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Dhere Vikas

MBA 1st year

Body language is the language transmitted by gestures
and postures
How you physically present yourself to others
Body language is the language transmitted by posture,
cloths, gesture and facial expressions
Body language is non verbal communication where
messages are sent through postures, eye contacts,
movements, usage of space and change in the
intonation of voice etc instead of using words speech
to communicate
Body language
Body language
The study of body language is also called kinesics
derived from the Greek word Kinesis meaning
body language operates on all three states of human
consciousness, i.e. conscious state, subconscious state
and unconscious state.
Types of body language
Types of body language
Positive body language: head level, eye contact,
hands down
Negative body language: look down, look away,
step back
Neutral body language: not react
Parts of body language
Gestures, body postures, eye movements, facial
expressions are parts of the body language
Gesture: 1)Gesture refers to a movement of part of
the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an
idea or meaning.
only involve a part of the body. Can be used to replace
the words. Can be used to replace words. Can be used
to indicate attitude and emotions.
Posture: postures refers to the position of a persons
body or body parts
involves the whole body. Do not replace words. Can
be reveal confidence level, mood and attitude
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