Youthintopolitics PPT 130707062102 Phpapp01

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What is Politics?...
Reasons -the youth are not interested in the political field
Role of Youth In Politics
Most secrets Of Politics
Lets Participate in Politics
What is Politics?...
The activities associated with the governance of a
country or area.
In politics, a mandate is the authority granted by
a constituency to act as its representative
Politicians can also be criticized for becoming
"career politicians".
A politician who makes politics the source of their
Reasons -the youth are not interested in the
political field
.First reasons:
They are not understanding :
what they are doing ?
How the country is being governed?
The youth of modern India are aware of the
problems facing our country and the world at
Given a chance they would be ready to change the
political condition of the country for better.
Second reason may be that young people are not
given opportunities to prove themselves claiming
that they are not equipped with experience to
participate actively in the governance of the
This reason seems to be more logical seeing the
monopoly of old leaders in almost all the major
political parties of the country.
Old people should realize that proper development
can take place only when they make way for
younger people to take control of the activities.
Role of Youth in Politics
India has large productive and young population as her
There are a few things which I would like to suggest.
There should be a retirement age for politicians as
well which may be around 65 years. There should also
be some literacy for politicians. How can we give those
illiterates the key to our country whom we can not
give the key to our house? People with serious criminal
background should not be allowed to contest elections.
As for the youth of our country, they can contribute
in more ways than just contesting elections. Much can
be done in areas like educating people, raising
awareness about various social ills, and many other
We can just wish that the next time we go to vote we
find more names of youngsters who can make our country
a better place to live in.
Most Secret of Politics
The country desperately needs some young leaders
who personify energy, enthusiasm, morality, and
No doubt we have progressed a lot in the last 62
years but the development pace would have been
completely different had some young torchbearers
led this process of development.
. Nowadays we have only a handful of young leaders
like Rahul Gandhi, Sachin Pilot, Varun Gandhi etc,
but they are in the political scenario because they
belong to influential political families.
It is next to impossible to find a young leader
with no political family background in the furor of
Why is it so that people below 50 years are
considered as political kids?
Lets Participates in Politics
We put the blame on the government and our
elected members whenever we see or feel that
our representatives are not doing their job
But, more than 50 per cent of population does not
take part in the political process of our country.
Thus we have no right to blame anyone except
We all feel that the system needs to be changed
but we dont want to take the responsibility on our
In our country the chief posts are
mostly occupied by the politicians
above 50 years of age.
The Person in the picture is Nanaji
Deshmukh who worked under the
regime of Moraji Desai.
He was born in 1916,He retired at the
age of 60,that is he retired
How many of our politicians are just
like this Great Personality???...
If we want to see a better India, it is time to take
We have to build a foundation now for a prosperous
Unless youth feel concerned and gets involved in
politics at all stages, we cannot expect a nation to grow.
Remember, it is not good for a nation when its citizens
only complain and expect someone else to fix their
Do You know there is 57% of the youth dont vote..

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