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level of fit


Strategic goals

HR system

Tiga area inti diferensiasi
Tingkatan diferensiasi
Perspektif Universalistik
Perspektif ini memandang bahwa fungsi atau praktik-praktik tertentu di bidang MSDM
menghasilkan kinerja lebih baik dibanding praktik yang lain. Misal: manajemen partisipatif, gaji
insentif, promosi dari dalam, jaminan pekerjaan, pemberdayaan. Variabel-variabel tersebut
diyakini memiliki kontribusi positif signifikan terhadap kinerja.

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High-performance Work System
A specific combination of HR practices, work structures, and
processes that maximizes employee knowledge, skill, commitment,
and flexibility.
Systems composed of many interrelated parts that complement one
another to reach the goals of an organization, large or small.

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Underlying Principles of High-Performance Work Systems

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Principles of HPWS 1
The Principle of Shared Information
A shift away from the mentality of command and
control toward one more focused on employee
Creating a culture of information sharing where
employees are more willing (and able) to work toward
the goals for the organization.

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Principles of HPWS 2
The Principle of Knowledge Development
Employees in high-performance work systems need to
learn in real time, on the job, using innovative new
approaches to solve novel problems
The number of jobs requiring little knowledge and skill
is declining while the number of jobs requiring greater
knowledge and skill is growing rapidly.

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Principles of HPWS 3
The Principle of Performance-Reward Linkage
It is important to align employee and organizational
goals. When rewards are connected to performance,
employees will naturally pursue outcomes that are
mutually beneficial to themselves and the

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Principles of HPWS 4
The Principle of Egalitarianism
Egalitarian work environments eliminate status and
power differences and, in the process, increase
collaboration and teamwork.
When this happens, productivity can improve if
people who once worked in isolation from (or
opposition to) one another begin to work together.

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Outcomes of High-Performance
Work Systems

Employee Benefits of HPWS Systems

More involved in work, more likely to be satisfied and find
that needs for growth are more fully met.
More informed and empowered, they are likely to feel that
they have a fuller role to play in the organization and that
their opinions and expertise are valued more.
Greater commitment comes from higher skills and greater
potential for contribution.

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Outcomes of High-Performance
Work Systems

Organizational Outcomes and Competitive Advantage

Higher productivity
Lower costs
Better responsiveness to customers
Greater flexibility
Higher profitability

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It's an employer who offers a work culture and workplace
environment that attract and retain superior employees. The
features of the environment available at an employer of choice favor
the well-being of employees and customers.
Employer of Choice Approach: ADIDAS
Ambition: Our ambition is to be the employer of choice both for our
current and future employees because this will lead to business
success. The Adidas Group takes being an employer of choice
seriously. It is written into our Human Resources mission statement
to strive to become a top employer in every market in which we

Employer of Choice Approach:
Approach: Our approach is straightforward. We take feedback from our
employees and potential future employees and act to continually
improve our footprint as an employer. We measure this by employee
engagement and marketplace employer of choice recognition. In recent
years we have seen notable improvement in our employee engagement
Measures: We have been recognised as Top Employer and Most Admired
Company in publications such as Fortune and Businessweek. At the
adidas Group we dont rest on our laurels we will continue to work on
improving our employer of choice ranking everywhere we operate.
Top 5 Characteristics of Employer of
Employee View (2010)
Characteristics % in top five Rank

Recognises and rewards staff well 57% 1

Invests in the learning and development of its 53% 2

Operates ethically and fairly at all times 53% 2

Has family/life friendly workplace practices 42% 4

Management is passionate and engaging to work 40% 5


Perspektif Kontingensi
Pengaruh positif fungsi-fungsi MSDM (Stratejik), secara individual,
tergantung pada kecocokannya dengan strategi.
Strategi sebagai variabel kontingensi seringkali diwakili oleh satu
karakteristik utama, misal inovasi.

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Linkage of Organizational and HR


Perspektif Konfigurasional
Kinerja organisasional berkaitan dengan beberapa menu MSDM
Secara individual, menu-menu MSDM (Stratejik) memiliki pengaruh
sama efektif terhadap kinerja organisasional (equifinality).
Semakin tinggi kecocokan horisontal dan vertikal, semakin efektif
dalam menghasilkan kinerja organisasional.

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Internal and External Fit
Internal fit
The situation in which all the internal elements of the
work system complement and reinforce one another.
External fit
The situation in which the work system supports the
organizations goals and strategies.

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Identifying strategic capabilities
Strategic capabilities is an organizational asset that combines
talent, information, technology, and routines.
In the differentiated approach, strategic capabilities should be
important and unique.
It differs from universalistic approach: speed, innovation, and

Organizational Capabilities
1. Talent: we are good at attracting, motivating, and retaining competent and
committed people. How: buy, build, borrow, bounce, bind.
2. Speed: we are good at making important changes happen fast.
3. Shared mind-set: we are good at measuring that customers and employees
have positive images of and experiences with our organization.
4. Accountability: we are good at the disciplines that result in high
5. Collaboration: we are good at working across boundaries to ensure both
efficiency and leverage.
6. Learning: we are good at generating and generalizing ideas with impact.
7. Leadership: we are good at embedding leaders throughout the organization
who deliver the right results in the right waywho carry our leadership
Organizational Capabilities
8. Customer connection: we are good at building enduring relationships of trust with targeted
9. Innovation: we are good at doing something new in both content and process.
10. Strategic unity: we are good at articulating and sharing a strategic point of view. Four
agendas: intellectual, behavioral, process, measurement.
11. Simplicity: we are good at keeping strategies, processes, and products simple.
12. Social responsibility: we are good at contributing to the communities in which we operate or
to the broader good.
13. Risk: we are good at anticipating and managing risk.
14. Efficiency: we are good at managing costs of operation.
How to assess an organizational
capability is strategically
1. Is the capability an important source of the value proposition you offer to customers?
2. Is this capability relatively unique among your firms close competitors?
3. Is your close competitors all rely on a similar capability, is your firm head and shoulders
above the competition in the execution of that capability?
4. If your close competitors all rely on a similar capability, does your firm execute on par with
industry standards (or well enough to remain profitable)?

A Position Assessment

Identifying strategic

Assess players in positions

Plan actions for all players
in strategic positions
Leadership Roles in Creating a Differentiated Workforce

Line managers and leaders influence the mind-set of the workforce and its
capabilities more than HR function leaders and managers do.
Line managers and HR should be held accountable for the development of a
successful workforce.
Workforce accountability begins by creating performance expectations for
both line managers and HR.
Accountability requires inspection to determine if the workforce is meeting
those expectations.
Workforce accountability becomes a reality when there are consequences
for meeting, exceeding, or failing to meet expectations, for both line
managers and HR.
The (Different) Roles of Leaders in Workforce
Strategy Execution
A-Level Leaders B-Level Leaders
Leaderships Roles in Workforce Accountability:
Talent Management
1. Determine which positions drive strategic success.
2. Assess the talent in these positions:
3. Assess the talent we have will enable us to achieve our success
4. Develop action plans for each strategic position.
5. Develop action plans for each employee in a strategic position.
6. Work with HR to assure enough top talent in strategic positions.
7. Review strategic talent often.
8. Submit strategic talent updates to HR frequently.
Designing an HR architecture
An Architecture of HR should be started from strategic choice.
From strategic intent to corporate culture
From corporate culture to workforce philosophy
From worforce philosophy to workforce management systems
Organization may choose the combination of HR practices from
HR menus. The HR practices clasified into: unique HR practices
(strategic/different) and common HR practices

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