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Confirm desired outcomes, parameter and methodology for the study:

Creating and implementing rules and regulation for this natural spot and to
help the city of Alaminos to sustain the Hundred Island National Park
Increase the growth rate of Visitors and its popularity In other country
Establish a draft set of desirable conditions for tourism on a destination:
Economic : from 364,577 tourist to have more than 500,000 visitors
Social : Visitors will gain more friends
Environmental : Educate tourist to conserve and preserve and give importance
to the beauty of Hundred Islands
Visitors Experience : Aside from swimming, some activities are offered such as
paddling or kayaking, snorkelling, camping, trekking, spelunking, cliff diving,
parasailing, helmet diving, jet skiing, wall climbing, photo shoots, and zip lines.
Investigate indicators that could be measured to suggest the status of the
optimal conditions:
The city of alaminos will gain popularity due to the uniqueness beauty shown
by hundred islands
It will create more business opportunities near the hundred islands
Hundred islands attract more visitors because of the activities that are offered
Tourist may learn to give importance in preserving natural resources
Different organizations will help to pressure to protect the biodiversity of
hundred islands.
Generate a set of tourism scenarios that could be faced on the destination in the
near future:
We may be able to face hardships regarding to its geographical topography
Some of the visitors may not abide the rules and regulations and it may results
to pollution
Investigate how the indicators could be measured in a simple, reliable and cost
effective manner:
Listing down all the profile of the visitors
You will see the result of the indicator if and only if it is effective of the
following optimal conditions
Decide on a select group of optimal conditioning
Hundred Islands attract more tourist because of the
activities provided and listing and gathering all the
demographic profile of the visitors to know if the activities
and facilities are appropriate to them.
Monitoring methods : Observation, talking with people,
monitoring work performance and output, employee
survey, finance recording, questionnaire and feedback
Start the development of the implementation plan
Comparing the optimal conditions and the monitoring data:

OPTIMAL CONDITIONS The city of alaminos will gain popularity due to the
uniqueness beauty shown by hundred islands
It will create more business opportunities near the
hundred islands
Hundred islands attract more visitors because of
the activities that are offered
Tourist may learn to give importance in preserving
natural resources
Different organizations will help to pressure to
protect the biodiversity of hundred islands.

INDICATORS Listing down all the profile of the visitors

You will see the result of the indicator if and only if
it is effective of the following optimal conditions

MONITORING METHOD Observation, talking with people, monitoring work

performance and output, employee survey, finance
recording, question are and feedback sheets

BENCHMARK STATUS Comparing the optimal conditions and the

monitoring data

Refine the model by testing it using scenario already
Produce the performance of a version of the model
Launch the model within a consultation draft report
Refine the model
Produce the final input
Alternative Scenarios and Potential Benefits:


Alaminos City Government To identify the improvements that they have

done and the improvements that they still
need to work on.
Residents of Alaminos City To motivate them in helping with the
improvement of the Hundred Islands National
Tourists The accommodation and other tourism
products and services will have an opportunity
to create a business.

To update them about the improvements and

current status of the Hundred Islands National
Entrepreneurs To inform them of potential sites where they
can establish their businesses.

Future researchers To use this research as a basis for future studies

concerning the Hundred Islands National Park.
Criteria used to select indicators:


Degree of relationship with actual They need to have a clear and good
tourism activity relationship with the tourism activity

Utility Generates additional insights and more

relevant information

Availability of data The data needs to be accessible

Cost to collect and analyze Additional human resources to collect and

Summary of Working Components:
The Hundred Islands is located in the province of Alaminos, Pangasinan, 250
kilometer away from Manila. It is composed of One Hundred Twenty-three islands
and islets. It is the first National Park in the country. However, there are only Twenty-
eight islands have its own name; mostly are named after prominent persons and only
Three out of these Twenty-eight islands were developed for tourists to prevent the
destruction of the natural serene of the National Park. Nevertheless, just like any
other islands, it faces environmental problems such as Domestic Waste, Fisheries,
Solid Waste Disposal, Loss of most of the Corals, Coral Bleaching, as well as the
establishments of Fishpond Dikes made up of white corals. If these practices will
continue, it is possible that the wonder of this natural tourist destination will be
destructed soon..
The increased contributions of communities to locally managed ecotourism create
viable economic opportunities, including high level management positions, and
reduce environmental issues associated with poverty and unemployment. Because
the hundred island experienced marketed to a different lifestyle from large scale
ecotourism, the development of facilities and infrastructure does not need to
conform to be much simpler and less expensive. There is a greater multiplier effect
on the economy, because local products, materials, and labor are used. Profits accrue
locally and import leakages are reduced.
Report Chart:




148,458 140,258 145,200


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2014 2015

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