Charity of Oprah Winfrey2

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Oprah Winfrey

American television host, actress, producer,

philanthropist and entrepreneur Oprah Gail Winfrey
Oprah Winfreys life
Born in 1954. by mistakes of tow young Teena.
Father and Mother never married.
Wrong Name was given instead of Ruth or Orpah.
Live with her Grandmother in the farm, with animal as only friends.
Oprahs family was so poor when she was a kid her clothes were made of
potato sacks
6 Years, send Back to mother to stay with her tow Sibling in poor and
Dangerous area, and at 8 years Oprah send to live with her father and within
one years return to live with her mother leaving the safety of her fathers

Repeated sexual abuse since 9 years by trusted friend of her mother.

Becoming pregnant at 14; her son died in infancy and she lost to be mother.
(had chosen not to be a mother because she had not been mothered well)

Ffirst half sister died of causes related to cocaine addiction at 43 Y,

Winfrey's half-brother, who died of AIDS-related causes in 1989

Anyone can go from rags to riches. Dont look to your past

Oprah Winfreys life 2.5 Years with Help of Grandmother , Oprah able to
Entertained herself by "playacting" in front of an
"audience" of farm animals.
Skipping kindergarten by writing an notes to teacher
and Promoted to third Grade after.
AT12 Year, with Father, making speeches at social
gatherings and churches. one time earned five hundred
dollars for a speech.
Father saved her life. complete weekly book reports,
no sinner without five new vocabulary words.
Winfrey became an honours student, was voted
We are each
responsible for
Most Popular Girl, and joined her high school speech
our own life team at East Nashville High School, placing second in
no other the nation in dramatic interpretation.
person is or At 16, She won an oratory contest and got full
even can be. scholarship from TSU . Miss Black Nashville and Miss

At 17 she work as reporter for local radio station.

1.What I know is, is that if you do
work that you love, and the work
fulfills you, the rest will come.
What I know for sure is that if you want success, you cant make success your
goal. The key is not to worry about being successful, but to instead work
toward being significant, and the success will naturally follow.
The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on
significance--and then even the small steps and little victories
along your path will take on greater meaning."
15 Inspiring Business Lessons from Oprah Winfrey

1.) Be True to Your Self

2.) Respond to Prejudice with Excellence
3.) If You Havent Fallen, You Havent Walked
4.) Find the Good in the Bad
5.) Challenge the Status Quo
6.) Follow Your Gut
7.) Make Your Own Luck
8.) Help Yourself by Helping Others
9.) Say Thank You More
10.) Know How to Slow Down
11.) Choose Your Friends Wisely
12.) There is No Big Secret
13.) Its Easier to Succeed While Doing What You Love
14.) Own Everything You Do
15.) Youre In Charge

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