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Application Letter

Students: Katherine Campos

Constanza Faundez
Jose Gonzalez
Carolina anco
Professor: Viviana Rojas
What is an application letter?
It is a document which resumes information
about your skills, attitudes and experiences. It
gives valuable information in terms of how
qualified you are in order to apply for a job, a
scholarship and etc.
Guidelines for Writing a Job Application Letter

Length: One page long

Format: Single-spaced with a space between each
paragraph. Use about 1" margins and align your text to
the left
Font:Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri. The font size
should be between 10 and 12 points.
Ttulo de la diapositiva
What must include and application letter?
Address of the addressee
My address
Body of the letter: First paragraph (subject)
Middle paragraph (backup)
Last paragraph (conclusion)
Ttulo de la diapositiva
Important expresion for an aplication letter.
1. Reason for writing:
I am writing to apply for the position/post of ...
I am writing to apply for the job you advertised in ...

2. Education/Qualifications:
I graduated from ... in ...
I have been working as ...
I am currently (a student/employed) at ...
I have completed the following courses ...
3. Work
Ttulo de laexperience:

I have experience of ...

I feel I have necessary qualities for this job because ...
I am a motivated professional with a variety of skills and experience.

4. Closing the letter:

I would be happy to attend an interview at any time convenient to you.
I am available for the interview ...
If you have any questions, please call me at ...
I enclose a ... (CV/my references).

Yours faithfully/Yours sincerely

Thanks for your attention

Temuco, abril 4th 2017

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