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Tell me why?

Why do spiders make webs?

There are about 40,000 species of spiders . Most of these live on
land ,but some live in ponds and streams in order to capture their
prey . A spider make webs in order to capture their prey .A spider is
able to feel the vibrations of the web when an insect flies in it and
then runs quickly to catch it . At the tip of the nozzles called
spinnerets . These spinnerets produce a fine silk thread with help of
legs , the spider draws out the thread attaches it to branches and
gradually shapes it into the web . This is also called an orb web.
thread of the spider , s silk is
twice as strong as steel ,but at times it is 250 times
thinner than the human hair.
How is cancer caused?
The abnormal continuous growth of cells in the body .Every day
millions of new cells multiply and replace the older cells .However
,sometimes they grow even when they are not required .These
extra cells form large masses or lumps called tumours .Tumours
can be benign or malignant .Benign tumours are not cancerous
and do not spread to other tissues and organs .Cancers are of
several types , for eg- lung cancer ,throat cancer and blood
cancer .

A major volcanic can send boulders flying high inro the

air. These boulders called volcanic bombs, can be very
large when volcanoes erupt, they send out a variety of hot
materials including lava, tephra , ash and gases .These
materials form a huge cloud .Steam and sulphurous gases
are released and these can be extremely dangerous .Tephra
include pyroclasts [solid lava] and volcanic bombs.
Pyroclasts are big chunks of volcanic rock .They are
thrown out by explosive volcanoes .
Frogs are amphibians. Frogs are superb jumpers with long ,black legs
to protect them into the air .They catch fast moving insects with the
help of long sticky tongues. All frogs are not poisonous. Some have
developed a venom, which they use when they are attacked by the
predators .Cane toads are very large toads containing drugs .These
drugs contain hallucination if taken. The frogs are often called poison
arrow frogs or poison dart frogs indigenous people use their toxic
excretion to poison the tips of arrows and blow darts.
BITS OF FACTS : The Golden Frog is the poisonous frog on the earth .
The skin of one frog can kill 1000 people. .

Spiders belong to the class arachnids which include scorpions ,

ticks and mites .None of them are classified as insects because
unlike insects ,they have eight legs, no wings and eight eyes in
most cases, their eyesight is very poor. The most poisonous spider
is the black widow spider which can kill a child but it is a fact that
female eats the male after mating.
Snow is nothing but frozen water. We know that ice at has
no colour .Then how is it possible that the snow is white ?
The reason behind this is that each snowflake is made up
of large number of crystals of ice . These crystals of ice
have many surface .when light falls on the crystals , the
reflection the reflection from it makes the snow appear
white .Snow is formed when water vapour freezes ,clear
transparent crystals fall from the clouds in the cold
weather ,when the air is too cold to melt ice, Snow can be
hard to forecast because a fall in the temperature of
1degree centigrade and change rain into snow. s
The core of the earth is hot .The deeper you go under the crust of the earth ,the
higher is the temperature .Most of the rocks are found in the molten state. When
rocks melt, they expand and require more space. In some areas of the world
,mountain ranges have been formed. Under and close to these mountain ranges,
the pressure is less than elsewhere .It is a type of a weak spot in the surface of the
earths solid .The liquid rock known as the magma, expands into these areas and a
local reservoir of ,molten rock is made. This material goes up along the cracks
made by the uplift. When the pressure in the reservoir of the molten rock is
greater than the strength of the roof above , it explodes as a volcano .When a
volcano erupts it throws out hot ,gaseous liquid called lava or solid particles that
look like cinders and ash.
we usually drink water when our mouth or
throat become dry or when there is less
secretion of saliva by the salivary glands , but
we feel thirsty due to the following reasons :
We know that human body contains a certain
proportion of water and salt . Under normal
conditions ,the proportion of 2 materials get
disturbed .In order to balance the situation ,the
first centre situated at the brain sends
message to the throat .As a result we start
feeling thirsty and drink water. Feeling thirsty
is simply a human body's way of telling it to
replace its liquid supply .This is a sensation
which begins when `2-3 % of fluid in a human
body is dehydration .An average adult requires
How is ozone layer being affected?
The ozone layer of the atmosphere protects the life on
the earth from severe force of the sun`s ultraviolent
radiation .The ozone layer forms the region of
atmosphere from 19-48 km above the earth`s surface
.This layer is formed by the action of sunlight and oxygen
.The loss of ozone is caused by manufactured gases like
chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs which move up through the
air and combine with ozone . CFCs reach the stratosphere
and are broken down by ultraviolent radiations .The
chlorine atoms within them are released which directly
attack ozone .The ozone destroying reactions takes place
most rapidly under conditions like extreme cold ,darkness
and isolation followed by exposure to light .These
conditions occur over the polar regions after long polar
winter is over and first spring has appeared.
How Does Our Brain Work?
The brain is the most crucial part of a human body .It is
also called the regulator of the body .It is the main part
of the nervous system. It receives messages from the
nervous system , sends instruction to the muscles and
regulates all functions of the body .The human brain is
divided into three main regions - cerebrum , cerebellum
and medulla .The cerebrum is the largest part of the
brain .It controls thinking ,reasoning and memory. The
cerebellum is the second largest part of the brain , co-
ordinates the movement and balance of the body .The
medulla or the brain stem is a small region at the base
which controls and processes the involuntary activities
Birds do not have any teeth . In order to catch and cut its food,
birds have beaks. A beak is also used for cleaning the feathers and
picking up tiny parasites like lice and insects. Depending on the
type of the food a bird eats , the shape of the beak differs.

BITS OF FACTS: The longest beak is that of the Australian Pelican .

It has its beak of about 50 cm in length . A pelican has a huge
pouch on its beak , which is used as a fishing net to hold fish and
water .
BITS OF FACTS : The bird which covers the longest distance is the
Arctic Tern .It covers a distance of about 50,000 km each year .It
flies from the north of the Arctic Circle southwards across the
equator to the Antarctic Circle.
The characteristics of individual human beings are passed from one
generation to the next in their chromosomes. Each of our parents gives 23
chromosomes, making 46 in all that means one is often dominant. We see
the effect of dominant gene, but the other recessive gene is still there an can
be passed on to our children .chromosomes are tiny threads present in all
cells apart from red blood cells .They contain all the information for an
entire person to develop .There is a special pair that specially determines the
person be it a girl or a boy.
Each gene carries the instrument of specific characteristic , such as an eye
colour .Many of these genes work with other genes , so it is not easy to say
what effects they will have .Scientists are currently studying genes in a
human cell , which will give them the complete blueprint for a human
Tell me why?
why are volcanic eruption s dangerous?
A major volcanic eruption can send boulders flying high into the
air .These boulders called volcanic bombs, can be very large .
When volcanoes erupt , they send out a variety of hot materials
including lava ,tephra ,ash and gases. These material form a huge
cloud. Steam and sulphurous gases are released and these can be
extremely dangerous. Tephra includes pyroclasts [solid lava] and
volcanic bombs. Pyroclasts are big chunks of volcanic rock. They
are thrown out by explosive volcanoes.

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