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De Guzman, Gabriel R.

Gumatay, Rocky Dave K.

Gabriel R. De Guzman
Age: 20
Presenters Profile
University of the Cordilleras, 2016
Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration, Major in Marketing
Cum Laude

Work Experience
Customer Support Associate II (May
2016 to March 2017)
eBay, Convergys
Ayala Technohub, Camp John Hay
Rocky Dave K. Gumatay
Age: 22
Presenters Profile
Saint Louis University, 2016
Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration, Major in Financial

Work Experience
Henson M. Eyeg Acctg. And
Auditing Firm
To be able to clearly discuss the
concept of designing product layout
thru line balancing.
To have a wider understanding on line
balancing in operations management.
Objective of the To learn quantitative analysis such as
Presentation cycle time, output rate, min number of
stations, percentage of idle time and
To have participants that is instilled with
active participation and cooperation.
1. Line Balancing -
2. Major obstacles
3. Discussion on line
Sequence of balancing formulas
Presentation 4. Sample Problem
5. Other approaches of Rocky

line balancing
6. Conclusion
7. Problem set
One factor affecting decision-
making for operations
manager is the Time/Delivery.
This competitive priority brings
product development speed
since the goal of line
Decision Area
balancing is to minimize idle
times and to obtain task
groupings that represent
approximately equal time
Is the process of assigning tasks
to workstations, so that
workstations have
approximately equal time
Line Balancing

This minimizes the idle time

along the line and results in a
high utilization of labor and
It may not be feasible to combine
Scrubbing Rinsing Drying certain activities into the same
2 minutes 4 minutes 2 minutes bundle, either because of
differences in equipment
requirements or because the
Major obstacles to activities are not compatible.
attaining a perfectly Differences among elemental task
balanced line lengths cannot always be
overcome by grouping tasks.
Inability to perfectly balance a line is
that a required technological
sequence may prohibit otherwise
desirable task combinations.
1. Determine the cycle time and the minimum number of workstations.
2. Make assignments to workstations in order, beginning with Station 1.Tasks
are assigned to workstations moving from left to right through the
precedence diagram.
3. Before each assignment, use the following criteria to determine which
tasks are eligible to be assigned to a workstation:
A. All preceding tasks in the sequence have been assigned.
Line B. The task time does not exceed the time remaining at the workstation. If
Balancing no tasks are eligible, move on to the next station.
Procedure 4. After each task assignment, determine the time remaining at the current
workstation by subtracting the sum of times for tasks already assigned to it
from the cycle time.
5. Break ties that occur using one of this rules:
A. Assign the task with the longest task time.
B. Assign the task with the greatest number of followers. If there is a tie;
choose one task arbitarily.
6. Continue until all tasks have been assigned to workstations.
7. Compute appropriate measures (e.g., percent idle time, efficiency) for
the set of assignments.
The maximum time allotted at each
workstation to complete its set of
tasks on a unit.

Cycle Time

CT = Cycle Time
OT = Operating time per day
D = Desired output rate
Suppose that the work required to
fabricate a certain product can
be divided up into five elemental
tasks, with the task times and
precedence relationships as shown
in the following diagram.
Cycle Time

The minimum cycle time is equal to the

longest task time (1.0 minute), and the
maximum cycle time is equal to the sum of
the task times which is 2.5minutes. The
minimum and maximum cycle times are
important because they establish the
potential range of output for the line.

OT = Operating time per day
CT = Cycle Time

Assume that the line will operate for eight hours per day (480 minutes). With a
cycle time of 1.0 minute, output would be
480 minutes per day
Output 1.0 minute per unit
=480 units per day

With a cycle time of 2.5 minutes, the output would be
480 minutes per day
=192 units per day
2.5 minute per unit

For example, suppose that the desired output rate is 480 units. Using the Cycle
time formula, the necessary cycle time is
480 minutes per day
=1.0 minute per unit
480 units per day
The minimum cycle time is equal to the longest The
number of workstations that will be needed is a
function of both the desired output rate and our
ability to combine elemental tasks into
workstations. We can determine the theoretical
minimum number of stations necessary to provide
Minimum Number of a specified rate of output as follows:

Stations t

Nmin = theoretical minimum number of stations
t = sum of tasks
Suppose that the desired rate of output is the
maximum of 480 units per day. The minimum
number of stations required to achieve this goal is:

Minimum Number of 2.5 minutes per unit

Nmin= =2.5 stations
Stations 1 minute per unit per station

Because 2.5 stations is not feasible, it is necessary

to round up to three (3) stations.
A diagram that shows elemental tasks and their
precedence requirements.
It visually portrays the tasks that are to be
performed along with the sequential
requirements, that is, the order in which tasks
must be performed.

1. Determine the cycle time and the minimum number of workstations.
2. Make assignments to workstations in order, beginning with Station 1.Tasks
are assigned to workstations moving from left to right through the
precedence diagram.
3. Before each assignment, use the following criteria to determine which
tasks are eligible to be assigned to a workstation:
A. All preceding tasks in the sequence have been assigned.
Line B. The task time does not exceed the time remaining at the workstation. If
Balancing no tasks are eligible, move on to the next station.
Procedure 4. After each task assignment, determine the time remaining at the current
workstation by subtracting the sum of times for tasks already assigned to it
from the cycle time.
5. Break ties that occur using one of this rules:
A. Assign the task with the longest task time.
B. Assign the task with the greatest number of followers. If there is a tie;
choose one task arbitarily.
6. Continue until all tasks have been assigned to workstations.
7. Compute appropriate measures (e.g., percent idle time, efficiency) for
the set of assignments.
The percentage of idle time of the line. This is
sometimes referred to as the balance delay
(Percentage of idle time of a line)

Idle time per cycle

Percentage of idle time= x 100
Nactual x cycle time

Percentage of Idle Where

Time Nactual = actual number stations

For the preceding example, the value is

Percentage of idle time= x 100 = 16.7%
3 x 1.0
The efficiency of the line. This is computed as

Efficiency Efficiency = 100% - percent of idle time

Efficiency = 100% - 16.7% = 83.3%

Using the information contained in the table shown in
the next slide, do each of the following:
1. Draw a precedence diagram.
2. Assuming an eight-hour workday, compute the cycle
time needed to obtain an output of 400 units per
3. Determine the minimum number of workstations
4. Assign tasks to workstations using this rule: Assign tasks
Sample Problem according to greatest number following tasks. In case
of a tie, use the tiebreaker of assigning the task with
the longest processing time first.
5. Compute the percentage of idle time.
6. Compute the resulting efficiency of the system.
Sample Problem

Drawing a precedence diagram is a relatively
straightforward task. Begin with activities with no
predecessors. We see from the list of Immediate
Followers that tasks a and c do not appear. Hence, they
have no immediate predecessors.

1. Draw a
2. Assuming an
eight-hour workday,
compute the cycle
time needed to
obtain an output of OT 480 minutes per day
CT= = =1.2 per cycle
400 units per day. D 400 units per day
Solution CT
3. Determine the
minimum number of Nmin=
3.8 minutes per unit
CT 1.2 minutes per cycle per station
workstations stations (round up to 4)
4. Assign tasks to
workstations using this Beginning with station 1, make assignments
rule: Assign tasks following this procedure: Determine from the
according to greatest precedence diagram which tasks are eligible
number following tasks. for assignment. Then determine which of the
In case of a tie, use the eligible tasks will fit the time remaining for the
tiebreaker of assigning station. Use the tiebreaker if necessary. Once
the task with the a task has been assigned, remove it from
longest processing consideration. When a station cannot take
time first. any more assignments, go on to the next
station. Continue until all tasks have been
These assignments are shown in the following diagram. Note:
4. Assign tasks to One should not expect that heuristic approaches will always
workstations using this produce optimal solutions; they merely provide a practical
rule: Assign tasks way to deal with complex problems that may not lend
themselves to optimizing techniques.
according to greatest
number following tasks.
In case of a tie, use the
tiebreaker of assigning
the task with the
longest processing
time first.
5. Compute the
Idle time per cycle
percentage of idle Percentage of idle time=
Nactual x cycle time
x 100
6. Compute the Percentage of idle time=
1.0 min
x 100 = 20.83%
4 x 1.2
resulting efficiency
of the system. Efficiency = 100% - Percentage of idle time
Efficiency = 100% - 20.83 = 79.17%
There are a number of other approaches companies
use to achieve a smooth flow of production. One
approach is to use parallel workstations. These are
beneficial for bottleneck operations which would
otherwise disrupt the flow of product as it moves
down the line.

A job has four tasks; task times are 1 minute, 1

Other Approaches minute, 2 minutes, and 1 minute. The cycle time for
the line would be 2 minutes, and the output rate
(Good to know info)
would be 30 units per hour.
Using parallel stations for the third task would result in
a cycle time of 1 minute because the output rate at
the parallel stations would be equal to that of a
single station and allow an output rate for the line of
60 units per hour:

Other Approaches
(Good to know info)
Another approach to achieving a balanced line is to
cross-train workers so that they are able to perform
more than one task. Then, when bottlenecks occur,
the workers with temporarily increased idle time can
assist other workers who are temporarily
overburdened, thereby maintaining an even flow of
work along the line. This is sometimes referred to as
dynamic line balancing, and it is used most often in
lean production systems.
Other Approaches
(Good to know info) Still another approach is to design a line to handle
more than one product on the same line. This is
referred to as a mixed model line. Naturally, the
products have to be fairly similar, so that the tasks
involved are pretty much the same for all products.
This approach offers great flexibility in varying the
amount of output of the products. The following
newsclip describes one such line.
The preceding discussion on line balancing presents
a relatively straightforward approach to
approximating a balanced line. In practice, the
ability to do this usually involves additional
considerations, some of which are technical.

Technical considerations include skill requirements of

different tasks. If skill requirements of tasks are quite
different, it may not be feasible to place the tasks in
Conclusion the same workstation. Similarly, if the tasks themselves
are incompatible (e.g., the use of fire and flammable
liquids), it may not be feasible even to place them in
stations that are near to each other.

Developing a workplace plan for balancing a line

may also require consideration of human factors as
well as equipment and space limitations.
Thank you!!

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