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Standards in E-Governance

Suchitra Pyarelal
Technical Director
E-Governance Standards
Existing Scenario of E-Governance Applications
E-Governance Standards: Background
Approach , Steps and Methodology
E-Governance Standards :
Open Standards
Patents in Standards
National Considerations
Government Policies
E-Governance Standards
Areas Identified for Standardisation
Areas :Working Groups
Working Groups Status and Roadmap
E-Governance Standards
Existing Scenario of E-Governance Applications

Developed independently as stand-alone systems

Too much data and not enough information

No common data architecture

Isolated domains of information

Too expensive to bridge

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards : Objectives

Increased Adaptibility & Flexibility


Data Preservation

Reduction of vendor lock-in

Emphasis on Integration in a non-proprietary form

Platform-Independent modelling approach

E-Governance Standards
NEGP Mission Mode Projects (MMPs)

State Income

* Banking
* Insurance
Exchange Agriculture

E Procurement
Land Central
Records Excise


Registration E Courts
India Portal Passports/Visa
EG Gateway Common
Service Treasuries

Gram Taxes
National ID MCA21

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards : Vision

Faster, improved and efficient services

Shared resources and services

Productivity increase

Standards-based approach in all e-Governance

application developments by multiple agencies.

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards :Background

Core Group on Standards constituted in 2004

Chair Director General,NIC
Initial set of key areas identified for Standardisation
Processes for adoption of Standards in appropriate
Institutional Mechanism

NIC entrusted with the responsibility in Sept 2005

E-Governance Standards Division set up in Nov 2005

E-Governance Standards
Approach and Steps taken
Institutional Mechanism & Processes

Brainstorming Sessions

State Level Workshops

National Summits

Formation of Task Force

Key Areas Identified for Standardisation

Formation of Working Groups

E-Governance Standards
Approach and Steps taken
Institutional Mechanism & Processes
NIC (e-Governance Standards Division)
Working Groups with members
White papers (part time/full time) from DIT,
Associations, Industry, Academia,
representatives from Central &
State Government etc constituted
Constitution of Working Groups with the approval of DIT

WG 1 WG 2 WG 3 WG N

Apex Body under the

Chairmanship of Secretary, DIT
Standards with senior representatives
from Government, NASSCOM,
BIS etc with a mandate to
Approve, Notify & Enforce
APEX BODY Standards formulated
various Working Group.

Approved Standards

STQC (e-Governance Standards Division)

Publish, Conformance & Certification

E-Governance Standards
Approach and Steps taken-IM&P
E-Governance Standards Division of NIC

Key Functions
To Steer and manage the Standardization activities
under NEGP;

To Provide Secretariat to the Working Groups , Apex


Coordinate with the Working Groups , Apex Body and

other bodies;

Implementation of the Portal A powerful

Collaborative medium;
E-Governance Standards
Approach and Steps taken IM&P
Apex Body
Secretary, DIT, Chairman
Secretary, Department of Law
Representative from Planning Commission
Representative from Dept. of Expenditure
Additional Secretary DAR&PG
Secretary (IT), Government of Uttaranchal
Secretary (e-Governance), Govt. of Karnataka
Nandan Nilekani, Member, National Knowledge Commission
President NASSCOM
Executive Director, MAIT
Director (eGovernance) DIT Member Convener
E-Governance Standards
Approach and Steps taken
Brain Storming Sessions & State Level Workshops

Brainstorming Sessions State Level Workshops

Chennai Kerala
Guwahati West Bengal

Chandigarh Andhra Pradesh

E-Governance Standards
Approach and Steps taken
National Summits

Identity Management
Digital Preservation & Information Life Cycle Management
Enterprise Architecture
E-Mail Services & Architecture
Enterprise Portal Design
Application Development Strategy
Auto-Identification Technologies
Meta data and Data Standards
Web Services & Localisation
Information Security
Client Level Security
Online Auditing
E-Governance Standards
Approach and Steps taken
National Summits : Task Force

Task Force : To prepare the Policy and Guidelines based on the

recommendations of the National Summit.

Task Force on e-Forms constituted

Chairman: Dr.S.C.Gupta,STD,NIC
Draft Policy and Guidelines under finalisation
Structure of the Policy Document finalised
Task Force on Identity and Access Management Constituted
Chairman : Prof.S.I.Ahson
Dept. of Computer Science
Jamia Milia

E-Governance Standards
Principles for Selection of Standards for
adoption in E-Governance
E-Governance Standards: Open Standards

Standards that are publicly available for implementation

All Interested parties should be able to participate in


Essential intellectual property rights(IPR) may be included so

long as these IPR can be made available under non-
discriminatory terms and a reasonable fee or no fee at all
(RAND terms)

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards: Open Standards & Patents

Most Standards Bodies eg: IETF,OASIS,W3C,ISO prefer no


But they do allow the inclusion of patents that can be licensed

under Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory Terms (RAND) terms
in their Standards

Patent Policies revolve around RAND policy,either with some

form of royalty payment or royalty free or a mixture of both

Some Organisations do not consider a RAND encumbered

standard as an Open Standard eg:European Union's E-
Governance Interoperability Framework project

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards: National Considerations

Enables electronic National records and data to be

stored in open file format.
Ensures interoperability of National ICT applications
and facilitates data interchange
Prevents over-reliance on foreign technologies
Enables smaller local vendors to participate in
National Projects
Assist Free and Open Source(FOSS) to be promoted.

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards : Challenges

Open Standards not available or not mature enough

for a required technology
Use de facto standard that is publicly published and freely
available for implementation
Encourage owner of de facto standard to submit to open
standards body for adoption/adaption as a standard
Entrenched usage of a Proprietary Standard-not
practical to ignore it
Phase it out slowly,in the interim,work towards
interoperability with open standards installations and/or
use file format conversion tools

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards: Government Policies

More and more public sector agencies all over the world have
policies that require open standards;

Most e-Government projects have the Interoperability

Framework that specifies open standards;

If more countries are to insist on open standards, more vendors

will be forced to open their file formats and technology

No good reason for an organisation not to mandate open

standards .No vendor can reasonably complain about
procurement terms mandating open standards
E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards:Summary

Interoperability is crucial-Conformance to Standards

Standards that are open and non-discriminatory
No dependence on any single entity,all types of products
can implement them and all interested parties can partake
in their development;
Most governments specifying open standards in their
IT policies.

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards: Principles

Easy accessibility for all to read and use/implement;

Developed by a process that is open and relatively
easy for anyone to participate in;
No control or tie-in by any specific group /person /
Main disagreement is in whether to consider Standards that
contain RAND-encumbered patents or not;available royalty free
or at minimal cost, with other restrictions

E-Governance Standards
Areas of Standards in E-Governance
Areas of Standardisation

Technical Standards and E-Governance Architecture

Network and Information Security Standards

Meta data and Data Standards

Localisation and Language Technology Standards

Quality and Documentation Standards

Legal Enablement of ICT Systems

Governance Process Re-engineering*

*being constituted
E-Governance Standards
Areas of Standardisation- Working Groups
Working Group Chairman

Technical Standards & E- Prof.S.Krishna,IIM Bangalore

Governance Architecture
Network & Information Prof.N.Balakrishnan,IISC
Security Bangalore
Metadata & Data Standards Prof.C.R.Muthukrishnan

Quality & Documentation

Localisation & Language
Technology Standards Dr.Narayanamurthy
Justice Somasekhara
Legal Enablement of ICT
E-Governance Standards
Technical Standards & E-Governance
WG1-Technical Standards & E-Governance Architecture

1. Development based on Open standards.

2. Platform Independence.

3. Reusable Component based development.

4. Policies and Guidelines for Systems Development

E-Governance Standards
WG1-Technical Standards & E-Governance Architecture

1. Enterprise Architecture

2. Interoperability Framework

E-Governance Standards
WG1-Technical Standards & E-Governance Architecture
Sub Groups Under TSEGA

1. Enterprise Architecture

Coordinator Mr.Neel Ratan,Executive Director,PwC

2. Standards Taxonomy

Coordinator Mr.Jaijit Bhattacharya,Sun Microsystems

3. Standards Process

Coordinator- Dr.Shankara Prasad,CEO,INKROMA

4. Interoperability Framework for e-Governance

Coordinator-Mr.Ramesh Singh,Senior Technical Director,NIC

E-Governance Standards
WG1-Technical Standards & E-Governance Architecture

Brain Storming Session Feb 17th 2006 at IIM Bangalore

Working Group Meetings

First Working Group Meeting - 3rd March 2006

Second Working Group Meeting - 24th July 2006

State Level Workshops at Kerala, West Bengal , Orissa,

Andhra Pradesh

E-Governance Standards
Summary of Brainstorming Session
1. A Study of the U.S Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) in the Indian Context needs to be taken up. The
model could first be studied in terms of successful projects of NIC. A National E-Governance EA could then
be formulated.

2. A comprehensive list of Standards need to be made so as to arrive at the framework of Technical Standards
of the E-Governance Architecture model. The relevant Specification standards can be plugged to this
framework which will also aim to define the complete information system implementation in the Indian
context. Base list of provided by manager, Bangalore One can be taken for the broad description of
standards to begin with.

3. Process of evolution of standards that include the norms and prescribe the various processes for evolution of
standards need to brought out. Legal aspects of standardization process need to be factored into the

4. The scope must involve a flexible and comprehensive architectural model that supports development of
complete requirements of all e-Governance initiatives in India (G2G, G2B, G2C, G2E, G2X) .

5. Conceptual architecture is the combination of process architecture, application architecture and technical
architecture. The next level to be looked into is the process architecture that has both the private and
public processes.

6. Standards for Process Level interoperability need to be addressed.

7. To summarize, Architecture, Interoperability standards and Reuse, Project implementation, Project

management, sustenance and service quality standards may be the major focus.

E-Governance Standards
WG1-Technical Standards & E-Governance Architecture

Sub Group I

Identification of Enterprise Architecture Components

High Level EA Framework

Top Level Detailing of each EA component.

Sub Group II

Working Draft on Standards Taxonomy Prepared

Sub Group III

The Standards Process Document prepared

Submitted to Quality & Documentation Working Group

Sub Group IV

Under process of finalsiation of IFEG Version 3.0

E-Governance Standards
Key Recommendations of First Working Group

Enterprise Architecture model in the Indian Context

Taxonomy of Standards

Processes for Evolving Standards

E-Governance Standards
Key Recommendations of Second Working Group

Enterprise Architecture Top Level Detailing

Legal Aspects to be included in the framework

Interoperability Framework to include Gateway

E-Governance Standards
Organisation Data Process
Architecture Architecture Architecture (Including
Application Services
Plans &
Architecture) Architecture
Legal Architecture

Security Architecture

Performance Practices /
Management Standards /
Framework Guidelines

E-Governance Standards
Expected Deliverables

Provides business with a systematic approach to describing their

common language (e.g., client, service, goal) to describe the
identify gaps in service delivery models
Highlights the interdependencies in service delivery across organisation
across ministries
within ministries across traditional program delivery boundaries
Identifies gaps in business requirements early in design cycle
Lays foundation for re-use of data, applications and technology
(component-based physical design)
Introduces discipline in developing, documenting and disseminating
standards (data, applications, technology, security)
Facilitates cross-project communications through extensive user

E-Governance Standards
WG1-Technical Standards & E-Governance Architecture
Interoperability Framework

Reference model of basic technical specifications

Set of Technology Standards

Guidelines for Platform-Independent Applications


E-Governance Standards
Layered Model

E-Governance Standards
Technical Standards & E-Governance Architecture

Aug Sept0 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar

06 6 06 06 06 07 07 07

1.Enterprise Architecture Framework

1.1 Enterprise Architecture Framework Top Level

Detailing of Components

1.2 Review by Chairman and Working Group Members

1.2 Preparation of RFP for inviting EOI

2. Interoperability framework and

Technical Standards

2.1 Working Draft

2.2 Review Stage

E-Governance Standards
Network and Information Security
WG2-Network & Information Security

Goals (TOR)
Current Status
What has been done

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Terms of Reference

Advise on development of required White Papers for discussion in the Working Group to
evolve standards;
Evolve Standards;
Manage interaction with similar initiatives and standards bodies elsewhere in the world;
Nominate members on various International standards committees and continuously strive
towards key roles for India in such international forums;
Define the scope of any deliverables, expected milestones, and the process for the group
participants to approve the release of these deliverables (including publishing intermediate
Determine any dependencies of other entities on the deliverables of this group;
Define the expected level of involvement by the members of the Team (e.g., to track
developments, write and edit technical reports, , etc.);
Must also include an estimate of the expected time commitment from participants;
Requirements that a quorum of group participants support any formal decision of the group;
Change control of the Draft standard document and Version Management.
Create a supporting framework for implementation and testing
Setting timeline for the release of initial set of standards to the Apex Body of Standards of

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security

Identification of
Formation of Working
standards/guidelines Approval by Apex Body
Project Initiation Mode

Roll Out Mode

Delivery Mode
Preparation of
Preparation of Approach Certification
Papers, White Papers

Conducting Workshops, Test and Evaluation Accreditation


Phase I Phase II Phase III

E-Governance Standards
Phase I Phase II Phase III
Feb06-Oct 06 Nov 06-Mar 07 Mar06-July 07

1) Formation of working Group

2) Approach Papers/White Papers

3) Brain Storming/Workshops

4) Identification of deliverable standards/guidelines

5)Preparation of draft standards/guidelines documents

6) Review by Working Group

7) Test and evaluation/gap analysis

8) Approval by Apex body

9) Certification, Accriditation
E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security

Action Status

Formation of WG

Approach papers/white papers

Brain storming, Workshops

Identification of deliverables

Preparation of draft documents In progress

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Working Group

Prof N. Balakrishnan, IISC Mr R.Ravi, HCL

Chairman Mr Sanjay Debnath, Intel
Dr B.K.Gairola, NIC Mr Mukhesh saini, Microsoft
Prof S.V.Raghavan, IIT, Mr Devjoy Choudhury, NISG
Mr Mohan Ram, CDAC
Prof B.N.Jain, IIT, Delhi
Mr Jaijit Bhattacharya, SUN
Mr Vijay Madan, CDOT Micro
Mr B.J.Srinath, DIT Mr Umang Bedi, Symantec
Ms Renu Budhiraja, DIT Mr Subramanyan Nagaraj,
Mr N.Rajendran, IDRBT Dr Bhanu Murty, RAMCO
Dr P.Upender Rao, SBIICM Mr Rameesh kailasam, Oracle
Dr Atul Sen, DLRL Mr Sukhbir Singh, BIS
Dr C.R.Chakravarthy,
Cryptography Consultant

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Some of the Approach papers and White papers produced

Approach Paper on NISS

Network and Information security Framework
Significance of Standards
Network and Information Security Standards and
Comprehensive Threat management
Data Back up and Recovery
Data Centre standards

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Brainstorming, Workshops and Summits

Date Location Event

27.02.06 Chennai Brain storming
12.05.06 Bangalore Working Group Meet
15.05.06 Thiruvananthapuram Workshop
02.06.06 Kolkata Workshop
19.06.06 Bhubaneswar Workshop
27.07.06 Delhi National summit on IAM
20.09.06 Hyderabad Workshop
26.09.06 Bangalore Workshop

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Areas (deliverables )identified

Preparation of National Information Security Policy

Security categorization and Mapping
Guidelines for Security categorization (low, medium and high
risk environment)
Security Risk Assessment
Guidelines for Security threat and risk assessment
Catalogue of e-Gov threat factors
Risk assessment checklists and Tools
Security Requirement Specification
Guidelines on security assurance and creation of security
requirement specification
Guidelines for selection of Information Technology Security
products and Services

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Areas (deliverables) identified

Security Planning
Guidelines for Developing Security Plans for Information
Technology Systems (Sample security manual and procedures)
ISO 27001 questionnaire
Guidelines for interpretation and implementation of security
controls for information systems and selection of baseline
security controls
Security Control Design
Provide a master catalog of security controls for information
systems incorporated from many sources (e-Governance ISMS
Guidelines on secure application development and secure
coding practices.
Guidelines on integration of security with SDLC process
Guidelines on security best practices including management,
operational and technical controls.
E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Areas (deliverables) identified

Security Test, Evaluation and certification

Guidelines for security test, evaluation and acceptance
Guidelines on Security Assurance (assessment, evaluation &
ISO 27001 self-assessment and maturity model
Creation of Certified Professionals
Creation of a group of certified professionals with thorough
understanding of the standards documents who can help
organizations in becoming complaint to the standards.
Training and awareness
The need to evolving a Group of four to five Certified
professionals for providing end-to end solution.
Widespread training of users on security must be undertaken

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Areas (deliverables) identified

Creation of database/taxonomy of e-Governance

applications software platforms in use
Development of tools for generation of automatic
alerts for any vulnerabilities

E-Governance Standards

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Challenges and opportunities emanated

To undertake study of existing e-Governance mission

mode project infrastructure with regard to various
security issues including cyber crimes
To undertake study of global standards and
frameworks and develop best of the breed solution.
Indigenous effort for development of network
equipments and security products
Quality of service parameters to be included in RFP
and tender process
CC or equivalent for certification for product
Interoperability standards for intranet and extranet

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Challenges and opportunities emanated

Centre of excellence in Information Assurance would

be set up at various places; one such being setup at
IIT, Kharagpur initially funded by Integrated Defense
Staff, Ministry of defense. This can act as a hub for R
& D activities in Information Security
DIT Sponsored Projects at IIT, Kharagpur on
Cryptographic controls can be used in the area of
access control
Development of secure OSs expensive but possibly
required in specific applications
Protection of Personal Data
Laws to be strengthened
Cyber forensic and related manpower development
Privacy preserving Data Mining
Balancing right to information with privacy protection
E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Challenges and opportunities emanated

Security Development Life Cycle ( Threat Model & Secure

Coding) practices shall be introduced in e-governance
application development
Security Requirement Specifications Templates shall be
developed and used as a part in SRS preparation.
Policy on Interoperability among different networks like
SWANs, NICNET etc shall be framed
IP ( both Public and Private ) allocation shall be controlled
by Central Authority both for existing and up-coming
network within the Government
Application and Data Storage shall be on private network

E-Governance Standards
WG2-Network & Information Security
Challenges and opportunities emanated

Every department should have policy on its DRS & BCP

Digital Preservation Policy shall be framed for media
replacement and archival activities
Information Security Hierarchy of persons and
responsibilities shall be in place.

E-Governance Standards
Study of Dublin Core Standard, mainly for Metadata on Documentation.
Need to study and identify metadata for both digital and non-digital
The Metadata structure in Network Technology and Library Sciences should be
studied to help understand metadata for the non-digital information.
Gather as much information as possible from ongoing e-Governance Projects.
The nature of all the government services cutting across all the domains,
needs to be studied to identify the data elements
The students from Engineering colleges, Technical Institutes etc. may be
involved in the e-Governance Projects as a part of their 6-months or 4-months
semester training.
Identifying 11 projects as the DRIVE Projects, agency framework should be
Subgroups may be formed under the State level for identification of Common
Terms and Common Data Elements.
Grass-root level Governance (Municipalities)
Land Registration, Acquisition, Valuation and Land Records
Excise and Commercial Taxes

E-Governance Standards
WG3 -Meta data and Data Standards

To identify and build the formats of the Common Data

Elements across the horizontal and vertical E-
Governance applications.

To build the Dictionary & Taxonomy of the commonly

used data elements.

Adopt and Adapt to the existing Metadata and Data


E-Governance Standards
Service Oriented Approach

Identification of Data Elements - Mandatory and Non


International standards may be used wherever possible.

Standards having wide market support should be chosen to

reduce cost and risk.

National standards could be used to cover items specific to the

country, and new standards are developed where none exists

Forms reengineering and Change management needed in

connection with the data standards

E-Governance Standards
Proposal from Institute of Electronic Governance,
Andhra Pradesh (IEG) on Metadata and data Standards

Formation of a Committee to review the IEG Proposal

Study of the Metadata Standards in AGRIS suggested

by FAO, for their adoption

Formalization of the Geo-Spatial Data Standards

E-Governance Standards

Identification of a state on Pilot basisStudy conducted in Andhra

Pradesh of 32 Departments and about 11000 data for 350 services.

Conduct the similar study in two or more states to identify the

common data elements. --- December 2006

Understanding the attributes of data element for interoperability of

--- February 2007

Develop part of the underlying Ontology to support semantic

--- December 2006

E-Governance Standards
Phase I Phase II Phase III

Oct 06 Dec 06 March 07

1. Study of world data standards for its relevance

and extendibility in the context of Indian Scenario
(Ongoing process)
2. Initial Proposal from IEG(AP) on Metadata and Data

3. Review of the IEG Proposal by a Committee and

submitting of its report by Nov 15, 2006

4. Vocabulary lists -one for e-Gov services and other for

subject terminology. (Ongoing Process)

5. Documentation of activities of different subgroups

6. Pilot implementation of Metadata and data standards on project

E-Governance Standards
Roadmap to e-Gov Metadata &
Data Standards

Data Standards

XML Schema and XSLT for

domain specific services

Controlled Vocabulary

Identification of Metadata
Elements for Indian context
Evaluation of International
Metadata Standards Source: DRTC
E-Governance Standards
Members, including the Chairperson, of Working Group do not
respond to mails/request for review of documents

The Sub-Working Groups formed in the State Workshops, so far

have not even initiated any action

Most of the time of the Member Secretary goes in collaborating,

coordinating and communicating with the WG members, Sub
working groups etc. and very less time is available for technical

No manpower support is available from the e-Gov Secretariat

E-Governance Standards
Service Oriented Approach


Department 1 Department 2 Department 3

Service 1 Service 2 Service n

Data Elements Data elements Data elements

Data elements could be: Services:

Inputs from System/ Set of Common Data Elements
Department/ citizen Citizen centric (G2C)
Used for Processing Government Centric (G2G)
For Output
Business Centric (G2B)

E-Governance Standards
Localisation & Language Technology
WG4-Localisation and Language Technology

Development of Local Standards

Inputting Mechanisms


Variance in Unicode implementations in different

Operating Systems

Search Engine Support

E-Governance Standards
WG4-Localisation and Language Technology
Areas and Issues Identified
I. Operating System Support

Locales and Sorting

User Interface
Rendering on PC in Application/Browser : Display, Layout
Character Encoding : Unicode, ISCII
Inputting Methods
- Keyboard Layouts : Typewriter, Inscript, Phonetic
- Online Handwriting Recognition
- Text OCR
- Speech to Text

II. Editors for Web Support

Browser Support

E-Governance Standards
WG4-Localisation and Language Technology

III.Resources and Tools

Processing Resources : Spell Checker
- Language Resources : Dictionaries, Ontology, Glossary, Lexicon, Thesaurus
- Annotated Corpora: Text & Speech
Machine Translation
Transliteration (BARAHA software- Free ware, Internationalization Component for Unicode ICU)

IV. Search Engine Support

Google, Yahoo, MSN, LUCENE Raftar, Khoj etc.

V. Localised Applications
Interoperability between Platforms & Technologies

E-Governance Standards
Sl.No Area Current Issues/Status Destination Desired

1. OS Support

1.1 OS Support under Windows, Present Status : In Red Hat Linux :

Linux, MAC OS In Windows 2000/XP 12/22 Assamese, Bodo, Dogri,
constitutionally recognized Kannada, Konkani, Kashmiri,
Indian Languages support is Maithili, Manipuri, Nepali,
available. Sindhi, Santhali, Sanskrit,
(Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, Urdu Constitutionally
Kannada, Konkani, Malayalam, recognized languages -
Marathi, Punjabi, Sanskrit, support is not available
Tamil, Telugu & Urdu). In MAC OS X - 18/22
14/22 under Windows-Vista constitutionally recognized
added support for Oriya and languages support is not
Assamese. available.
In RedHat Linux 9/22 Desitination desired: all 22
constitutionally recognized constitutionally recognised
Indian Languages support is languages support must be
available. available in Windows, Linux
(Bangla, Gujarati, Hindi, and MAC OS.
Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, In Windows OS : Bodo,
Malayalam, Tamil & Telugu). Dogri, Kashmiri, Maithili,
In MAC OS X-4/22 Gujarati, Manipuri, Nepali, Sindhi,
Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil Santhali Constitutionally
constitutionally recognized recognized languages -
Indian Languages Support is support is not available
E-Governance Standards
1.2 Locales Data Available for 12/22 languages Detailed study to be
under Windows, 9/22 undertaken.
languages under Linux in
UTF-8 format.
Presently Locales data is
insufficient and not
accommodate Indian culture
specific requirements.
1.3 Sorting Presently sort order is on Sort order for all Indian
value. languages can be
standardized and
developers need to adhere
to it.
1.4 Encoding Unicode characters are almost 1.Constant
complete to suffice the interaction with
respective language Unicode for proper
requirements. representative of
1.Vedic Sanskrit code is being Indian languages.
evolved. 2.There has to be
2.Work for representing standards
recently recognized enforcement at State
constitutionally languages i.e. level.
Bodo, Maithili, Santhali& Dogri
are being initiated.

E-Governance Standards
1.5 Inputting Mechanism Present Status Typewriter keyboard
a)Keyboard Layouts a) Keyboard Layouts Any support as well as
b)Speech to Text Inputting method can be State level Language
c)Handwriting Recognition, Text used in Unicode enabled specific requirements
OCR and Other inputting OS. (KGP keyboard layout
mechanisms - INSCRIPT keyboard layout is for Kannada, TAM99
available at OS level. keyboard layout for
b) Speech to Text Shrutlekhan- Tamil) should be
Rajbhasha is available supported at
for Hindi language. operating system
c) Handwriting Recognition & level.
OCR - Technology under Note: Output of any user
development specific keyboard layout
must conform to Unicode
current version.

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards

1.6 Rendering on PC in For rendering Open Type fonts Rasterisation engine is not
Application/Browser rasterisation engine needs to be being implemented for all
built in to the OS. the 22 scheduled Indian
languages. Needs to be
implemented by OS
Collation standards needs to
be defined

1.7 Searching Character level search is Intelligent search engines

available. required to be developed,
Contextual based search and however a huge amount of
intelligent search engines are linguistic resources are
not available required to get a fairly good

07 November, 2006 National Informatics Centre

E-Governance Standards
E-Governance Standards

2. Content Creation

2.1 Content Creation Editors for 1.Lot of tools is now available

Desktop & Web for content creation in Indian
W3C :Markup languages languages.
Standard Generalized Markup 2.Products from C-DAC and
Language (SGML) old std. open source tools such as
Hypertext Markup Language Bharateeya OpenOffice can be
(HTML) used for the same
Extensible Markup Language
Extensible Hypertext Markup
Language (XHTML)
XLIFF XML Localization
Interchange File Format
TEI Text Encoding Initiative

2.2 Browser Support In IE6, IE7, FireFox, Netscape

etc. Indian Languages
support is available.

07 November, 2006 National Informatics Centre

E-Governance Standards
3. Resources & Tools

3.1 Processing Resources : Spell Available for most of the 1. Enhanced version of
Checker Indian languages but need spell checkers needed
to be bettered. 2. No attempt is made so
far for building
Grammar checker in
Indian languages

3.2` Language Resources : No Language Resources Needs to have a National

Dictionaries, Glossary, conforming to standards initiative for
Lexicon, Thesaurus, are available. development of
WordNet, Corpora: Text & Linguistic resources.
ISO : TermBase eXchange (TBX):
ISO : Terminology Markup
Framework (TMF)
ISO : Lexical Resource Markup
Framework (LRMF)
Encoding Standards
Corpus Encoding Standards
EAGLES:MATE Multilingual
Annotation Tools Engineering

E-Governance Standards
3.3 Machine Translation Research and Development in MT has
been underway at several
organizations in India.
i) English to Indian language MT
ii) Indian language to Indian language
MT Systems
iii) English has been the language of
choice in the foreign language
category among MT R&D community in
India. Efforts are concentrated around
building MT systems for English-Hindi
language pair. For Indian language to
Indian language translation systems
researches are focusing on developing
MT systems for Hindi and other Indian
iv) University of Hyderabad has
worked on an English-Kannada MT
system, using the Universal Clause
Structure Grammar (UCSG) formalism,
invented there. This is essentially a
transfer-based approach, and has
been applied to the domain of
government circulars.
v) Some other organizations are also
working in the area of Machine
Translation such as IIT Kanpur (using
Anglabharati approach), IIT Mumbai
(using Universal Networking Language-
UNL approach), Super Infosoft Pvt
(developed Anuvadak system), IBM,
Gurgaon (using Statistical approach),
E-Governance Standards IIIT- Hyderabad and University of
3.4 Transliteration For few Indian languages For database translations
INSORT Transliteration is available and is region specific knowledge is
ISO in use. required to build in the
While for Unicode based transliteration tools.
transliteration a separate add-on
utility is required to be built.

3.5 Database Support : Data Storage 1.If databases are Unicode Database vendors needs to
& Retrieval complaint then there are no give support to Indian
issues in regards with storage. language query mechanism
Most of the databases now Or
support Unicode. External API libraries may be
2. However, there are issues in developed for such purposes.
querying the data, searches &
sorting in Indian languages

E-Governance Standards
4. Search Engine Supporting Indian Languages (Google, Yahoo etc)
Presently character level Needed to be developed
W3C search is available in all as an plugin to the
major search engines. existing browsers as well
as development of server
based components for
language search and
appropriate intelligent
crawler for index
5. Localized Applications generation.

Open Office 1.C-DAC, GIST, Pune has

Works on Operating systems already taken the work of
which has language support localization of Bharateeya
such as Windows XP, Linux. Open Office for all
scheduled 22 Indian
2.Currently localized
versions for Tamil, Hindi &
Telugu are released.
3.Localized versions for
Kannada, Punjabi, Urdu,
Oriya, Assamese, Bengali,
Malayalam, Gujarati are
ready and awaiting for
4.Rest of the language
E-Governance Standards localization is in progress.
The Action Points that emerged are detailed below:

Timeline :

Sl. No Decision Action by Target Date

1. To Prepare the Sub Group with a 15th November, 2006

Guidelines for E- State Level
Governance member as
application Coordinator to be
development with constituted by
local language Member Secretary
support in consultation with
the Chair

2. Finalization of Draft Kewal Krishan 20th November,

in Indian Languages 2006

E-Governance Standards
We have uploaded the Draft of Indian Languages Standards on these
websites : , and
also sent the same to all Working group members as well as
members who have attended the Brainstorming sessions at various
So far we have received comments from
Shri V.N. shukla, CDAC, Noida
Prof. Rajeev Sangal
Prof. Jitendra Shah
Dr. Girish Nath Jha, JNU
Shri Sateesh Babu,
Dr. Mukul. K. Sinha

E-Governance Standards
Strategy for conversion of data from ISCII to UNICODE.
Long term goal for manpower development in language technology.
Release of free Tools and tools-kit for software developers.
Timely support and queries on Microsoft platform w.r.t. Indian Languages.
Road map for encouraging using of Indian Languages in E-Governance
applications as well as services.
Road map for transparent Interoperability as in case of Unicode.
Setu-dev as double byte ttf fonts may be a standard that will work with all
OSs, all browsers and all word processors.
Stop leakage of Govt. money in non standard and proprietary items.
Resolve Intra-language issues that still exists.
Plan out a strategy for i) conversion of existing corpora ii) conversion
software from ISCII to Unicode and ab-initio handling of Unicode.
Inter-operable with other Language systems and Inter-operable within Indic

E-Governance Standards
Quality and Documentation
WG 5-Quality & Documentation Standards
Scope and Areas identified

1.e-Governance Quality Manual

2.Conformity Assessment Framework
3.Standard Formulation Procedure , and Templates for documentation
4.Vocabulary of Standard e-Governance Terminology
5.Methodology for identification of best possible solutions
6.Preparation of Request For Proposal
7.e-Governance Project Life Cycle
8.SLAs for Information Services Delivery/Common Services Centres
9.e-Governance Projects Management
10.Outsourcing Management
11.Exit Management

12.Electronic Documents Management

E-Governance Standards
Layers of e-Governance Quality Assurance

People Citizen Business Government


Service Self Interactive services

Centre Service Kiosks
Service Service Categories
Service delivery

Front end

Technology and standards

Communication Architecture

Source: Quality Assurance

Rules, Procedures
Framework for E-Governance,
Business Processes STQC
Figure 1: Architecture of e-Governance
E-Governance Standards
e-Gov. Quality Manual Overview of
1. Requirement Identification
- Policy, Vision /Goals/ Objectives , Legal Issues Standardization
- Setting of Goals / Objective stakeholders & Roles
2. Conformance Guidelines Process
- Identification of Quality Parameters

3. Satisfaction Parameters from the perspective of Re-usability /

Transparency /Risk Reduction / Scalability
Generic ( Vertical )

Standards Formulation Procedure

Conformity Assessment A. General Description about Standards Process
Framework B. Roles and Responsibilities of various agencies

Checklist mechanism to ensure C. Stages of Standards formulation, Release, Maintenance

safety, productivity, A. Template for documentation of Standards

effectiveness and efficiency
A. Meta data elements of the document

Egwg1 egwg2 egwg3 egwg4 Egwg5

Network & Meta Data & Localization Quality and Technology &
Security: Data 3.1 Area 1 Documentation Archi.
1.1 Area 1 2. Area 1 3.2 Area 2 4.1 Area1 5.1 Area1
1.2 Area 2.. 2. Area 2.. 4.2 Area 2.. 5.2 Area 2
( Generic) ( Generic) ( Generic) ( Generic) ( Generic)

Documentation of of of Specific
Checklist Project
/ Application
/ Application
/ Application
e- e- e- (Horizontal)
for Compliance
for Compliance Governance
Governance Projects
for Compliance

E-Governance Standards
Evolution of a Standard



Standards, Checklists

E-Governance Standards
Identification and Allocation of areas to four sub working groups.

Setting of Priorities for completion of the tasks

Top priority to be given for e-Governance Standards

Formulation Procedure
( The duly approved procedure would be adopted by all working groups )

The Subgroups to work in collaboration with members from

Industry, Government, Private Players, subject experts and
Academic Institutes

E-Governance Standards
Key Recommendations
e-Governance Quality Assurance framework should be evolved at National level.

e-Governance Documentation Quality Standards should reach the grass roots

Documentation policy should reach district collectors, Academics, and industry

for smooth enforcement of standards

The formulated standards should be easy to understand and implement.

Best practices should be adopted to define standards.

The formulated standards should be in line with upcoming technology solutions

The standards should mainly fall in two categories:

a. For Developers
b. For Beneficiaries
Vertical / Horizontal Approach should be adopted

Existing Standards to be studied for evolving e-Governance Standards :


E-Governance Standards
Key Recommendations
Sub committees to be formed in priority areas such as
Health, Agriculture & Cooperation , Rural Development,
Judiciary and Education for evolving domain specific e-
Governance standards.

For implementing national e-Governance Projects, the

individual departments or institutes should adopt minimum
standards of documentation, quality and set procedures in
conformity with reputed certifying / quality

E-Governance Standards
Progress Report ( Phase 1)

Area Present Status Timeline for submission to

Apex Body for approval

Procedure for Standard Draft recommendation prepared, and in the Nov. end
Formulation stage of getting ready for review by Apex Body

SLAs for Information Draft document prepared and ready for review January 2007
Services Delivery / by WG members
Common Services Centres
Request For Proposal Initial Draft document getting ready March 2007

Quality Manual Initial preparatory work started

Conformity Assessment Initial Preparatory work being done March 2007


E-Governance Standards
Progress Report ( Phase 2)
Area Present Status Timeline for submission to Apex Body
for approval

Outsourcing Management

Electronic Records Management Initial preparatory work started

Project Life Cycle Initial preparatory work started

Vocabulary of Standard e- Started collecting definitions of

Governance Terminology various terminology in e-
Governance and Quality

E-Governance Standards
Progress Report ( Phase 3)

Area Present Status Present Status

Exit Management

Methodology for identification

of best possible solutions

e-Governance Projects

E-Governance Standards
Difficulties being encountered
No response to draft document except the members from DIT, STQC and NIC
No response by institutions who are being approached for subject experts to be
nominated as members
Even members identified in workshops are not getting involved actively
Member Secretaries not able to spend full time on this activities, as they have
their other responsibilities to be executed
In the capacity of Member Secretary, I feel I have subject knowledge, but not
subject expertise
No Administrative support

Note: In view of the above circumstances, it is difficult to assure quality and timely

E-Governance Standards

E-Governance Standards
To guarantee continuous flows of information between
Interoperability citizens,the federation and partners of the federation.

To establish similar approaches in providing components

and services,as well as in defining data models.

Possibility to use specification in the shape of public-

Openness access Documentation.

Accommodation of trends on the market and in

Cost and risk reductions international standardization bodies.

Ensuring applicability of the solutions when needs change

Scalability as to volume and frequency of transactions.

E-Governance Standards
Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communications
Systems (FoKUS) , Berlin for setting up an
Interoperability Lab :
To develop, evaluate and demonstrate interoperability between
ICT systems driven by different technologies based on Open
Standards and Open Interfaces
To Develop solutions and disseminate findings in application
To evolve proposals for eGovernment architecture

Interoperability Workshops at China,Vietnam and

SriLanka under UNDP

E-Governance Standards

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