent task was to secure his position against
the antipope Clement III and to establish his authority as legitimate pope
throughout Christendom
Crusade begins.
In 1095, Byzantine Emperor Alexios I contacted Pope Urban II about the
threat of Turkish armies against Constantinople and the Fatamid Muslims
control of Jerusalem

In November 1096, Pope Urban II considered Alexios plea at the Council

of Claremont, and called for a crusade against the Muslim Turks.
Ten of thousands of peasants, nobles, and clergy responded to Urban IIs
Between 1096 and 1099, Crusader armies made their way to Jerusalem,
engaging in several major battles with Turkish forces.

On July 17, 1099, Crusaders took the city of Jerusalem, after a long and
costly siege. Some historians estimate the number of casualties at
Devine will or will of God
Well-beloved brothers,

The heavy demands of the times have forced me, Urban,

by the grace of God the wearer of the pontifical tiara
and Pontiff of the whole earth, to come before you, the
servants of God, as a messenger to reveal the divine
King William I The Conqueror(1028-1087)

Name: King William I The Conqueror

Born: September 1028 at Falaise, Normandy
Parents: Robert I, Duke of Normandy, and Arlette
daughter of Fulbert (illegitimate)
Relation to Elizabeth II: 25th great-grandfather
Crowned: December 25, 1066 at Westminster Abbey
Married: Matilda, Daughter of Count of Flanders
Died: September 9, 1087 at Rouen, France, aged 59
years, and 7 days
Buried at: St Stephens Abbey, Caen, Normandy
Reigned for: 20 years, 8 months, and 14 days
From a French cradle to the English crown
Often called William the bustard

At the age of 8, William the Conqueror became duke of

Normandy and later King of England.

He never spoke English and was illiterate, but he had more

influence on the evolution of the English language then anyone
before or since. William ruled England until his death.

Ill take England with both my

Battle for the Throne
By 1064, he had conquered and won two neighboring provincesBrittany and
Maine. In the meantime, the childless king of EnglandEdward the Confessor,
whose mother was a sister of William's grandfatherpromised William
succession to the English throne. However, when Edward died in 1066, his
brother-in-law and most powerful of the English lords, Harold Godwin, claimed
the throne of England for himself (despite an oath he made to William to support
his claim). William, angered by the betrayal, decided to invade England and
enforce his claim.
On October 14, 1066, the two armies met in the famous Battle of Hastings. King
Harold and his two brothers were killed in the battle, and since no one of stature
remained to raise a new army, William's path to the throne was clear. He was
crowned king of England on Christmas Day.
Land Grab for the Normans
There were several revolts in the next five years, which
William used as an excuse to confiscate English land and
declare it his personal property.

He then distributed the land to his Norman followers, who

imposed their unique feudal system. Eventually, Normans
replaced the entire Anglo-Saxon aristocracy. William,
however, retained most of England's institutions and was
intensely interested in building new infrastructures.
Williams next achievement was an unparalleled
undertaking in medieval history a vast survey of
all the land and holdings in England, a detailed
census to be made of the population and
property of England
An incredible display of Norman efficiency, the
country-wide survey was finished in six months. It
records the transfer of power from the old Anglo-
Saxon elite to the Normans , enabling him to
collect taxes more effectively in order to fund his
Feudal governing system
The King owned all the land. He granted land
He established a simple and effective governing
system throughout his kingdom under the Dukes
and officers like Stewards, Butlers and Marshalls.
Tenants-in-chief (Barons and Bishops), who in
return swore an oath of loyalty to the king.
They administered and collected revenues from They agreed to build castles and provide
different parts of the kingdom. knights for his army. The tenants-in-chief in
turn granted land to:

Knights, who in return swore an oath of

loyalty to them and promised to fight for the
kings army for 40 days a year. The knights in
turn granted land to:

Peasants, who in return swore an oath of

What is the difference between life under King William I and life
now under a coalition government

Medieval Times Life under King William I Now Life under a shared coalition government

Feudal System Democracy

Allowed to worship only 1 God Respect for all religions
Law never to be challenged Freedom of speech
People were owned like slaves Individual freedom

Serfs do not own land Working class often own land

Serfs cannot vote Everyone over 18 can vote
Serf cannot change their status or marry a Working class person can become a millionaire and
princess for example marry who they like
Rules until he dies Runs the country for a maximum of 4 years and then has
to be re-elected
Guilty until proven innocent and often sentenced Innocent until proven guilty through a court of law
to death
Power top down from king to people Power from bottom up from people to parliament
Based on ownership of property Based on support of people
William died on September 9, 1087, in Rouen, France.
After his death his kingdom was divided. Normandy went to his
Eldest son Robert the Curthose.
England went under his second surviving son William the Rufus.
Although he never spoke English and was illiterate, he had more
influence on the evolution of the English language than anyone
before or sinceadding a slew of French and Latin words to the
English dictionary.
The introduction of skilled Norman administrators may be largely
responsible for eventually making England the most powerful
government in Europe.
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