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Open System Interconnect

OSI:--Open System Interconnect
Communications between computers over networks are made possible
by protocols.
A protocol is a set of rules and restrictions that define how data is
transmitted over a network medium (e.g., twisted-pair cable, wireless
In the early days of network development, many companies had their
own proprietary protocols, which meant interaction between computers
of different vendors was often difficult, and was not possible.
OSI:--Open System Interconnect
Specifically, ISO 7498 defines the OSI Reference Model (more commonly
called the OSI model).
The OSI model wasnt the first or only attempt to streamline networking
protocols or establish a common communications standard. In fact, the
most widely used protocol today, TCP/IP (which is based on the DARPA
(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), was developed in 1970s.
OSI:--Open System Interconnect
The OSI protocol was developed to establish a common communication
structure or standard for all computer systems.
The actual OSI protocol was never widely adopted, but the theory behind
the OSI protocol, the OSI model, was readily accepted.
The OSI model serves as an abstract framework, or theoretical model, for
how protocols should function in an ideal world on ideal hardware.
Thus, the OSI model has become a common reference point against
which all protocols can be compared and contrasted.
In an effort to eliminate this problem, the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) developed the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
Reference Model for protocols in the early 1980s.

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