Instrumentation Electronics: Adha Imam Cahyadi, D.Eng

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Lecture 2

Adha Imam Cahyadi, D.Eng

What are we going to discuss?
Some general concepts
Elements of an instrument
Active vs passive transducer
Analog vs digital modes of operation
Null and deflection method
Inpu-output configuration
Motion and dimensional measurement
Signal conditioning circuits
Functional elements of an instrument
See the picture!
What is transducer?
Loading effects of a sensor
Example.. See the picture!
Active and passive transducers
This division is based on the energy
Passive transducer energy is supplied by
Active transducer ?
Quiz 1: Give me more 2 examples!
Analog vs digital modes of operation
What is digital modes of operation?
Analog vs digital transducer

Analog or digital????
Null and deflection method
Deflection method.. See the previous example
Null method..look at the board!
What can you conclude?
Deflection method relies on the spring
Null method relies on the standard you use
Input-output configuration
A significant input-output characteristic in a
measuring device. See the picture!
Example, a mercury based manometer
Example 2, a strain gauge
Motion and dimensional
Relative Displacement
Resistive Potentiometers
It is about how to read displacement voltage
Can be translational, rotational or combination
Excited by either dc or ac voltage source
The ideal response is linear
Ideal vs non ideal resitive
Perfect distribution the output e_0 will
duplicate the input e_ex if R_m= \infty
Otherwise the response is non ideal why?
Quiz (10 minutes): compute the relationship
of the circuit to get e_0/e_ex!
e0 1

eex 1 /( xi / xt ) ( R p / Rm )(1 1 /( xi / xt ))
Master of transportation and logistic
Resistive potentiometer (RP)
In an ideal case, i.e., R_m=\infty. We have
e0 xi

eex xt

What does that mean?

There is another problem when a heat
dissipation limit is applied.
Reduce the R_m means reduce the sensitivity
Then we have to reduce the e_ex
Merits and demerits of RP
Almost linear for big R_m
No need frequent calibration
Many choices in the market
Noises due to slider movement+electrical-mechanical
Wear out of the slider due to aging
Dissipate heat
Strain Gage
May be later
Instead let skip this!
Some important circuits!
Voltage divider
Wheatstone bridge
Diode voltage stabilizer
Clipping and clamping circuits
Instrumentation amplifier
Voltage divider
Gain v_0= . V_in
Simple but not recommended
unless inevitable
Wheatstone Bridge
See the picture on the board!
What can we conclude? It is non linear
What happened when R_1=R_2=R_3=R_4=R?
Also when \delta R_1= -\delta R2 and \delta
R_3=-\delta R_4?
Amplifier and filters
Amplifier is a circuit to amplify the signal
The ideal one should never destroy the original
The most common amplifier OPAMP
Are U bored?
So let's finish
Yeah mate this OK?
What are we going to talk next week?

A more interesting discussion, insya Allah

I will try to prepare the lecture note on my

personal website 1 day before the class!!

(But it is not my promise)

Please check out this one!

Thank you


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