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Influence of

Social Network
Against Youth
Liya Anggraini
Sosial Networking
The social network is a social structure made up of vertices
(which are generally individuals or organizations) that is woven
with one or more specific types of relationships such as values,
visions, ideas, friends etc.

Network analysis looked at the social network as a node of

social relationships and bonding. The knot is the individual
actors in the network, while the bond is the relationship
between the actor. There can be many kinds of ties between
the vertices. Research in various academic fields has shown
that social networking networks operate on many levels, from
the family to the state, and plays an important role in
determining how to solve the problem, run the organization, as
well as the degree of success of an individual in achieving its

In its simplest form, a social network is a network map of all the

relevant inter-knot ties studied. The network can also be used
to determine the social capital of individual actors. This
concept is often depicted in the diagram to realize the social
network nodes as points and ties as the connecting lines.
Teens adolensence derived from the Latin word which means to grow or grow into
adulthood. The term adolensencemempunyai broader sense that includes mental
maturity, emotional, social and physical (Hurlock, 1992). At this time actually do
not have an obvious place because not included among kids but not too adult or
older group.
As stated by the candidate (in Monks, et al 1994) that adolescence show clearly
the nature of the transition, or transition for adolescents has not obtained the
status of an adult and no longer have the status of children. According to Sri
Rumini & Siti Sundari (2004: 53) Adolescence is a transition from childhood to
adulthood that has developed all aspects or functions to adulthood.

The characteristics of adolescents in terms of psychic:

Like trying new things regardless of where the good and bad
have started liking the opposite sex
neater (her appearance)
often have complex problems
A wide variety of social networking
Social networking is now followed by a lot of teenagers. A lot of
people say that if it does not create an account or do not have
social networking accounts like facebook or twitter or ordinary
plebeian called kamseupay. And social networking can make
people exist or popular, this can be seen in the number of friends
or followers

Not infrequently social networking dikarekanakan new language

emerging languages like Cius, miapah, cungguh, enelan,
and others that are not in the dictionary Indonesian
His influence also can be seen on a friend, the higher the level of
popularity the more you know him

Someone will feel he is popular and does not want to be friends

with people who are not popular

People who are not popular in the real world can be popular among
social networking because it may frequently update the status and

Not infrequently social networks become the main place to vent or a

satirical event

Increased their influence with the times smartphones such as

Blackberry and Iphone, teenagers easier access to social networking
sites sites
Benefits of Social Networking
Can have many friends
Meet old friends
Sharing information
The vent (upset)
Hobby of writing
avoid Stress
Impact of Social Networking
No matter the surroundings
Lack of socialization with the environment
A waste of money and credit
Disturb the eye health
Reduced learning time
The lack of attention to family
The spread of personal data
Easily find pornography
Prone to dispute or misunderstanding (sarcastic)
Frequent occurrence of fraud
Forgot worship
Fighting Dangers of Social Networking
Must be clever to set the time, when to study and when to
have fun

Respect for others, do not be sarcastic or vilify others on

social networks

Must know the functions of social networks used

Limiting open social networking as much as possible

The conclusion we can draw is the social network has many benefits but can
not be denied social networks also have a wide range of hazards and other
consequences like many boys and girls open social networking sites during
school hours.

Social networks can also be harmful to human health, especially the eyes and
can harm the body such as forgetting to eat or another

Social networks can also cause humans to forget worship we must be good
because it divides time between the virtual world and the real world

Although there have been virtual world should not only be focused virtual world
look around the world and do not forget to socialize

Do not consider yourself a perfect and popular when your followers or friends
on social networks, do not discriminate among people

Continue to struggle to find purpose

We recommend that teenagers use social networking consistently and be able to sort
the time between learning and open social networking sites so as not to regret later
There should be coaching or the socialization of adolescents so that later they
understand how the devastating impact of facebook continuously. So that, it is hoped
the youth can realize and understand their obligations or duties as a student.
Parents should always supervise, advise, and accompany his son to identify the
characteristics of the use of information technology services. Do not just always
provide facilities for children without supervision. Parental attention is needed by a
child. Do not let a child fall only because of the lack of attention from their parents.
The government should be more serious in addressing the symptoms of social friction
that may arise due to certain content. Build campaign is more intense and fair about
the benefits and evils of information technology so that the user community can
position themselves where. Do not always respond to a problem with resting on
assumptions colossal and certain theories.

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