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African Culture

By Necula Daniel,Moraru George.Moise Flavius,Nicolae

Gabriela and Mutu Andrei
First things first

Africa is the world's second-largest and second-most-

populous continent
Africa hosts a large diversity of ethnicities, cultures and
Africa is considered by most paleoanthropologists to be
the oldest inhabited territory on Earth
Short History
The written History of Africa begins in the 4th millennium BC with the rise
of Egyptian civilization.
The Romans colonized all of North Africa in the first century BC.
In 1487, Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias made his stamp on the history of
Africa by becoming the first European to reach the southernmost tip of Africa.
In the last quarter of the 19th century, lines of partition were drawn across Africa
marking possessions of Germany, France, Britain and other Great Powers.
African history is harsh and brutal - even to this day conflict exists in between the
African tribes and the different ethnic groups.
In a continent as ethnically and culturally diverse as Africa, it comes as no surprise
that the literature that has emerged from it be equally diverse and multifaceted.
African literature consists of a body of work in different languages and various
genres, ranging from oral literature to literature written in colonial languages
Oral literature, including stories, dramas, riddles, histories, myths, songs, proverbs,
and other expressions, is frequently employed to educate and entertain children.
One of the worlds most widely recognized and praised writers, Chinua Achebe
wrote some of the most extraordinary works of the 20th century.
The traditional beliefs and practices of African people include
various traditional religions. Generally, these traditions are oral rather than
scriptural, include belief in a supreme creator, belief in spirits, veneration of
the dead, use of magic,and traditional medicine.
Islam is the religion of 1.5% of South Africans, Hinduism that of 1.2%,
African traditional belief 0.3%, Judaism 0.2% and other beliefs 0.6%. In
terms of population groups, Christianity is most common among white and
coloured South Africans, being the faith of 86.8% of the people in both
Now talking about food
Traditionally, the various cuisines of Africa use a combination of locally
available fruits, cereal grains and vegetables, as well as milk and meat
products, and do not usually get food imported. In some parts of the
continent, the traditional diet features a lot of milk, curd and whey products.
In some areas, traditional peoples consume the milk and blood of cattle, but
rarely the meat. Elsewhere, other peoples are farmers who grow a variety of
grains and vegetables. Maize (corn) is the basis of ugali, the local version of
West Africa's fufu. Ugali is a starch dish eaten with meats or stews
Some of the most popular food in Africa

Biltong. Cured meat exported all over Africa, originally from South Africa.
Jollof rice.
Nyama Choma/ Braaivleis /Mechoui. ...
Traditions and Customs
One traditional custom in African culture is that of lobola, where the
groom pays the father of the bride in order to compensate for the loss
of the mans daughter.
The wedding is held at night when the moon is full..... It is considered
bad luck if the wedding takes place when the moon is not bright.
A man can have as many wives as he can afford and the wives share
the responsibilities of the daily chores
Interesting facts about Africa

1.There are 54 countries and one non-self governing

territory, the Western Sahara, in Africa.
2.The Pharaonic civilization of ancient Egypt is one of the
worlds oldest and longest-lasting civilizations.
3. Africa is the second most populous continent with about
1.1 billion people or 16% of the worlds population. Over 50%
of Africans are under the age of 25 .
4. The continent has the largest reserves of precious metals
with over 40% of the gold reserves, over 60% of the cobalt,
and 90% of the platinum reserves.
5. Africa has eight of the 11 major biomes and the largest-
remaining populations of lion, elephant, rhinoceros,
cheetah, hyena, leopard and hundreds of other species.

According to many African

The Yoruba people
myths, the creation of believe that a man's
heaven precedes the success or failure in life
creation of earth and man depends on the choices
was created before the he made in heaven
animals. before his birth.
So you want to know where did we found those informations?No
problem,here are some of our sources.
That`s it,thank you for the attention

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