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Structural Analysis-I

Dr. Ali Tayeh

Lecture 4
Application of
Equilibrium Equation
Application of Equation of Equilibrium
Procedure steps

1. If not given, establish a suitable x - y coordinate system.

2. Draw a free body diagram (FBD) of the object under analysis.

3. Apply the three equations of equilibrium to solve for the

Example 1
Determine the Reactions
F x 0 Ax 60 cos 60 0
Ax 30k
M A 0 60 sin 60(10) 60 cos 60(1) By (14) 50 0
By 38.5k
F y 0 60 sin 60 38.5 Ay 0
Ay 13.4k
Example 2
Determine the Reactions
F x 0 Ax 0
F y 0 Ay 60 60 0
Ay 120kN
M A 0 60(4) 60(6) M A 0
M A 600kN
Example 3
Determine the Reactions
M A 0 3500(3.5) 54 N B (4) 53 N B (10) 0
N B 1331.5 Ib
F x 0 Ax 54 1331.5 0
Ax 1070 Ib
F y 0 Ay 3500 53 1331.5 0
Ay 2700 Ib
Example 4
Determine the Reactions
M B Right 0 15C y 6000 0
C y 400 Ib
M at point A 0 400(35) 6000 8000(10) M A 0
M A 72000 Ib. ft
F x 0 Ax 0
F y 0 Ay 400 8000 0
Ay 7600 Ib
Example 4
Determine the Reactions
M B Right 0 2C y 6(1) 0
C y 3kN
M A 0 C x (1.5) 3(4) 6(3) 8(2) 0
C x 14.7 kN
F x 0 Ax 14.7 8( 53 ) 0
Ax 9.87 kN
F y 0 Ay 3 6 8( 54 ) 0
Ay 9.4kN
Example 5
Determine the Reactions
M B Left 0 6 Ay 8(3) 0
Ay 4kN
M D ( Left ) 0 3C y 4(11) 8(8) 0
C y 6.67 kN
F x 0 Ex 0
F y 0 E y 8 8 4 6.67 0
E y 5.33kN
M D ( right) 0 8(2) 5.33(4) M E 0
M E 5.33kN.m
Example 6
Determine the Reactions
M A 0 C y (6) 180(1.5) 60(1.5) 254.6 cos 45(4.5)
254.6 sin 45(1.5) 84.9 cos 45(4.5) 84.9 cos 45(4.5) 0
C y 240kN

M B Right 0 C x (6) 240(3) 60(4.5) 84.9( 3 2 2 ) 0

C x 195kN
F x 0 Ax 195 180 60 254.6 cos 45 84.9 cos 45 0
Ax 285kN
F y 0 Ay 240 254.6 sin 45 84.9 sin 45 0
Ay 120kN
Group Work 1
Determine the Reactions
Group Work 2
Determine the Reactions
Group Work 3
Determine the Reactions

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