Oracle Fusion Talent Management

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Oracle FusionTalent Management

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Date Name Organization/Title Comments

Oracle Fusion Talent


2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Table of Contents
Topic Page
1.Talent Management Life cycle
1.1Overview Talent Management Life cycle

2.Profile Management
2.1 Profile Comparison and Best Fit-Analysis.
2.2 Oracle Fusion Profile Management Components: How They Work Together
2.3 Profile Management(Profile and Profile Types)

3.Goal Management
3.1Goal Management
3.2 Goal Library
3.3Goal Plans
3.4 Goal Library
3.5Goal Management: How It Works with Profiles

4.Performance Management
4.1 Worker Performance Review
4.2 Performance Management Maintenance and Monitoring Tasks
4.3 Performance Documents: How They Work with Profiles

5.Succession Management
5.1 Overview of succession Management
2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
1. Talent Management Life cycle
1.1Overview of Talent Management Life cycle
Manage the entire talent lifecycle from sourcing candidates,
managing goals and performance, performing talent reviews, and
developing careers and successions, and provide continuous
learning to keep your talent engaged.

Profile Management

Goal Management Talent Management Management

Succession Compensation
Management Management

2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
2. Profile Management
2.1 Profile Management
Profile management provides a Platform for developing and managing
talent profiles that meet our industry or organizational requirements.

Profiles summarize the qualifications and skills of a person or a

workforce structure such as a job or position.

Profile Management is valuable to have a track on employees skills,

competencies and accomplishments . To identify the training needs of
the employee, Performance management evolution and in the
recruitment process for identifying job requirements and suitable

Profile Management basically used in various ways such as -:

->Profile Comparison
-> Best Fit Analysis
-> To include Skills & Qualification As target Outcomes in
Performance Document.

2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
2.2 Profile Comparison And Best Fit-Analysis

Person to Job: Using a person profile as the source profile, We can find the
job that best fits a worker/Employee.
Example: As a manager, We can use this tool to help a worker to identify job
profiles for which the worker is best suited and decide the next career move.

Person to Person: Using a person profile as the source profile, We can find
the worker with skills that match that of a particular worker.
Example: Deloitte is planning to launch new technology. As an HR specialist,
We know a worker who has the required skill to use the new technology. To
assess the scope of workers who need development in this particular skill, We
can select the worker's profile, And then use the Best-Fit feature to view a list
of other workers who may come close to the skill requirements.

Job to Job: Using a job profile as the source profile, We can find the job
profile that closely matches a job profile.
Example: As an HR specialist, you can use this tool to help locate jobs to
identify areas for training requirements, or areas of organizational strength.

Job to Person: Using a job profile as the source profile, We can find the
best-fit worker for a job.
Example: As an HR specialist, you can use this tool to help locate the most
qualified workers for a job opening within your company.
2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
2.3 Oracle Fusion Profile Management Components: How They
Work Together
We can configure Oracle Fusion Profile Management to meet our business
requirements using these components-:

Content library
Profiles and profile types
Content subscribers, educational establishments, instance qualifier sets.
Rating models.

Content Library-: Consists of Content Types and content Items

For Ex-:

Content Types Content Items

Competencies Communication

Languages English , French

Degree Masters, PHD

2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
2.4 Profile Management(Profile and Profile Types)

Profile Management

Person Profile Model Profile

Job Position Organization

-> Profile Management is basically of two types

1)Person Profile 2)Model Profile
-> Model Profile includes job/Position and organization Profile
2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Content Library -:
The content library provides the foundation for profiles as it stores both
content types and content items.

Content Subscribers
Content subscribers are applications external to Oracle Fusion Profile
Management that use content types.
For Ex-: Who all are can use Competencies Content Type
We can select ->HRMS,HRA,TM
So people who all are having access to HRMS ,HRA and talent management
can access this particular content type.
Either-:Executive/Manager and HR specialist.

Educational Establishments
You can define educational establishments for workers to use when
they add education information, such as degrees, to their profile.

Instance Qualifier Sets

You assign instance qualifiers to content types. Instance qualifier sets
uniquely identify multiple instances of a content item on a profile.
2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
For example, if multiple people update a performance rating for a competency on a
worker's profile, instance qualifiers provide a unique identifier to each instance
of the competency so that you can determine who provided each rating.
Rating Models -:
When we create content types in the content library, you can attach rating
models to determine the scale for measuring performance and
We can also use rating models to measure the risk and impact of loss of
workers, and to measure their potential.
Rating Type Used in Talent Review Box Chart View Rating Model Examples

Performance Performance
Potential Rating Type & Model Potential
Overall Competencies Proficiency
Overall Goals Performance
Impact of Loss Impact of Loss
Risk of Loss Risk of Loss
Talent Score Talent Score

2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
3. Goal Management
3.1 Goal Management
Goal Management work area enables workers, managers, And HR specialists
to define and set goals that support the common objectives of an organization.

Employees can update goals throughout a goal setting and tracking cycle, and
managers and HR specialists can track the goals as workers progress through
The Goal Management work area supports-:
Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-based
(SMART) goals.
Goal plans.
Goal plan sets
Review periods
Use performance goals that are specific, measurable, achievable,
relevant, and time-based (SMART) to measure the performance of
workers, help them improve productivity, and achieve career
Goal plans are used to manage a collection of performance goals for a
specific period. HR specialists can roll out goal plans to individuals, a
selected hierarchy, or a wider population within the organization.
Goal plan sets are used to group and assign performance goal plans
to a population set. Each goal plan set is associated with a review
13 period.
2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Review periods enable you to organize your processes around goal
management and performance evaluations into time-bound business
Making Performance Goals Available to workers
HR specialists or managers can assign goals to workers.

Different Navigations to assign the goals to workers-:

->Assigning goals to the workers from the My Team Goals and My Goals pages
->Publishing goals to the entire organization from the My Organization Goals page.
->Sharing goals with workers and colleagues from the My Goals page.

Goal Tasks

Managers can assign update modify and delete the Goals of

Managers workers ,When managers assign their own goals to workers, the
workers' goals are aligned automatically to the manager's goal.

HR specialist can add update modify and delete goals of the

worker ,The HR specialist can add goals directly to the plan
Specialists either before or after creating it. Depending upon the goal plan

As organization owners, managers can also assign

Organization organization goals as goals to workers. They can add
owners new organization goals, or use existing organization or
library goals to assign directly to any level of the
supervisory hierarchy.
3.2 Goal Library
The goal library is a repository of reusable goals that you create and
maintain to manage the enterprise goal-setting process efficiently.

HR specialists create performance goals that are used by Goal Management,

Performance Management, and Talent Review, Organization owners, managers,
and workers can search the goal library to copy the goals

Managers and HR specialists can assign the goals through goal plans in the
Goal Management work area, To a selected populations.

HR specialists add goals to the library, specify their goal type and determine
their attributes, including: Name, Description, Success criteria, Target
completion Date, and more.
The goal library is maintained as part of the content library in the Profile
Management work area.

In the goal library, We can->

Add goals
Edit goals ,Set the status of goals

2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
3.3 Goal Plans
Goal plans are a collection of performance goals grouped by common
->Only HR specialists can create goal plans.

Using goal plans , We can->

->Assign goals to a specific population
->Add goals to a goal plan
->Add relative weights for goals to the goal plan
->Include goal plans in performance documents
->Decide who can access and update goals within a goal plan

Assigning Goals to a Specific Population

HR specialists can decide who can add and update goals in the goal plan.
They can allow one of the following combinations of user roles to add and update
goals in the goal plan:
HR specialist
HR specialist and manager
HR specialist, manager, and worker

2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
Controlling Goals Accessibility and Behavior in the Goal Plan
When creating a goal plan, HR specialists can:
HR specialistto allow only HR specialists to add and update goals in the
goal plan
HR specialist and managerto allow HR specialists and managers to add
and update goals in the goal plan
HR specialist, manager and workerto allow everyone to add and update
goals in the goal plan.

2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.

3.4 Eligibility Profiles

An eligibility profile in Goal Management defines criteria used to determine

whether an individual qualifies for a performance goal.

HR specialists can use eligibility profiles to establish eligibility for performance

goals when creating:

->A goal plan set for performance goal plans only

->A mass assignment request for performance goals

Goal Management: How It Works with Profiles

HR specialists, line managers, and workers can add target outcomes to

performance goals to help workers add or improve requisite skills, competencies,
certifications, or other qualifications. Workers add target outcomes to increase
performance on a current job.

->Target outcomes are content items from the Profile Management work area
->HR specialists can also add target outcomes to performance goals.

2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
4. Performance Management
4.1Worker Performance Overview
Performance Management Basically used for Performance evolution of the

To Evaluate Worker Performance activity, Managers, Workers, and participants

can evaluate workers on goals and competencies according to the scoring
method used by your organization.

Managers and workers create performance documents to evaluate workers.

As part of the evaluation, they can -:

Create performance documents to evaluate workers.

Set goals and competencies in a performance document, on which to evaluate
and rate workers.

Share documents to enhance workflow between workers and managers.

Conduct and track review meetings, and process approvals.

HR specialists and managers use maintenance and monitoring tasks to keep

the performance evaluation process moving when there is an interruption or
mistake, Such as a worker submitting a document prematurely for approval.
2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
4.2 Performance Management Maintenance and Monitoring

Task Manager Descriptions
Create a performance document for
any worker within the organization
for which the HR specialist has
Create PFM Document YES NO access. They can create different
performance documents, such as
annual and project evaluations.
Send e-mail notifications
throughout the selected
Send E-Mail Notification YES NO organization to remind workers
and managers of upcoming events
and tasks in the performance
management business process.
Transfer Performance
YES YES Transfer a worker's performance
Documents document from one manager to
another when, for example, the
worker is assigned to a new
manager, or the manager leaves the
Cancel Performance organization. HR specialists can
YES Yes transfer multiple performance
Documents documents at one time.
Cancel a performance document
to remove it from normal
2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
4.3Performance Documents: How They Work with Profiles

eligibility Profile


Person Profile Job Profile

->Performance template will be automatically assigned to the

worker on based of eligibility profile.
->If they are eligible as per the organization eligibility profile
Performance template will be get assigned as per their job and
22 person profile. 2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.
5.Succession management
5.1 Succession Management

The Succession management enables your organization to develop and

maintain succession plans to determine who will eventually replace
personnel currently in key positions.
Succession Plans Overview:
Manage Succession Plans
Create and edit succession plans using a guided process, or disable
those that are no longer needed.

View Candidate Readiness and Plan Strength

View at a glance the number of candidates, the plan strength based
on the number of candidates and their readiness. Use the sunburst to
focus on each readiness category and drill into more details about
each candidate, such as the plans they belong to, performance
compensation data, and goals.
Review Succession Plan Details
Select a plan to view details, including the names of the candidates
and the readiness level of each, and all the job data connected with
the plan. For incumbent plans, you will see additional key data, such
risk of loss and impact of loss ratings, the reason for the incumbent's
24 departure, if available, and the estimated time in the job.
2016. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited.

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