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Thermo Scientific Portable

Analytical Instruments
XL3 &XL2 Hardware Overview
William Boudreau
XL3 Block Diagram

7 6 3

8 5
11 15

22 16

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LCD display

Display current operations of the

instrument to the user
Allows user interface via touch screen

Common failures:
No display
Touch screen failure
Faded white
Line down one side

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Controls Display contrast, color & image

Controls the touch screen
Controls the Pass Fail lights
Has the Beeper on it for instrument operations
Is somewhat sensitive to High voltage breakdown.
XL2 has the Keypad and Bluetooth integrated in to
this board.

Common failures:
Touch screen in operative
Pink / Blue tint
No backlight
White screen
Faded display

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Green Cable
This cable has been a Problem for service personnel
since day 1.
Was changed to have heat shrink tubing keeping it
uniform and prevent shorting.
A later revision added some reinforcement epoxy to
keep the connector in tact when being unplugged.
Lastly the cable was completely changed to be more
flexible, and easier to install and unplug.
This cable is extremely delicate, and should always be
handled with care. To prevent damage, and painful
repair work.

Common failures
Touch screen failure
No display
Pink / Blue tint
Lines on display

5 Proprietary & Confidential

Key boards

The Key board contains the Navigation

buttons and the Bluetooth along with the
radiation warning lights for the back end
of the instruments
500-1052 to be used with CPU PCB
500-1048 / 500-1113

500-1015 To be used with CPU PCB


Common Failure
Various BT issues
Broken Buttons
Dim radiation warning lights
Lack of Kapton tape causing board to short out

6 Proprietary & Confidential

Key board with GPS XL3
GPS modal will be installed on the
XL3 Top housing updated with less CE
coating covering where the GPS will be

No exposed test
points or components
where the LCD
mounting bracket

7 Proprietary & Confidential


Communicates to the test stand

Has the Radiation warning lights
Needs programming
Revised with a new flat ribbon connection
The Flat ribbon cable connection is the only connection
the Single board supports.

RFID error on startup
Cannot see the Test stand
Takes a long time to see the test stand
Radiation warning lights are dim
Old style cable connection damages the Interconnect PCB
Old style cable connection can damage the Detector coax cable if not properly routed.

8 Proprietary & Confidential

CPU is the main processor for the instrument
to operate.
Holds all the code (Firmware, FPGA code,
Calibration .dll file, and Library's)
Communicates with every major PCB in the
instrument (Key board, RFID, Charger Board,
FPGA/power board, Interconnect board, LCD
Keeps the date and time accurate per the user
Control the user interface, and what is to be
displayed on the system
Converts the FPGAs processing from the raw
spectra information to the easily understood
readout in PPM, mg/cm2, % concentration
based on the calibrations done to the
Stores all the analysis information generated
from the instrument for viewing at a later date.

9 Proprietary & Confidential

FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) : Allows
us to program the way the detector data is
collected and processed from Analog to Digital
conversion. This will filter the signal from the
detector in to 4000 bin (energy) locations (E-
scale) and separate signal noise from the actual
elemental analysis.
Power board
Supplies all the different voltages needed to
run the instrument. (IE Powers the CPU, and
Reads the Battery power meter
Controls the detector cooling
Communicates between the CPU and main
power cable.
500-1050 is the Bias board (Red PCB)
500-1023 is the + bias board (Green PCB)
500-1113 Single board
10 Proprietary & Confidential
Single board
Replacement for the CPU and the FPGA/Power
This can run both Positive and Negative BIAS
controlled by the
This will not support the oldest revisions of the
Keypad and the RFID boards
Requires new shoulder screws and rubber
grommets to install properly
Requires minimum 8.0 version software to
500-1113 rev B requires FPGA code 4416 PIN
Systems, and 8496 SDD Systems

5 service kits will be available for this. 4 kits will cover the difference in
detectors, and one will be a straight board for board replacement.
Kit 1, 500-1024, replacement to a 500-1113 single board
Kit 2, 500-1048, replacement to a 500-1113 single board
Kit 3, 500-1113, replacement
Kit 4, 500-1024, replacement to a 500-1113 single board Canberra detector
Kit 5, 500-1048, replacement to a 500-1113 single board Canberra detector

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2 stage cooler
Very sensitive to many types of noise including sound
430-572 430-214 430-111

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Specifications XL3t Standard detector

Maximum Acceptable Resolution: >195

Acceptable Cooling: 1.2V to 1.7v@ idle.

Please note: Cooling will vary by ambient
temperature. If you are not sure the cooling voltage
is acceptable consult manufacturing engineering

E-scale value: Between 6.0 and 8.0

Detector Temperature: Between -23 to -27

Bias: Between 168 to193

Sub Bias: Between -9v to -13v

Maximum slow value: 220 If greater Check tube noise

Maximum fast value: 350 If greater check tube and snout isolation

13 Proprietary & Confidential

Specifications XL3t Drift Detector
Performance Specifications
Maximum Acceptable Resolution: Shaping time 1: Resolution 200eV
Shaping time 4: Resolution 175eV (180eV, 430-536)

Acceptable Cooling: 1.9V@ idle.

Please note: Cooling will vary by ambient
temperature. If you are not sure the cooling voltage
is acceptable consult manufacturing engineering

430-572 / 430-536
E-scale value: 6.75 8.0 for all shape times

Detector Temperature: -25 to -28 / -23 to -27

Bias: -205 to -243 / -80 to -110

Sub Bias: -6.5 to -9.5 / -10.5 to -13.5

Maximum slow value: 480 for shape time 1

370 for shape time 4

Maximum fast value: 630 for shape time 1

1200 for shape time 4

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Specifications definition
Performance Specifications our operating requirements that we want to see the instrument within for
best analytical performance.
Shaping time: Time set based on the detector performance to allow for the fastest analysis
while allowing the best performance.

Maximum Acceptable Resolution: Estimated max limit the instrument should be allowed to operate up to. This is a
calculated number using the 2*full with 1/2max measurement.

Acceptable Cooling: This is the max Voltage we want applied to the Peltier cooler at idle before we
will notice the detector not able to stay cool during to normal operation. We run
at -25 to reduce the thermal noise in the detector and produce better signal.

E-scale value: This is the calculated value generated from the Detector calibration. The
instrument will use this number to identify the location of all the other elements in
the Spectra.

Detector Temperature: This is the Typical operational temperature the detector needs to be at to detect

Bias: Voltage needed to put the detector in to Depletion to generate the output we
want form the x-rays hitting it.

Sub Bias: Voltage required for different things depending on Detector supplier requirements

Maximum slow value: This is a number that has no Value, it is only a measurement of low Frequency noise.
(Grounding issues, Tube HV breakdown)

Maximum fast value: This is a number that has no Value, it is only a measurement Hi Frequency of noise.
(Electronic interference IE Power supply noise)

15 Proprietary & Confidential

Detector Preamp

With all the components on the PCB you know it is just a little more complex than the
Schematic lets on.
Very small signal, needed to amplify the signal as soon as it comes out of the detector.
Very sensitive to noise (Cell phone, High voltage Power supply, 35kV + x-ray tubes)
New Preamps Have a 1wire device to help identify the Detector type in the instrument
software, This value will show on the instrument specification screen.

Basic operation of a
detector Preamp

16 Proprietary & Confidential

50 pin Power Board Harness
Main wiring harness in the XL3 and XL2 and FXL
Carries all the communications through out the
instrument, calling out what ever component is required
to do what job when it is needed
Carries the communications to the USB and the Serial
Carries the Set Current and Set HV to the tube and
communicates back the Monitored Current and HV
Tells the Interconnect PCB what needs move, and
monitors the main shutter and Filter wheel operations,
carries the Camera signals back to the CPU.
Carries the trigger and proximity signals back to the
This is why so many problems can be this one cable
or its connections. The connections are very small and
the terminals can easily be bent over or shorted out if not
installed carefully.

17 Proprietary & Confidential

Charger PCB XL3
charges batteries
distributing the main power to
tube, the interconnect and the
Switches between main power
and batteries Main Power /
Almost all communications
internal and external will travel
through this board connection
Tube Control
USB communication
Remote trigger / test
stand communication
Battery / Trigger
serial communication
External power input Interconnect

18 Proprietary & Confidential

Charger Board XL2
chares batteries
distributing the main power to
tube, the interconnect and the USB
Power/FPGA communication
Switches between main power
and batteries Remote trigger /
Almost all communications test stand
internal and external will travel
through this board communication
Battery / Trigger connection serial
Interconnect connection communication
not used External power
Shutter/filter/proximity input
Main Power /
Tube Control connection
19 Proprietary & Confidential
X-ray tube
Has 4 major components
1 High voltage control card: takes the
low voltage signal and steps it up to
the required Tube voltage, and filament
2 Low voltage control card: converts the
digital signals from the CPU to an
analog signal for the tube operation (IE
40kV, 10uA)
3 Shielding: Needed to Keep RF noise
contained, and help to aid in
preventing High Voltage Break Down.
4 X-ray Tube: Generates the X-Ray
energy needed to analyze samples

20 Proprietary & Confidential

Tube Control cards
500-1028 is the old style control card
No tube identification capability
Expensive (reason we moved to a new board)

500-1121 is the 100uA control card

Identified by the 100 written on the Capacitor
Has a one wire device telling the instrument what
tube is present
Used on all NSI tubes except the 147-024
Boards have been being matched to the tube

500-1124 is the 200uA control card

Identified by the 200 written on the Capacitor
Has a one wire device telling the instrument what
tube is present
Used on the 147-024 tubes
Boards have been being matched to the tube

21 Proprietary & Confidential

Interconnect PCB
Controls the filter wheel
Controls the shutter
Controls the small spot stopper
Controls the Light required for small spot
Feeds back the Shutter hall sensor
Feeds back the Filter hall sensor
Feeds back the Camera signal for small spot

Filter wheel spins one way
Filter wheel doesn't spin
Shutter not operating
Most troubles with this PCB can be the PCB having a
bend to it caused by the RFID cable connection on the
Other failures can be a short in the front end damaging
things on this board and the charger PCB.
22 Proprietary & Confidential
Filter wheel XL3

One important part of the XL3t is the Filter

wheel. With the ability to run the instrument
faster and have more filters operating per
mode, the need for a better designed filter
changer cam in to play.
The newest model will have Ball barring in it to
allow for smoother movement with lower
The number one killer of the Filter wheel is
debris, it is very important to keep debris out
of the filter wheel housing.
One common issue is a tolerance issue
between the Filter wheel hall sensor and the
tube anode. If these short out, the tube will run
somewhat out of control(NSI), or the Filter
wheel will not be seen by the hall sensor
430-103 Filter wheel Assembly XL3

23 Proprietary & Confidential

Filter wheel XL2

430-173 Filter changer Sn/Bi


430-218 Filter Changer Sn/Bi


430-229 Filter assembly XL2 100

24 Proprietary & Confidential

Standard complete Front end assembly

With the exception of the detector, here

is all that the interconnect will be
Many of these connections are easily
This is where the tube fitment and the
tight tolerances become critical, If
something is not aligned just right there
can be serious issues with the
operations of the instrument or the
calibrations being done on the
Collimator alignment, Filter wheel
Seated properly, Detector collimator
alignment, all need to correct or there
will be operational issues.

25 Proprietary & Confidential

Trigger plate assembly / battery contact
430-211 Battery trigger assembly

Used for both XL2 and XL3

Make note when replacing where + is on the old vs new boards. If
installed backwards the system will not turn on.
New Battery contact plungers are being designed and should be
implemented in the near future. First articles were in on the first week of
June will take about 4weeks to test and qualify for use.

Common failures:
Trigger switch alignment
Trigger switch damaged
Battery contacts damaged
Battery contacts over heating
Battery contacts having high resistance

26 Proprietary & Confidential

Single board updates..

Testing delay
The board was put through shock and vibration test along with Hot and cold testing and some other various test to make
sure we keep the CE compliance. This was taking some time because of the lack of supply of the test boards. Quality
didnt want to do the testing on hand made boards but on production ones. Many issues that were seen with older
electronics could have been identified had any of this new testing been done before use.

USB issues
The USB chip that was used on older CPUs was obsolete so it was replaced with a new model. The New model had a
different request for the way it was wired in to the system, and caused a USB freeze issue on occasion. The
engineering team decided to wire this chip the same as the older chip was and all problems were resolved. Rev B took
care of the need for the wire.

Interference issue with the preamp shield

The New mounting Hardware was created to allow the board to float in the instrument, this would eliminate the damage to
the board due to excessive impact. The new mounting hardware combines a Shoulder screw with a rubber grommet
that provides some cushion for the board and doesn't press it against the top housing. The board now sits higher, and
closer to the preamp than the dual stack, causing it to hit the Preamp shield. The rear preamp shield Fastener was
removed to prevent this interference, along with breaking the top shield edge to not cut in to the wire. The preamp
cables are folded in different directions to not pile up between the board and the shield.

Interference with the Charger board

The Shoulder screws were found to be too tall and would hit the Charger board. This would push down on the front end
cable connection and bend the board. We are uncertain of the damage that would result from this, but it varies widely.
The shoulder screw was modified to make it shorter and seems to be a good fit now.

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Single board updates.. Continued

Un-resolvable bleeding issues

Calibration has been having many issues with the 430-536 detectors not able to resolve bleeds. There has been a crew of
personnel involved in identifying what could be the cause. The start up current was reduced and the instruments were
recalibrated, this seems to have taken care of many issues being seen with bleeding.

Noise issue killing low energy spectra

Found that there is a tube start up noise spike that is causing the detector to pick up excessive noise. This happens if the
instrument has been sitting idle for more than 10 minutes. The first measurement will show this in the Fast value then it
will settle down to normal state. We are trying to correct this with software. The issue seems to be that every detector
out put is handled differently and 430-536 seems to have this issue. When this happens in a system check the following
spectra is usually missing the low end of the spectra.

Interference issue with Coax connector

The Coax connector on the Single board seems to be a little too close to the Preamp shield. This was moved on rev B to
prevent any interference issues.

Rev B should address some of the issues above and will be here as
soon as testing is completed.
rev B requires new code to operate correctly. This new code was correcting an issue with detector resets.
New FPGA code for the Pin detectors (HH PIN_fpga-4416.nxg)
New FPGA code for the SDD detectors (HH SDD_fpga-8496.nxg)

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Preamp Modifications

Better testing of the preamps before they are used

Better cleaning of the boards before being conformal coated
Problems being found with components shorting out, and broken
Coax cables are now all the same length from vendor. (prevents
damaging the cable or boards)
Addition of strain relief to the cables to prevent breaking off at the board
E-scale is being monitored better by the vendor
Set up detector vendor with test fixtures to better test before shipment

29 Proprietary & Confidential

Tube collimator updates

Modified collimator to allow Small Spot to operate properly pointing up

or down
Have a Fixture on the production line to allow for quick and easy
alignment of this collimator
Have found few tricks to get the alignment perfect for the system to
work. But have a test procedure to verify it is correct.

30 Proprietary & Confidential

LCD PCB/DISPLAY combination

500-1143 PCBA Display XL3 (current revision)

(Currently in 430-231 Service Kit Assy, XL3 Optrex LCD)
(500-1143 with the 138-146 will not fit in old display housings, Please
use the service kit for these cases.)

500-1114 PCBA Display XL2 (current revision)

(Currently in 430-230 Service Kit Assy, XL2 Optrex LCD)
(500-1114 with the 138-146 will not fit in old display housings, Please
use the service kit for these cases.) (This will fit Original display

Each Display had a different requirement to fit in the Display housing,

Please refer to LCD board numbers to know if a display kit is required
or not.

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How the Automatic current adjustment affects

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Loss of spectra

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Hardware identification

147-024 and 147-020 are the only tubes

with programming installed.

The system looks for the Device.

If the device is seen and programmed, it
is displayed on the spec screen
If this device is found and not
programmed, the instrument assumes it
is a Moxtek
If the device is not present the system
looks to the calfile for what the device is
that it should operate with.

34 Proprietary & Confidential

Thermo Scientific Niton XL3p+ Analyzer

35 Proprietary & Confidential

Niton XL3p+ Analyzer Hardware

All hardware in the Niton XL3p+ will remain the same with
the exception of the following parts:
187-4080 (Left), 187-4081 (Right) Niton
XL3p+ side labels
500-1050 FPGA PCB will be replacing
the 500-1023 FPGA PCB
500-1113 Single board will be replacing
the 500-1050 and 500-1023 FPGA and
the 500-1048 and 500-1024 CPU boards

430-256 Canberra SDD will be replacing

the 430-132 Amptek BASP Note: The
detector Mount has changed dimensions
to fit in the Niton XL3p+ front end, You
cannot use the 430-572 detector
assembly in this model!!!

36 Proprietary & Confidential

Niton XL3p+ Software
CODE Version
7.2B is the first version of software to support the Niton XL3p+
Latest version of 8.0 supports this instrument
FPGA Version
500-1050 FPGA code will be the 8472
500-1113 FPGA code will be the 8493
CAL File
(7.0) Niton XL3-Default Niton XL3p SDD file
(8.0) XL3P -Canberra SDD Default Cal File 8.0
Library files
7.0 800 library.al3 for the primary and secondary
8.0_800_library.al3 for the primary and secondary
Calibrations supported
General Metals
Precious Metal Alloys
7.2 software is not supported on the single board.
R&D is working on a fix for this issues being seen.

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