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O Renu Kumari-74
O Monika Yadav-106
O Priyanka Bhat-68
O Bhagwad Geetha-82
O Meghna Kotian-92
O Aayushi Gupta-84
O An attitude is mental state of readiness
learnt and organized through experience,
exerting a specific influence on persons
response to people, object and situations
with which it is related.
Components of Attitude
O The ABC model
Adjustment Value expressive

Functions of attitude

Ego defensive Knowledge

Types of Attitude
O Job Satisfaction - A collection of positive and or
negative feelings that an individual holds toward
his or her job

O Job Involvement Identifying with the job, actively

participating in it, and considering performance
important to self-worth

O Organizational Commitment Identifying with a

particular organization and its goals, and wishing to
maintain membership in the organization
CognitiveDissonance Theory
Why might attitude matter at
O Because attitude to work and/or employing
organization might affect
O Whether a person seeks a new job
O How co-operative they are with others at
O Whether they present a positive image of
the organization to client or customer
O How they react to change
O How hard they work(motivation)
O Attitude do not predict a single behaviour
O Attitude are related to multiple behaviour
O Attitude influence behaviour through
influencing intension
O Intention is the better predictor of behaviour
O In order to understand intentions and
behaviour, need to know about beliefs and
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