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MoDULE7 ‘Mem and improving concentration Won Wan (Renayarsh Kanan Sains Komputer) ‘What we can get after study about this topic. ‘Momory proves Strategy to memories Concentrate How to improve the stateay © sntunaa ifeamsmor i th ability ofthe mind to soe and seal at Reading and study meatod sensations, thovets inowiedse © We saves the memory in the brain. © In commuter memory calle storage which information is stored for immediate use by the central processing unit. Memory computer can be saved in kanisk orn pends, *In computers, encoding is the process of putting = sequence of characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, ‘and cartain symbols) into a specialized format for efficient transmission or storage. ‘In human lifeyencoding data is just ike writing or reading something with 5 senses and saved in memory. "in computer storage is an electronic memory device; "a memory and the CPU form the central part of computor to which peripherals are attached, ‘Inhuman life;storege is place that we use to save our mamory although sensory memary (SMI, snort term ‘memory (STM) or long term memory (LTM). + In computeryetrievalis the process of accessing information from memery or other storage devices just like printer. ‘In human life,retrieval is the process to pulling the Information in memory ust ike calling to someone: ‘and vrriting the notes Derg Teed CCC Ce

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