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A Journey towards

Procurement Excellence
Guide to Creation of Purchase Requisitions
Step 1: Follow the menu path to access the Create PR Transaction (ME51N)

Alternatively, access the Transaction (ME51N) thru the menu bar

KSA Procurement
Step 3: Select the appropriate PR Document Type (A).

Step 4: Complete the PR Header mainly consisting of Header Text. Under the Header
Text will have the basic instruction to the buyer (B).

Text entered in the Header Note is not defaulted to the RFQ or PO. See Item Overview Text Tab
For PR generated from Work Order Process (IW) and for Stock Replenishment (MRP) the PR Document Type shown
above should not be used.

KSA Procurement
Step 4: Complete the Item Overview

Field Explanation
Item Defaulted to Series of 10, 20 etc.
A Account Assignment Category (K = Cost Center, A = Asset, P = Project, etc.)
I Item Category. Enter D if requirement is services or leave blank for material. If D is entered,
it will display a Service Tab to enter the Service Item Master and other details.
Material Enter a valid Material No. (Refer to Material Master Catalogue)
Short Text Defaults Short Text from the Material Master. For Services enter a brief description of services
Quantity Enter a number or quantity to be ordered. Leave blank if services
UoM Defaults from Material Master. Leave blank if services
Crcy Defaults to local currency. Enter a currency if other than Saudi Riyals
Val. Price If NLAG, enter the price estimate.
Total Value Leave blank. System will calculate (Qty x Est. Price)
Plant Enter a Plant
Tracking No. If desired enter your tracking to monitor PR status after released to Procurement
Delv.Date Enter a date (Refer to Inbound Logistic Matrix)

KSA Procurement
Step 4: Complete the Item Overview (cont.)

Field Explanation
PGr Enter a buyer Code. Refer to Commodity-Buyer Matrix. Use ONLY Numeric Code. For urgent
requirement the Buyer Code (PGr) to be used shall be 028 ONLY.
Matl Group Enter a Material Group Code Refer to Commodity-Buyer Matrix
Material Group is assigned to specific buyer well versed with the purchase requirements under such
material grouping. Determine the Material Group of the nature of your requirement.
Created Identifies the individual creating the PR. Default to user ID
Requisnr Enter a name of person if requestor other than you.
ReqmtPrior Priority Level (Default depending on the Requirement Urgency Level.
Reqmnt Level of Urgency. Refer to IMRS Element 02

Where the Level is Risk 3 or 4, please attach Hazard Analysis Report as explained under IMRS 02

KSA Procurement
Step 5: Complete the Item Details Tab
Service Tab If D is entered under Item Category (Item Overview), Service Tab is
displayed to enter the data.

Field Explanation

Service No. Enter a Service Item No. Refer to Service Master Catalogue. For Urgent requirement use below number
Short Text If Service Item No. not available, enter a short text describing the services required
Quantity Normally enter 1. If item is covered by Outline Agreement, enter the equivalent figure of the order
amount and default the gross price to SR 1.00
Un Enter a Unit of Measure. Normally enter AU (Activity)
Crcy Default the currency entered in the Item Overview
Cost Center If Account Category is K (Cost Center) enter a valid Cost Center. In this illustration K is utilized.

Note: Use the following Service No. for urgent requirements

Emergency Requirements Urgency Level Priority Level
SV20 028 3001491 Emergency Request - Very High Risk AU 001 01
SV20 028 3001492 Emergency Request - High Risk AU 001 02
SV20 028 3001493 Emergency Request - Substantial Risk AU 001 03
SV20 028 3001494 Emergency Request - Possible Risk AU 001 04
SV20 028 3001495 Emergency Request - Acceptable Risk AU 001 04
Note: For Priority Level 03 to 04, Please attached to the PR approved copy of HZOP Report (Refer to IMRS-02)

KSA Procurement
Step 5: Complete the Item Details Tab
Limits If desirable, set the values to limit the expected spend value

As per Tasnee Policy, request to purchase a direct consumption materials or services is subject to financial
approval as per the approved Master Approval Schedule (MAS), hence this application will not apply to Tasnee
procurement practice.

Business Partner
Step 5: Complete the Item Details Tab
Material Data All fields are defaulted from the Material Master or Service Master.

Note: If desired you can override the default values but not advisable

Quantities/Dates All fields are defaulted.

Note: In this TAB, you can only revalidate the Delivery Date initially entered from the Item Overview

Business Partner
Step 5: Complete the Item Details Tab
Valuation All fields are defaulted.

Account Assignment All fields are defaulted.

If the cost is allocated to different Cost Center/GL or any type of Account, update and assign a quantity or
percentage otherwise values are defaulted from the Item Overview

Business Partner
Step 5: Complete the Item Details Tab
Source of Supply (Valid Outline Agreement)

Depending on how the Outline Agreement is structured (e.g. Plant Distribution, etc.), this Tab is populated by
default meeting the following criteria:
The Material or Service is covered by Outline Agreement
The Target Value of Outline Agreement is valid
The Validity of the Contract.
Outline Agreement includes Plant Distribution
If the Agreement is not defaulted, click the to assign a source. If there are more than
1 Outline Agreements, system will display to select. If Outline Agreement is known, enter directly in the Agreement
Field and no need to click Assign Source of Supply.

KSA Procurement
Step 5: Complete the Item Details Tab
Status Default Value based on the current status of the PR

Contact Person Default Values. Indicate to buyer the Contact Person


Note: If desired you can override the default values but not advisable unless incorrect entry made in the Item
Overview. Changes in this TAB will update the entries in the Item Overview

KSA Procurement
Step 5: Complete the Item Details Tab
Text Enter the full description of items to be purchased if other than Inventory
(Warehouse) Item.

The text you entered in the PR Header Text is meant for instructing the buyer handling the order. Text not
captured in the RFQ or later, in the PO.

Text entered in the TEXT Tab are defaulted to the RFQ thus reduces buyer task of encoding the description of the
material (Generic NLAG) or Services. To provide full details of requirements, attach Scope of Work (SOW),
Drawings, Specification, etc., as shown:

KSA Procurement
Step 5: Complete the Item Details Tab
Delivery Address Defaults on the Plant entered in the Item Overview. If needs
to be delivered other than the default data, update the fields.

Step 6: Review your entries and execute SAVE or click the icon
Step 7: If you are creating a Temporary PR, attached signed and approved copy of
Manual PR and execute ME54N to release the PR to Procurement


KSA Procurement
The aim and purpose of this guidelines is to provide our valued end users the basic steps in
the proper preparation of Purchase Requisitions.
This guideline applies to all types of requisitions except for WO and MRP generated PR, the
document type specified in this guidelines will not apply. WO generated PR generates
Document Type tailored for each Section/Department as these are subject to approval
whereas ZTPR document type does not require approval as per the Master Approval
Schedule (MAS).
PR with document type ZTPR only requires ME54N or ME55 by the PR creator. Hence it is a
mandatory that the PR creation under ZTPR document type shall be covered by a duly
approved manual PR document (Form No. FO-PR-PUR-0001) subject to Master Approval
Schedule (MAS).
Urgent requirement, any other requirements for services shall follow Procedure PR-PNC-
PUR-01 (Purchase Requisition Procedure), except specific PGr and Product ID (Service Item
Master) shall be applied.
The target to convert PR into Purchase Order is 15 Working Days for normal requirements
and 5 Working Days for urgent requirement provided PR released to Procurement have all
the necessary information to process into Purchase Order. Refer to Purchase Requisition
Procedure available in the eDMS.

KSA Procurement
List of Buyer assigned PGr and Material Group Description

KSA Procurement
Material Group & Sub Group with Corresponding PGr Code

KSA Procurement
Caption of Service Item Master

KSA Procurement
Display NLAG Type Materials


KSA Procurement

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