Dianna Fearl Rogar Angie Superiano: Reporter

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Dianna Fearl Rogar

Angie Superiano
A Basic Technique
in Reading
For a long time, reading specialists
grappled with the problem of finding ways in
which the mind can effectively work in
perceiving reading symbols. In general, they
perceived that the poor reader loafs along the
print material, compared with the excellent
reader whose eyes race over the lines
gathering meaningful ideas at each glance on
the printed page. In time, experts fond out
that the reader should cultivate thee habit of
reading for ideas, and not read one word at a
time thinking of the meaning of separate
words. This was described by experts as
seeing the woods for the trees.
Let the eye movements
take care of themselves, the
experts added to say. What
must be done, they
suggested, is the adoption of
the habit of picking up one
complete thought after
another. Let u therefore
illustrate this learning idea
from a text borrowed from the
book College thinking, by
* Active/ reading/ not/ only/ produces/
understanding/ but/ allows/ you/ to/
appreciate/ the/ text/ as/ a/ work/ of/ art./
Just as you admire/ the composition of a
painting/, a sculpture/, a building/, or a
dance/, so you can/ and should admire/ the
composition/ of a painting/, a sculpture/, a
building/, or a dance/.
And so you can and should admire/ the
composition of a text- the harmony and
shapeliness of the whole,/ the way in which
the parts fit together, refer to one another,
and support each other,/ the avoidance of
excess, the balance of elements./
Children who are retarded readers may present a
complex problem involving physical impediments,
emotional distress, or teaching methods. A child
withspecificreading disability has spatial confusion,
an exaggeration or persistence of a normal childhood
tendency to reversal of letters and symbols,
ambidexterity, normal intelligence, and poor visual
recall of words. Children with these characteristics fail
to learn to read in a teaching system in which the main
emphasis is on visual associations. Treatment of such
reading difficulties, as well as prophylactic measures,
is outlined.

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