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Escuela Superior Politcnica del Litoral (ESPOL)

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humansticas (FCSH)

Centro de Lenguas Extranjeras (CELEX)

English III
Topic: Ecuadorian Food
Members: Luis Carrillo, Karla Miranda, Gustavo Torres, Joel Cueva, Luis
Sandoval and Karen Galarza.
Teacher: m.Sc Mara Helen Camacho.
Parallel: 304
The biggest exporter of banana

Among the most renowned

dishes, is the ceviche, the
bun, the fanesca, the
sancocho of fish etc.
Dishes Typical of the Coast of Ecuador

The food on the Ecuadorian coast is characterized by its delicious meats and
the variety of seafood on the dishes

Rice with shrimp Rice with chicken

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