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A Home for Haiti

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Final Project Plan Presentation

May 12 ,2010

International Project Management-0681.712


 Project Scope  Communication Plan

 Work Breakdown  Risks Management Plan
Structure  Control & Evaluation Plan
 Organizational Structure  KPI Indicators
 Schedule Summary  Current Status
 Budget Summary &  Global Factors Impact
Funding  Summary

2 Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Project Scope: Justification

After the fatal earthquake on the afternoon of January 12, 2010, Haiti had
around 250,000 homes destroyed, leaving more than 1,500,000 inhabitants with
a need for suitable housing.
Such need can be met through the creation of pre-fabricated housing

3 Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Project Scope

Objective Deliverables
 To alleviate crisis providing
 Pre-fabricated houses design
adequate housing for affected and production plan.
Haitian families.  Import & shipping logistics
 Specific Objectives: plan.
 10,000 permanent houses installed
 Haitians family assignment and
 Investment of up to 30 million reallocation logistics plan.
dollars.  Production and delivery of the
 Project concluded by July 15th first 200 units 50 per shipment,
 Production and delivery plan
for the remaining 9,800 units
 10,000 Houses Installed.

4 Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Project Scope: Assumptions
•Budget: not to exceed $30,000,000,
including all design, production, travel
and other expenses.

•Timeline: completed report must be

available by July 15, 2014.

•Scope/quality: final report and all

related materials must reflect the highest Acceptance Criteria
levels of quality and accomplishment.
Final report must also ensure accuracy of •Hatian Governemt Support (land
financial reports. donation)
•Community Involvement as Volunteers

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Work Breakdown Structure

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Organizational Chart

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Schedule Summary

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Communication Plan
•The US and Haiti PM
will communicate via
internet and via

•The PM in Haiti and

the team leads will
communicate via
satellite phones

•The volunteers will

be provided long
range walkie-talkies

9 Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Resources Needed
 State assumptions about resources allocated to this project
 People
 Equipment
 Locations
 Support & outside services
 Manufacturing
 Sales

10 Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Budget Description
All costs are per unit (Qty.1)

Construction Items Material Cost Total Cost (x 2500 units)

Concrete slab (400 sq ft) $2400 $6,000,000

Hampton Model modular home $10,131 $25,327,500
(324 sq ft.) $1365 $3,412,500
High wind roof second collar
$13,896 $34,740,000

Total of direct cost $34,740,000
  Transportation( to Port Au Prince) $132,158.17
   Total Project Cost

 Sources of funding:

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
Risk Management and Response Plan
 Risk management will be handled by each project manager in each
 Risks will be created if a problem is caused impacting the project:
 budget,
 schedule,
 resources,
 scope
 A spreadsheet will be used to keep a central list of the risks, their
status, and the date created
 The spreadsheet will be consolidated by the PMs for review at the
sponsor meetings

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
The Risk Management Process
 Each risk will be logged in the project Risk Spreadsheet
 The risk will be categorized and ranked
 Each risk will be reviewed at the sponsor meeting once a month
 The spreadsheet will be consolidated by the PMs for review at the
sponsor meetings
 Each risk will be assigned an owner
 The assignee will be made by the sponsors and can be any member of
the project team
 A set of actions to mitigate the risk will be entered in the spreadsheet by
the person the risk is assigned to
 Risks can only be closed by the assignee with authority by the PM

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
Monitor and Control Plan
 Keep statistics on important items pertaining to the project (KPIs)
 Track these items at strategic points in the project
 Exactly what is being tracked will be decided by the key team members as
well as the sponsors
 A score card will be developed to summarize the KPIs
 As the project progresses these KPIs will be modified based on need
 The KPIs will be used to monitor progress to plan and show how the
project is doing.
 A monthly meeting will be scheduled to review the KPI reports in a
dashboard format with the supporting details available
 Strict control will be kept on the gathering of the data for these reports.
 An audit process will be put in place to verify the results

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
KPI Reports
Key Performance Indicator Data Required Gathering Method Rpt
(KPI) Created
Budgeted vs. Actual Resources A list of resources, types and how many are Each area of the project will submit and no
required track resources
Milestones achieved onetime A list of expected milestones and when they will The PM will keep track of the milestones. no
be completed
Budget vs. actual dollars spent This data will be kept by the budget manager of Data will be gathered from the monthly no
the project. A monthly budget review will be the budget review process
source of the data
Pre-fab houses ready to ship Track the number of housing unites completed The manufacturer will track this item and no
and ready for shipment report monthly to the PM
Pre-fab houses shipped Track the number of housing units shipped to The shipper will track this item and report no
monthly to the PM
Pre-fab houses in storage on site Track the number of housing units shipped to The onsite storage manager will track this no
and stored for construction item and report monthly to the PM
Pre-fab houses under Track the number of housing units under The on site contractor will track this item no
construction construction in and report monthly to the PM
Pre-fab houses completed Track the number of housing units built The construction manager will track this no
item and report monthly to the PM

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Regulat Culture

Time Factors Languag
Zones e


16 Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Global Factor: Cultural Differences
 Cultural differences between the sponsors and the country may impact the
project considerably. Chilean and American culture have in common their
love for results, proactivity, efficiency and team oriented work
 Haitian governmental culture enables a high level of bureaucracy that
directly impacts the ability to get things done; an aggravating factor is the
earthquake aftermath itself, in which deteriorated governmental buildings
and weak organizational structures may delay the key milestones in the first

17 Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Global Factor: Time Zone & Time

 The project team located in the United

Stated will have to deal with a 1 hour
difference with Haiti as it’s operates on the
GMT-5 time zone. On winter time US is 1
hour ahead of Haiti. On the other hand,
Chile Time Zone is GMT-4 just like in the
US. The time difference is minimal,
therefore is not expected to be a challenge
during the project endeavor.

18 Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C

Global Factors: Infrastructure
 Port-au-Prince to other large towns, are often impassable to ordinary
 Of a total of 2,585 miles of roads, only 628 miles are paved.
 There is no railway.
 Most foreign trade passes through Port-au-Prince.
 Port-au-Prince International Airport is situated 5 miles from the capital and
has regular connections with North America and Europe.
 The only other modern airport is near Cap-Haïtien, in the north of the
 Telephone and television access is almost non-exis-tent in the countryside

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
Global Factors: Language and Dialect

 90% of the Haitians speak Haitian Creole only

 Could cause problems unless the language of Haiti is
addressed upfront with translators
 There is deep cultural pride in the independence of the
Haitian Creole language
 A Large percentage of Haitians are illiterate, this factor
will also have to be taken into account

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
Global Factor: Religion
 80% of the Haitians being Roman Catholic
 16% of Haitians are Protestant
 Half of all Haitians practice Voodoo
 Voodoo religion has its own ceremonies and rituals many
of with have been integrated with catholic roots
 The voodoo religion is a religion that supports family and
spirits that protect
 These religious practices should be respected

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
Legal, regulatory and reporting requirements
 Previous to the earthquake under Haitian law,
two parties were free to negotiate a contractual
 Typically, through negotiation, agents are given
specific tasks and duties. Agents were almost
always compensated on a commission basis, as
opposed to a salary system or other
compensation packages.

Global Factor: Technology
 Standard communications
 Limited cell phone towers
 Internet access scarce in rural areas
 Electric supply
 Power grids are unstable and
 Medical care
 Very few physicians or clinics available
 Public water system
 Completely disrupted by earthquake
 Going green
 Environmental nightmare

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
Current Status
 High-level overview of progress against schedule
 On-track in what areas
 Behind in what areas
 Ahead in what areas
 Unexpected delays or issues

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
 Highlight any procedural differences from usual projects
of this type
 Discuss requirements, benefits, and issues of using new

-for more info…

List location or contact for procedures document (or other related documents)

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
Related Documents
 Marketing plan
 Location or contact name/phone
 Budget
 Location or contact name/phone
 Post-mortem
 Location or contact name/phone
 Submit questions
 Location or contact name/phone

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
 Take the idea of pre-fabricated homes and apply it to the earthquake ravaged Haiti
 Urgent need for shelter in Haiti, this project takes on this situation by providing housing at a
minimal cost and is easy to construct and maintain
 Prefab structures will be built to standards that will withstand a powerful earthquake
 Funding for these structures and the project will come from the Clinton Foundation
 This project plan is just the start of a working document to plan, envision, track and
implement the Homes for Haiti ideal
 Throughout the project we will track:
 budget vs. actual will be tracked,
 the planned schedule vs. actual will be looked at
 millstone achievements will be reported

 The project will be implemented as fast as possible and within a reasonable budget
 The team is committed to working through the plan with cooperation, communication,
coordination and resolve

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
Works Cited

Intl PM. 0681-712 | May 12 2010 | A Home for Haiti| Team C
A Home for Haiti
Sponsored by

Final Project Plan Presentation

May 12 ,2010

International Project Management-0681.712

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